Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 543

The damp, hot and slightly painful touch comes from Ji Rui's fingers. Letong looks down and sees Ji Rui opening his mouth, biting her teeth one by one on her slender fingers.

"Boom" ground, the face of Le Tong, thoroughly exploded!

Ji Rui is in a good mood to see that Letong's red tide has just retreated and reddened her face again. The primitive desire in her deep body, which has been forced to the bottom by him for countless times, is suddenly hooked up by her innocent reaction.

The desire, like a volcanic eruption, was fierce. He wanted to press it down like before, but he couldn't hold it down.

Ji Rui, who is hot and dry, bites his lips hard. He scolds the grass in his heart!

Originally, he just thought it was fun and wanted to tease her a little bit. However, he underestimated her charm and overestimated his own strength. He set himself on fire. What a pain!

The beast that has been dormant for a long time in the bottom of his heart is surging out, killing Ji Rui's reason that he is always proud of.

Ji Rui, who has been blinded by the desire to read, hugs Letong tightly with both hands. Huodi stands up and walks towards the exit with Letong in his arms. He says to Yang Sheng behind him in a hoarse voice.

"Letong is a little uncomfortable. I'll take her back to her room first."

Yang Sheng and Baobao, who were lying on their backs, were still keeping their eyes closed. After listening to Ji Rui's words, they were stunned. Soon, they understood.

"The third room on the second floor." Yang Sheng shouts to Ji Rui's back.

"Is Mommy sick? The baby wants to have a look... "The baby gets up and is about to catch up with him, but he is hugged by Yang Sheng and pressed directly on himself.

"Don't worry about adults, don't worry about children!"

Baby picked pick eyebrows, instantly understand, lying on his body twisted a few times, looking for a comfortable position, rest assured to sleep.

Playing in the water for a long time baby, this is also tired, lying prone, actually like a pig general Huhu fell asleep.

Yang Sheng looked down at the lovely little guy, kissed him on the forehead, pulled a towel around him, and walked to the mansion, sighing as he walked.

"Tut, I want to be a father when others are gay."

Besides, Ji Rui walked back to the mansion with Letong in his arms along the corridor between the mansion and the swimming pool, and went up to the second floor at the gate. Fortunately, he didn't even meet a servant all the way.

Letong is teased by Ji Rui, who is already ashamed to death. Ji Rui threatens her in a soft voice, "don't make a noise. It's ugly to wake up the old man."

In order to avoid disturbing others, Letong has to nestle in Ji Rui's arms obediently, even his head is buried in his chest, and he doesn't dare to raise a bit.

Ji Rui smoothly holds Le Tong in his arms and enters the guest room specially prepared for them by the old master. As soon as he enters, he lifts his feet and closes the door.

Hearing the door ring, Letong finally raised her head from his arms. Seeing that she entered the room, she asked weakly, "let me down."

Ji Rui turns a deaf ear to her request, hugs her and strides to the bathroom.

"Ji Rui..." Letong saw that she was carried into the bathroom. She was in a hurry, and her voice rose.

"You're all wet. If you don't take a hot bath soon, you'll catch a cold."

Ji Rui still doesn't seem to hear Le Tong's scream. He gently puts her in the bathtub, holds her against the wall with one hand, keeps her in his arm, turns on the tap with the other hand, and the warm water slowly sprays out of the bathtub.

"Ji Rui, you go out and I'll do it myself." Letong tries her best to calm down. At this time, she has been vaguely aware of the approaching danger.

He imitates the meat on the chopping board. In front of him, it seems that he is going to have meat tonight!

Ji Rui opened the water, freeing up the hand, then touched Letong's neckline, "you come, or I come, eh?"

His voice was low and hoarse, and he was shocked by the sound.

Subconsciously want to pull the collar, droop eyelids, want to hide their fear and panic, eyes, but inadvertently hit him somewhere.

There, it's obviously different from the usual state.

Letong trembled slightly, raised her eyelids, and saw that in the eyes of the man, two small flames were leaping.

She felt tight in her heart and turned her lips wrongly, "Ji Rui..."

Her soft voice is imploring. This move seems to make Ji Rui's heart soften. His eyes are heavy. He comes over and kisses her lips gently. Then he straightens up and strides out of the bathroom.

Letong breathed a long breath, relaxed, she reclined, slightly closed her eyes and leaned her head on the edge of the bathtub.

The warm water in the bathtub is gradually poured into the tank. The water temperature is a little higher than the body temperature. Letong is very comfortable in it. Even if she takes off her clothes, she is lazy to open her eyes. She just wants to take a breath and lie down for a while before making plans.

When people relax, they will feel sleepy. When she lies down like this, she sleeps in a daze.

Until, there is something cold on her lips, she suddenly wakes up, opens her eyes, and looks at Shangji's bright green eyes.

"Drink a bar..." Ji Rui's tone is very gentle, but the wine glass pasted on her lips makes her feel a bit tough, and there is no room for compromise.

"Don't..." Letong slightly side head, want to refuse.

"Well behaved, it's just a very low degree red wine. It's OK to drink some..."

Ji Rui's strength added three points.

Letong is trapped in a corner of the bathtub. Although she's all dressed up and down, she doesn't feel safe at all. She feels like she's been stripped away by Ji Rui

"You won't let me drink, will you?" Letong blinked, with a little wet eyes, still making a futile effort.

Ji Rui takes a long step. No matter whether Letong wants to or not, he steps into the bathtub and sits face to face with her.

"That's not the same!" Long hand bends over, buckle Le Tong's shoulder, easily pulled her into the bosom.

"What's the difference? You said that drinking hurt my health, and you didn't let me drink it. How could you force me to drink it again?"

Letong argues, hands behind him, want to stand up beside the bathtub.

It's just that the bathtub is slippery, and Ji Rui clasps her arm as strong as a chain. Her hand grabs a few times at random behind her, but she can't grasp the focus.

"When I say that drinking is harmful to one's health, I mean that you used to drink uncontrollably. If you drink a small amount, it will be OK. And

Ji Rui pauses and kisses her again.

"And what?" At this time, Letong forcibly armed himself and asked him in an aggressive manner.

Ji Rui raises his lips and smiles. He raises the glass and drinks the wine into his mouth. Before le Tong reacts, he lowers his head and holds her lips. His tongue quickly pries open her lips and sends the wine into her mouth.

"And, can increase interest..." the man's voice, more and more cup confused.