Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 542

Ji Rui is in good shape. Letong knew it early.

However, although they lived together for a period of time, Ji Rui was a man with good living habits and very strict self-discipline. Even at home, most of them were dressed neatly. Letong rarely had the opportunity to see his good figure so intuitively.

For Le Tong's secretary, who used to be crazy about Ji Rui's face and figure, the president of Ji University, who is only wearing swimming trunks, has long and straight legs, and has six attractive abdominal muscles, is like a powerful magnet.

Seeing that healthy skin with wide shoulders, narrow hips and long legs, straight and wheat color, President Ji Da came to her with a big stride. Letong's throat was dry and her nostrils were hot. She couldn't help Gulu and swallowed her saliva.

My God!

She thought that her flower mania symptoms had not healed, but it was not because she was cured, but because she was terminally ill.

She stares at Ji Rui without blinking. Ji Rui comes here to have a drink. She's afraid she's bored. She comes here to chat with her, but she looks at herself straight. She looks like she's evil. She's surprised.


Ji Rui holds the armrest in one hand and leans down to her face. The hot breath immediately sprays on her face and neck. The blood rushing up makes her face and neck red quickly.

"What's the matter with you? Not feeling well? "

Ji Rui, who ever thought that he was the culprit who made her uncomfortable? At first sight, she blushed abnormally. When she was ill, she didn't want to stick her forehead directly to Letong's forehead.

"Fever? Why is your face so red? "

Letong was embarrassed enough. After listening to his series of questions, he wanted to find a crack to drill into the ground.

"I'm ok..." Letong answers powerlessly.

But the peeper was hit by the master. She raised her hand to push Ji Rui away. She slapped her hand on Ji Rui's strong chest. It immediately seemed that she was burned by a red hot iron, and she threw her hand in a hurry.

"What's the matter with you, Letong?" Ji Rui is frightened by her series of strange actions. He grabs her hand as soon as he catches it.

How can Letong face him? I didn't know how to answer his question. Seeing his face getting closer and closer, I had to close my eyes and twist my face. Don't open my face to avoid his burning eyes.

"I'm all right, you go swimming, baby called you!" Yue Tong hums.

Ji Rui was puzzled by her strange reaction, but the baby over the pool kept shouting to him, "Daddy, daddy, come and help me, uncle Sheng bullies me!"

"Are you really OK?" Ji Rui looks anxiously at Letong, who is still blushing.

"It's OK, you go quickly!" Letong slightly props up, puts her forehead against his shoulder, tries to push him away, and hides her ugly face by the way.

The baby on the other side of the pool screamed more and more quickly, "Oh, uncle Sheng, you are a bad guy. You are not allowed to bully children..."

When Ji Rui goes back to the pool and plunges into the water, the baby who kept shouting before has already left Yang Sheng and chased two erha to play in the middle of the pool.

"What happened to Tong Tong?"

Seeing Ji Rui's worried face, Yang Sheng can't help worrying.

Ji Rui shook his head, "I don't know. It's not like illness, but something's wrong."

Yang Sheng looks over at Letong. Letong is playing with her mobile phone at this time, just like usual.

"I guess my grandfather forced me too fast. She couldn't turn around for a moment. She was uncomfortable."

Ji Rui always thinks that Yang Sheng's guess is not right, but he can't think of a better explanation, so he has to nod his head. For the time being, she can't accept it because of her life experience, which directly leads to unpredictable emotions.

At Baobao's suggestion, Ji Rui and Yang Sheng compete. Baobao sits on the edge of the swimming pool, shakes his legs to watch the competition and is responsible for blowing the whistle as a judge. Letong, who has been half lying on the couch, has returned to normal. He comes to pick up his mobile phone and takes a picture of the two people's competition.

"Uncle Sheng, you lost again!" The baby whistled with a beep, indicating the end of the game.

In three consecutive games, without exception, Yang Sheng lost miserably.

"Rui, you are not human! It's a monster Yang Sheng, panting, climbs the fence beside the swimming pool and points to Ji Rui angrily.

Ji Rui jumps up with the armrest and sits on the edge of the swimming pool. He takes the big towel that Le Tong gives him, wipes his hair and looks at Yang Sheng

Breathing heavily, Yang Sheng climbed up to the edge of the pool and lay back, directly lying down by the edge of the pool.

"Uncle Sheng, get up!" The baby walked over and gave him a kick, then he pulled his arm with a smile and tried to pull him to sit up.

Yang Sheng put his arms around the baby and took him to the ground. The tired one was lying on his back by the pool pretending to be dead.

Letong wants to go over and deliver some drinks, but Ji Rui grabs him, "Letong, I'll teach you to swim. It can strengthen your body."

Yue Tong is afraid that he can't control himself as he did just now. Don't look at him. "I'm stupid, I can't learn."

Ji Rui doesn't seem to hear her. He hugs her waist and puts her on his thigh.

Letong was originally dressed neatly, but her legs dropped into the pool and wet most of her pants.

"Ah! How can you be so savage... "Yue Tong screamed and twisted out of instinct. When her back bumped into his hot chest, her whole body immediately froze.

Ji Rui feels that the whole person in his arms is frozen. He thinks that she is afraid of the water and leans down to coax her. However, he finds that she is as red as a steamed shrimp from her neck to her face.

For a moment, Ji Rui seems to understand what she just did!

It's not because of his life experience or illness, but because of his fruit body!


Ji Rui, who understands the reason, laughingly rubs her red face with the tip of his nose.

"Are you shy?" Murmur, but it is full of the taste of laughter.

Le Tong, who was punctured, became angry and slapped his face with his backhand.

"You're shy!" Even if caught on the spot, Letong is still reluctant to admit it.

Ji Rui holds her tightly, grabs her paw on his face and says, "I'm not shy? Well

Full of cup confused words into Letong's ears, the hand was caught immediately came strange feeling. The damp, hot and slightly painful touch comes from Ji Rui's fingers.