Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 549


The old man was so sweet by the baby's soft and waxy voice that his bones were almost crisp. Involuntarily, he put his hand around the little guy's waist. Looking at him, he seemed to want to hold the baby up.

Baby aware of his intention, a small hand hastily push, very quickly from the old man's arms drilled out.

"Baby..." the old man who was rejected was very sad. He was just rejected by his granddaughter. Even the six-year-old boy didn't like him?

"My Lord, you are too old to hold your baby! Mommy said, "when you are old, your bones will become loose and brittle. You can't hold a child casually. You are eighty-five years old, and your bones can't stand it...."

The misunderstood baby doesn't know that he accidentally hurt the old man's red heart, but he seriously teaches the old man who is still secretly sad.

The old man's face changed from worry to joy. Then he realized that he was not unpopular with the little guy. On the contrary, the little guy was worried about himself!

"Good! Good! If you don't hold it, hold it, OK The old man tried to hold the baby's hand. Seeing that he didn't object, he took him to the living room.

The baby is in a good mood, holding the old man's hand high. However, he has changed his usual habit of walking and jumping, carefully cooperating with the old man's pace and slowly walking into the living room.

"Master, you must remember what baby said to you just now! Baby grandfather is not careful, will break the leg

The old man used to have a lot of contact with Mr. Ji. After hearing the little guy's words, he looked at Ji Rui in surprise, "your father broke his leg? When did it happen? "

Ji Rui didn't blame the baby for being talkative. He just said, "well, I fell down the stairs not long ago."

"Why are you so careless?"

The old man frowned. Once upon a time, the old man regarded Mr. Ji as an opponent and said that it was not too much to treat each other as an eyesore.

But now, because of Letong and Baobao, the father of the Ji family, in his eyes, is in laws. The old man is also a happy person. Since he is in laws now, all the festivals in the past have been wiped out.

And he, caring for his in laws, that's the most normal thing, isn't it?

Ji Rui is also used to seeing the world. Therefore, he is not surprised at the obvious change of his attitude towards the old master.

"Get up early in the morning and get dizzy." Ji Rui gave a seemingly perfunctory but irrefutable answer.

"Dizzy?" The old man didn't quite believe the answer.

"Yes, my grandfather said that he was old and dizzy was a common occurrence."

At the beginning, Mr. Ji was afraid that his clever grandson would not believe what he said. He really emphasized it again and again. Therefore, Baobao believed it.

The old master was thinking about something, and the baby looked at him and said seriously, "you are not young, old master. You should be careful when you go in and out."

The old man was so sweet and coaxed by his close great grandson that the depressed people in his heart seemed to have seen the snow in the hot sun and gradually melted away.

"I know..."

Except for Yang Sheng, a seemingly rebellious grandson, no one in the Yang family really cares about his old bone.

The old man was still immersed in the moving atmosphere. The baby turned and picked up a small dish of dim sum on the tea table and brought it to him respectfully.

"My Lord, have some snacks. Mommy said that the old people should have more snacks to ensure adequate nutrition supply and not overload their stomach."

These words are really what Letong said to the baby. At that time, it was because of Mr. Ji. At this time, it was said by the baby's mouth, but it seems that Letong said it specifically for the old man.

This let the old master gave birth to an illusion, Yue Tong that wench is also very concerned about him this old bone actually.

However, she was embarrassed to show it, so she had to convey it through her baby's mouth and words and deeds.

Yang Sheng sits beside Ji Rui and looks at the baby's series of heart warming actions all the way. He secretly gives the little guy a thumbs up.

The baby had to squeeze his eyes toward him, and then he saw the old man enjoying his dutiful snacks with a smile. Then he ran to Letong and bowed his head, and "booed" at Niuniu's bulging face.

"Mommy, is Niuniu fat again?"

The little guy kneels in front of the sofa, holding his cheek in both hands and looking at Letong askew.

Letong stares at the little guy's blinking eyes, thinking, what ghost idea does the little guy want to make?

"Silly boy, Niuniu is so small now. It's normal for her to grow meat every day."

Although Letong herself has no experience in raising children, she has read a lot of parenting programs and books. She knows that it is normal for a healthy newborn baby to gain 200-250 grams a week.

Baby "Oh..." to answer the voice, hand skillfully just finished eating milk burping Niuniu picked up.

The baby picked up Niuniu and gently bumped on the aisle, and began to hum the children's songs that Letong didn't understand to coax Niuniu.

After listening for a while, the old man waved to the little guy.

The baby carefully hugged the girl and walked over, "baby, let the master hug the girl."

The baby hesitated for a moment, looked back at Letong and asked, "Mommy, Niuniu is so small and light, so it doesn't matter if you let me hold her?"

Letong hesitated for a moment. Of course, the reason for her hesitation was different from that of her baby. She hesitated because she was afraid that she would refuse even such a small request. The old man was probably very sad.


Seeing that Letong finally nodded, the old and the young were relieved at the same time.

Carefully put Niuniu into the old man's arms. The baby runs between Yang Sheng and Ji Rui, and climbs up like a monkey, with his left and right hands holding Ji Rui and Yang Sheng's necks.

"Uncle, when are you going to invite your baby to a seafood dinner?"

Before Yang Sheng left r city, he once promised to invite his baby to have a seafood dinner when he recovered. But he always remembered the snack.

"Eat, you are not afraid to eat a pig?" Yang Sheng pinched the little guy's nose. He said that it was very comfortable to listen to the little guy's "Uncle", who was very familiar with the little guy.

If you can also hear Letong call him "brother", it will be more comfortable.

"Mommy, when are we going home?"

The little guy is more and more intelligent. He knows the decision-making power of these things. Now he's all in Mommy's hands, because Daddy listens to Mommy.

"Afternoon." Letong hasn't figured out why the baby suddenly asked this.

"Can we leave later? If you don't get it back, it will be invalid! "