Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 546

Yang Sheng, who was supposed to come back for lunch, called back and said that he was busy and couldn't come back for lunch, so that everyone didn't have to wait for him.

After lunch, they sat down to eat fruit. As they were eating, they heard voices coming from the door. Besides Yang Sheng, several young men came in.

One of them, whom Le Tong knew, was one of the doctors who came to take blood samples yesterday. The others were very familiar.

Uncle Jing asked everyone to sit down. After introduction, Le Tong knew that two of the four were doctors.

The other two are lawyers of the Yang family.

As for the two doctors, Letong had been psychologically prepared, so she was not surprised. When Yang Sheng introduced the two lawyers, Letong subconsciously glanced at Ji Rui.

Ji Rui calmly reaches out his hand to shake with the two lawyers, but the other hand reaches over and grabs her hand. The slightly warm fingertip gently rubs the back of her hand as if it were silent to comfort her.

Yang Sheng tells uncle Jing to take Baobao and Niuniu to play in the garden. Then, together with the old master, he leads Ji ruiletong and several doctors and lawyers into the study.

In the study, there is a square conference table. Yang Sheng holds the old master and sits down in the chair.

Letong was supposed to sit down in the middle, but Yang Sheng pulled her over and forced her to sit down on the right side of the old master. Ji Rui, of course, was where Letong was. He didn't need Yang Sheng to say anything. He dragged the chair beside Letong to sit down.

Yang Sheng asked the two doctors to sit on the left side of the old man, followed by two lawyers.

After arranging all the people, Yang Sheng walked behind the old master. He didn't mean to sit down. Instead, he stood straight behind the old master, as if for convenience.

Such staffing and seating arrangements, let Letong vaguely guess after to reveal the identification results.

However, no matter how accurate the intuition is, it's just an inference without evidence.

"Dr. Luo, please read out the results of yesterday's two DNA identification reports." Yang Sheng motioned to Dr. Luo sitting in his seat to start.

After receiving Letong's surprised eyes, Yang Sheng explained, "one of them belongs to you and your grandfather, the other one belongs to you and me. That's safer! "

I have to say that Yang Sheng is very considerate.

"Mr. Yang, through the identification results, it can be proved that your old man and miss Letong are directly related by blood, while young master Yang Sheng and miss Letong are collateral related by blood."

As soon as Dr. Luo finished reading out the results, the Yang master turned his head and looked at Letong eagerly.

"Girl, call grandfather!"

Yue Tong looked at him calmly. The result was within her expectation. Therefore, when she heard the doctor's announcement of the result, her face was very calm. It seemed that what she heard was nothing to do with her.

"Dr. Luo, can you show me the appraisal report?" Ji Rui held out his hand politely.

"Of course, of course! If Miss le and Mr. Ji have any questions, just ask them. " Dr. Luo stood up and respectfully handed the two appraisal reports to Ji Rui.

Ji Rui takes over the appraisal report and looks at it carefully, but Letong and the old master are still in a state of waiting and silence.

Yang Sheng, as a sandwich class who knows both sides and doesn't want to hurt both sides, sees Letong's delay in responding. Seeing that the eagerness in the old man's eyes gradually turns into loss and sadness, he quickly pats the old man on the back. "Grandfather, this is too sudden. Let Tongtong slow down."

After pacifying the old master, Yang Sheng raised his head and looked at Letong, who was still silent and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Tong Tong, you don't have to bear the burden. I've asked people to check the questions and the context."

The question he was referring to, of course, was how his little uncle Yang Weikang became Le Tong's father, Le Ming.

The so-called context naturally refers to how Yang Weikang became Le Ming and how she became Le Tong. Now, where is Le Ming.

Yang Sheng's words finally had some effect. Yue Tong, who had been silent for a long time, finally had a reaction. She nodded to Yang Sheng, "elder martial brother, please."

Listening to her words, it seems that she does not care about whether she is a child of the Yang family. What she cares about is more about her father's experience and whereabouts over the years.

The old master, who has been completely ignored, stares at Letong with a complicated and sad look“ Girl... "

Letong looks very calm on her face, but her brain has been fried like water dripping into the boiling oil.

"Yang Dong, my name is Le!"

Letong didn't know what happened to his father and the old man in front of him, which led him to run away from home without looking back. Even, he changed his name completely.

But she, basically, has all the blame on the old man.

This subconscious behavior, in addition to the intuitive understanding of things that made her so, Yang Sheng's treatment and the old master's implicit confession yesterday also indirectly implied the reason why the father and son of the Yang family split at that time, most of which was because of the old master.

Now Letong even thinks that if she calls her grandfather, it's a betrayal to her father!

The old man's hand trembled slightly, and his eyes darkened. He looked at Yang Sheng and Le Tong, and then sighed with a long sigh, "Oh, it's all my own sin..."

The old master felt bad, and Letong was no better.

Ji Rui, who has read the two appraisal reports quickly, frees his hand to hold Letong.

"Do you want to see it?"

Yue Tong shakes her head. For her, the two appraisal reports are of little significance.

Love her, love her father has disappeared, even now let her know her ancestors, what's the meaning?

Ji Rui looks at Letong's depressed appearance. He is very distressed. In front of so many people, he can't say any consoling words, so he has to hold her silently. In the heart secretly chagrin, at the beginning let a person go to investigate her, why not also check her father's matter?

If he had more than one mind at that time, he would not have been so passive as he is now.

At least, he can work with Yang Sheng to find out her father first and then make a plan.

It's just that people who have been missing for so many years can still be found?

Ji Rui deeply doubts!

According to le Tong's description, her father should love her and her mother very much. A man who loves his wife and children so much has never been home for so many years. It's not a good thing to guess what happened behind her.

Think of this, Ji Rui raised his head, just Yang Sheng also looked at him, two people silently exchanged a look that both understand each other.

The old man, who had been hit, regained his air after a long time.

"Girl, do you want to know what happened to your father in those years? Do you want to hear what your grandfather told you?" The old man spoke very carefully, and his face was full of flattery.