Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 545

"I don't know!" Yue Tong shook his head blankly.

Because she is soft hearted, she has no choice but to agree to the old man's request, but she, as Ji Rui guessed, tries her best to escape this uneasy thing like an ostrich.

After the doctor stabbed the needle at her blood vessel and watched the dark red liquid slowly flow from her blood vessel into the needle tube, she suddenly had an idea.

If the blood in her blood is really the blood of the Yang family, does that mean that her father, or there is still a chance to get back?

When the first if came into her mind, countless IFS came out one by one.

If Yang Weikang is really her father Le Ming, if Yang Weikang did not run away from home 26 years ago, can she have a normal family and loving parents like other children?

If her parents can bring her up in a normal environment, will her mother not become ill from overwork and still be healthy with her?


These ifs, like opening a door, on the other side of the door, the possible pictures are quite beautiful and attractive. On the other hand, they set off the sadness and unbearable of the real world in which she lives.

In the past, no matter at that time or now, Letong tries to face it with the most positive and optimistic psychology.

Because she knew that it was her destiny that she could not escape. She had no choice but to face it strongly and optimistically.

But now, someone told her, maybe, the sufferings she suffered were not necessary; And the things she once thought were out of reach, such as normal family, such as loving her parents, may only be touched by her hand

All of these, if all kinds of possibilities were listed in front of her, it was a beautiful picture, but it seemed to her like a red hot iron bar, which made her not even have the courage to hold her hand to touch.

Powerful arm around her thin shoulder, gently took her into his arms, "don't think too much, we'll talk about it when the results come out. No matter what the result is, I'm here. Don't be afraid! "

Magnetic low voice, like a powerful tranquilizer, in her heart before the chaos and panic, then was forced to suppress.

She closed her eyes and leaned her head on his shoulder. She answered softly, "HMM..."

In a trance, I saw my old self standing stubbornly at the entrance of the lane for countless times. It was only when the red sunset fell in the sky that I turned back home with heavy steps.

"Mom, dad didn't come back..."

She heard her young self say to her mother when she came out to look for her.

The dim streetlights stretch the back of mother and daughter holding hands for a long time

Confused, she saw her 18-year-old self crying in the corner of the kitchen. Then, she watched her teeth biting and being "politely" invited out by relatives again and again


Once upon a time, when she remembered these things, she felt like she was in the boundless darkness. She could not find her way, but she had no way back.

Deep helplessness and fear will erode her nerves inch by inch.

And now, in the boundless darkness, there was a cluster of light shining firmly and brightly in front of her.

And that cluster of light, let her know, that no one can rely on, no matter what happens, she can only face the helplessness and hesitation alone, has become the past!

From now on, no matter what happens, there will be this man behind her. This man, when she is at a loss, firmly tells her, "I'm here, don't be afraid!"

Yes, now she really has nothing to be afraid of.

At this time, she deeply understood that for a woman, the greatest happiness is not to have money that can not be squandered.

But, there is a person, when you are tired and hurt, said to you, "baby, you don't need to be strong, because I am here."

Two people quietly cuddle up, no longer language, the wall clock "tick tick tick" walking sound, remind two people time in the past, but two people, no one wants to break the kind of quiet in the atmosphere of warmth.

"Da Da Da Da" knock on the door suddenly rang out, followed by the baby shouting outside the door.

"Mommy lazy pig, get up!"

Ji Rui leads Le Tong to open the door, and the baby pounces on him immediately.

Ji Rui has a clear eye and a quick hand. He holds him in his arms for fear that the bull will knock Le Tong over.

"Mommy, are you still sick?"

Baby climbs Ji Rui's shoulder and looks anxiously at Letong behind Ji Rui.

"No, Mommy is fine!" Letong's voice is still a little bit rusty. After answering, she comes over and makes a splash on the baby's lips.

"Is it really all right?"

Letong thinks that in addition to Ji Rui, the person who silently supports her and protects her behind her should also have a baby.

"Well, it's nothing!" Letong smiles and touches his face.

"But, your voice..." baby is not so easy to deceive the past.

"Your mother ate too much delicious food last night. She got angry and had a sore throat." Ji Rui quickly finds a suitable reason for Letong's abnormality.

Baby is dubious, but dare not ask any more, because he knows that people with sore throat, do not want to speak.

"Is it true that the old man said that daddy and mummy may soon add a younger brother or sister to the baby?" Baby bit Ji Rui's ear and the thief asked.

Obviously, the information that the old master got did not include the information about Le Tong's physical condition diagnosed when he went to see doctor Fu.

Ji Rui subconsciously turns to see Letong. She still has a light smile on her face. It seems that she didn't hear anything.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ji Rui warns the baby in a low voice.

Baby "Oh" should be a decisive shut up.

Ji Rui specially slows down and slowly accompanies Letong to go downstairs.

In the living room, the old master of the Yang family is sitting on the carpet of the new shop with his newly bought toys, teasing Niu Niu. Seeing Le Tong and Ji Rui come down, he just looks up and says, "we'll have dinner in half an hour."

With that, he lowers his head to tease Niuniu, and Baobao struggles from Ji Rui to join the ranks of teaser.

"Where's elder martial brother?"

Yue Tong looks around and doesn't see Yang Sheng's shadow.

"He went back to the company to take care of something, and he came back soon." Ji Rui said, reaching over to help her sit down.

Although the old master and uncle Jing didn't pay much attention to them, Letong still felt guilty for no reason“ Patting his hand away, he sat down on the sofa carefully.