Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 541

After the old man had arranged a lot of things, he turned to see three young people chatting with each other in the bar. He didn't mean to disturb them. He ran up to the second floor and gently opened the door of the guest room.

Hearing the sound of the door, the baby, who was lying on the bed, got up and was surprised to see the old man.

"Hello, old man. Where's my mommy?" In a strange environment, wake up to see no Mommy, even if smart as a baby, will also feel scared in the bottom of my heart.

The old man walked to the bed and rubbed his head to comfort him.

"Your mommy is downstairs. Is the baby going to get up?"

"Well, Niuniu is hungry." The baby turns over to get up and reaches out to pick up the girl who is also awake.

"Come, wait for me!" The old master didn't seem to be less interested in the little girl because she was not born to Letong.

Uncle Jing followed him carefully, for fear that the old man would fall on the little girl. You know, the old man was very young, and now he can't hide his love for the little girl. The more reason is that he loves her.

"Old master, put Niuniu in the pram."

Although the old man's words and deeds are not as old-fashioned as the old man's, the baby doesn't seem to be at ease. The old man holds Niu Niu and quickly runs to the end of the bed to push the pram over.

The old man pinched the little girl's face twice, then put her on the pram with a smile.

"Does the baby like Taiye's family?" The old master automatically omitted the word "old".

The baby with the head down didn't notice this little detail, "um..."

Baobao is also a child who is used to seeing the world. It's not necessary to say how much he likes it here. It's just that the two huskies in the backyard are really silly and very popular with Baobao. "The two huskies are very funny..."

The baby evades the heavy and takes the light and answers, as for other places, there is not much difference between Baobao and Jijia mansion.

The old man was stunned for a moment. He reacted and couldn't help laughing.

"This child is very clever!"

Uncle Jing came over and told him in a low voice, "master, the IQ of the baby is 60 times higher than the average of the children of the same age."

Needless to say, the person that uncle Jing was looking for even sent the baby's information. Of course, it also included the fact that the baby had just escaped a catastrophe.

"Hum, it's cheap for the kid of Ji family!"

The old master is even more dissatisfied with Ji Rui.

I thought to myself that my granddaughter and great grandson were all occupied by him for nothing.

At this time, the old master had completely ignored one thing, that is, before the identification results came out, no one dared and could not be 100% sure that Letong was his Lao Yang's child.

Pushing Niuniu in front of the baby did not listen to the old master's words, turned to see the old master, "old master, what do you say?"

The old master quickly waved his hand. "He didn't say anything. He just complained."

Although the old master is dissatisfied with Ji Rui, he will never show it in front of Letong and Baobao.

Originally, he didn't have much confidence to coax Letong and Baobao over. Naturally, he would not be stupid enough to speak ill of Ji Rui in front of them.

There is no deep research baby, pushing Niuniu to chat with the old man.

"My Lord, are you eighty-five years old?" This little guy has been used to his grandfather since he was a child. Naturally, his ability to coax and look at the old man's face is beyond the ability of ordinary children.

"Yes, my Lord is old..." he said with emotion.

"My grandfather is 67. You are 18 years older than my grandfather, but you look very energetic."

Baby's words, the old man is really very useful, this is the baby's simple words make his eyes narrowed.

If by generation, he is older than Ji, but Baobao praises him for his spirit. Can he be unhappy?

"Old master, this room is so big, do you and uncle Sheng live here?"

No matter how bad the baby is, it's always a child's nature. When Niu Niu is nursed by the nurse, he looks around curiously. Children, after all, like lively places, so they wonder why there is no child in such a big room?

"Well, the baby likes to live here for a while!"

There are a lot of grandsons and grandsons, but among them, they are basically debt collectors who make him upset. Every day, they either change their ways to dig money from him, or they constantly make trouble for him to clean up the mess. As time goes by, he simply bought villas for each of his sons and daughters, and let them move out by themselves, so as not to worry about looking at them every day.

On the contrary, Yang Sheng, who was unwilling to touch him, could only "cheat" him back with some despicable terms.

Baby curiosity to curiosity, but not easily cheated.

"No, mom and dad have to go to work and baby has to go to school."

"Let's go to kindergarten. It's OK to ask for leave." The old man is good at inducing.

I'm joking. With this kid's intelligence and knowledge, it's OK not to go to school. I'm afraid it's OK to skip to grade 4 or 5.

"No, no, mummy will be angry!"

Baobao doesn't care about whether he goes to class or not, but he is really afraid that Letong will be angry. Moreover, no matter how good other people's home is, it can't be as good as one's own.

Seeing the little guy's anxious appearance, uncle Jing whispered to remind the old man“ Master, this kind of thing is not urgent. "

It's right for the old man to think about it. It's not too late to discuss this kind of thing after the appraisal results come out tomorrow.

Dinner preparation is very rich, the chef is basically according to the taste of the baby and Letong dishes, baby eat that call contented.

After dinner, we all sat in the living room drinking tea and chatting. Basically speaking, Yang shengletong and Ji Rui were three. The old man didn't cut in much, but listened with a smile and lowered his head to play with the baby.

Uncle Jing held a lot of bells, puppets and other small things from somewhere. The old man and the baby changed their ways to amuse Niuniu with these small things.

After playing for more than an hour, Niu Niu, who has always been used to going to bed early, fell asleep, and the old man, who has been tired all day, can't support getting up to have a rest.

The baby wanted to take the dog to swim. Three adults took the baby and two dogs to the warm water swimming pool behind the mansion.

Letong is a dry duck. No matter how Ji Rui and Baobao persuade her, she refuses to go to the swimming pool. She only says that her task is to take photos.

Two big and one small three men have no way to take her, so they have to let her lie comfortably on the couch, with drinks, fruits, snacks and mobile phones on the table.

When the three men get into the water, Letong is very glad that she can't swim, otherwise, she won't have such good eyesight.

Ji Rui is in good shape. Letong knew it early.