Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 544

The next day, Letong woke up with pain.

Look around blankly, the place you can see, whether it's the ceiling or the furnishings around the bed, is very strange.

Letong raised her weak hand, rubbed her eyes, and her brain started slowly. Then she remembered that the strange bedroom she was in was the guest room of the Yang family.

And last night, in this strange bedroom, in a sober state, she willingly delivered herself completely to a man.

Just, last night that completely uncontrollable man, after tossing her to death, but disappeared.

"Ji Rui..."

Le Tong was startled by her hoarse voice and subconsciously closed her mouth. The scenes that made her blush last night flashed through her mind like a fast mirror.

Letong, who is suffering from pain all over, can't help but get a little annoyed. That damned man, like the night he was drunk last time, won't he change into a devil's face after a happy night?

When she woke up that time, she seemed to be the same as she is now. Her whole body and head seemed to have been torn down and rebuilt.

Just when Letong curses someone in her heart, the culprit who makes her feel like being robbed enters with a tray.

See half lean on the back of the bed of Le Tong, man's face immediately now nervous look, "wake up? Isn't it very uncomfortable? Let's lie down a little longer! "

Letong is very uncomfortable, but the man, with a clear face, can't help rolling his eyes at him, pointing to his throat, indicating that his throat is very dry.

Ji Rui has gone to the bed, put the tray on the bedside table, leaned over to kiss her.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it last night..."

Soft voice soft gas tunnel sorry man, let Letong want to gas up.

I think I have some responsibility for this. If I hadn't resisted all the time and made him suffer for a long time, he would not have been in need all night like a hairy boy.

"What time is it now..." hearing his voice like a broken Gong, Yue Tong could not help frowning.

Ji Rui kisses her frowned eyebrows and turns to bring a bowl of porridge from the tray.

"It's almost ten o'clock. I asked the chef to make some Sydney porridge. Have some."

Yue Tong shook his head and tried to get up.

"No? What would you like to eat? I'll go out and buy it right away, and you'll lie down for a while Ji Rui presses her nervously and doesn't let her move.

"Brush your teeth..." Letong points to the washing room. She can't explain Ji Rui's misunderstanding.

Ji Rui breathes a sigh of relief, but he doesn't let go of her. Instead, he bends down and holds her up. Before Letong can resist, he holds her to the bathroom and carefully puts her down.

His action of holding and releasing made her wring her eyebrows again.

"Does it hurt all over the body? Why don't I get you some painkillers? " Ji Rui nervously turns around and wants to go out.

After he got up, he immediately checked on the Internet, so he had a little understanding of her current physical condition.

"Need not..." Le Tong pulls his wrist, stopped his stupid action.

Did he forget that he was a guest? Or are you afraid you don't know enough?

"But aren't you sick?" Ji Rui hugs her anxiously and kisses her forehead.

"It's not that serious..."

At this time, Letong would rather face the ruthless man for the first time than the over nervous man in front of him.

"You're so nervous!" Although, Le Tong is very angry before, feel this man unrestrained tossed oneself one night, very excessive.

But now, she feels that men are making a mountain out of a molehill. She can bear this kind of pain.

Where does she know that in Ji Rui's eyes, even if she is just punctured with a small hole, he will be distressed. What's more, the person who made her dumb and frowned with pain was still himself.

"It's not that I'm nervous, it's that you don't take yourself seriously."

Ji Rui took the toothbrush and squeezed the toothpaste into her hand. She loves to show off her strong personality. Doesn't he know?

Letong put her toothbrush into her mouth and brushed silently.

Maybe, he's right, she really doesn't take herself seriously.

"Never again!"

Ji Rui put his face on her hair carefully around her waist.

"Well?" Letong picks his eyebrows from the mirror. She doesn't quite understand what he means by "like this"?

"In the future, you have to tell me where you feel uncomfortable or painful. Don't try to be brave, you know?"

He also knew that her discomfort at this time was not medicine, but enough rest.

And he, at the moment when she frowned, blamed himself and set a boundary with himself in his heart. Later, even if he thought about it again, he would not exceed the bottom line, otherwise, she would not be able to bear it.

Letong gives him a white look in the mirror, which means, whose fault is this?!

Ji Rui quickly rubbed her face and said with a smile, "yes! It was me that was bad last night. I made you uncomfortable and hurt you. If you want to kill or cut, do as you like? "

Letong is too lazy to pay attention to the cheeky man behind him. He spits out the bubbles with saliva.

In the heart secretly scolded a sentence: NIMA, once upon a time that Gao Leng has type cool face Ji total?!

Ji Rui waits for Letong to wash her face. Without saying a word, he bends over to pick her up and stomps back to the bedroom. He puts her on the sofa in the small living room, turns around and hands her the porridge.

In fact, Letong is also hungry. Although she was tossed all night last night, it can be regarded as physical work.

After eating a bowl of porridge, Letong finally regained some strength.

"What about baby and Niuniu?"

Of course, she knew that the baby and Niuniu would be taken good care of.

But as a mother, even though she knows that others will take good care of her children, she is still not at ease.

"Yang Dong took Baobao and Niuniu out of the door early in the morning. He said he would take them out for a walk and come back for lunch."

Ji Rui's answer gives Letong a sigh of relief.

In this way, she could avoid the embarrassment and embarrassment of being asked by the old man.

"When shall we go back then?"

So far, Letong has avoided thinking about more possibilities.

She just thought that as soon as the identification results came out, she could take the baby and Niuniu away.

Ji Rui did not answer her immediately, but sat beside her and hugged her.

"Do you think everything is like a dream, very unreal?"

Letong didn't look up, just looked down at her fingers.


"If, I mean if, you are really a child of the Yang family. Do you think you can't accept it?" Ji Rui asked carefully.

Since he was told by the old master of the Yang family yesterday that he would make an appraisal, he did not dare to ask her what she thought, and she deliberately avoided talking about it.