Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 524

Yang Sheng chatted with Letong and Ji Rui for more than an hour. After the phone rang several times, Yang Sheng picked it up impatiently.

"All right, all right, now go back!"

Letong and Ji Rui look at each other, and their eyes are clear.

"Your grandfather?" Although in the heart already had the answer, but after waiting for Yang Sheng to hang up the phone, Letong still knew it.

"Who else could it be but the old goblin?" Yang Sheng picked up his coat and put it on impatiently.

"I also want to have two drinks with Rui tonight. It seems that it will be tomorrow night."

Yue Tong and Ji Rui send the person to the door. Yang Sheng reaches out his hand to challenge Ji Rui. "Hold on for a while, I'll try my best to find a way!"

Ji Rui nods and doesn't say much. Yang Sheng moves his steps to Letong. Before Ji Rui has time to respond, he reaches out and gently clasps Letong into his arms. "Take good care of him!"

He said very lightly, but Letong heard clearly, "well, take good care of yourself, too!"

Yang Sheng released Letong in time before Ji Rui's black face chased people, "remember to arrive on time tomorrow!"

They took Yang Sheng to the elevator and watched him go in. The elevator door closed. Ji ruicai asked Letong with a black face, "what did Yang Sheng just say to you?"

Letong didn't react, thinking that he was asking what he said when he called.


"Just now, what did he tell you?"

Yue Tong blinked, "of course, it's bad news about you!"

Ji Rui held her hand tightly and went back to the hotel suite in silence. "Did Yang Sheng chase you before?"

Letong's eyes on Ji Rui are so deep and difficult to understand. If she remembers correctly, Ji Rui has asked her this question before.

"Don't worry, there isn't!" Yue Tong shrugged, feeling that men have been very careful recently. "Professor Liu really wants to fix us up, but we don't call each other. My elder martial brother and I met at first sight. Maybe it's just because we feel so kind that it's not easy to have palpitations and heart palpitations between our male and female friends. "

Ji Rui's eyes flashed. He put his long hand around her waist and pulled the person to the front. His forehead was against his forehead. His deep eyes looked straight into her eyes.

"Did you feel that kind of warmth when you saw me for the first time?"

Ji Rui's voice is very low and deep. It is the kind of husky and low voice that can be completely integrated into the night.

Letong winked at him with a smile. "It's not true. Will president Ji make people feel intimate? If you say it, you can laugh off your teeth! "

Ji Rui raised his lips and touched her gently. "No intimacy, that's palpitation and heartbeat?"

Ji Rui's tone is very gentle, slightly on the corner of the lip, inexplicably with a bit of hook funny meaning and cup confusion.

Letong raised his hand to hook his neck, stood on tiptoe, and kissed him on the corner of his lips with an attractive radian. "Yes, I was scared to see that you had the same paralyzed face as Tieban at that time."

Ji Rui side head straight to look at her, "originally, palpitations heartbeat is like this?" Murmur finish saying, facing her lip print up.

Ji Rui's lips with a faint smell of red wine, peck on Letong's lips, and the faint aroma of wine will go into Letong's nose.

"Good fragrance..." Letong doesn't know why she rashly uttered such a sentence to kill the scenery.

"Huh?" Ji Rui stops, lips against her lips, patience waiting for her below.

Letong's brain is jammed, but he answers instinctively, "the wine smells good..."

Ji Rui chuckles and kisses her again

Yue Tongbai looked at him, "you don't want me to drink..."

Just now Ji Rui and Yang Sheng opened a bottle of red wine which is said to be a rare edition, but they didn't let her taste it at all. Of course, it's for her good.

Ji Rui looked at her thoughtfully, "do you really want to drink?"

Letong didn't say a word. Anyway, he certainly didn't let her drink it. Is it interesting and fun to hang her and amuse her like this?

"If you want to drink, I'll feed you."

Ji Rui's voice is a little deeper than just now, with a trace of interest in the smile of that funny means, but more obvious.

Letong shakes her head. Although she is not as smart as Ji Rui, she can't watch others dig a good hole with her own eyes, and then jump down by herself!

Ji Rui saw that she didn't go fishing, but he didn't say anything. He lowered his head and kissed her on the lips again


The baby's scream suddenly interrupts their intimacy. Letong is trying to push Ji Rui away, but he hears the baby's ghost saying, "Oh, why can't I see anything? Strange... "

Then came the sound of the door closing.

Being held tightly, Letong still wants to push Ji Rui away, but Ji Rui coaxes her with a smile, "don't move, the baby has returned to the room."

Until Letong comes out of the bath and goes to bed, she is still worried.

"Ji Rui, you said baby..."

Ji Rui took the towel in her hand, patted her position in front of her, motioned her to sit down, and then helped her wipe her wet hair while saying.

"What are you worried about? You've been sleeping with me these days. Do you think that baby doesn't know anything? "

Le Tong was blocked speechless. After a while, she said anxiously, "my baby is so precocious, and I see us again... You say, I'm not afraid to have a bad effect on him?"

Ji Rui lowers his head to bite in her earlobe, the Yue Tong without guard trembles.

"If we fight and quarrel in front of the baby every day, it will cause adverse effects. The love between parents will only make the child's mental health and personality more sunny."

Letong is a little relieved.

"Fool, if we always respect each other, unfamiliar and polite, the baby will really worry."

Letong doesn't say a word. Ji Rui wipes her hair for a while, then takes the hair dryer. Her slender fingers lift up her soft hair and help her blow it carefully and gently.

"It's rare for us to come out. Do you want to stay a few more days to go back?"

Ji Rui asked as he blew.

Letong didn't even think about it, so she shook her head. "Come on, it's too cold here. I'm afraid that Baobao and Niuniu can't stand it. I'd better fly back early the day after tomorrow according to the original plan."

Worried that the two children can't adapt to the climate here is one factor. Another reason is that she only wants to fly back to r city as soon as possible after she knows the real situation from Yang Sheng's mouth, so that Ji Rui can have more time to think about solutions to the problem.

Ji Rui seems to be surprised by her answer. He takes a serious look at Le Tong and confirms that she really doesn't want to stay for a few more days.

"Well, let's go back the day after tomorrow as planned."

This night, Letong naturally slept with Ji Rui. Originally, after several nights of sleeping together, Letong had a great trust in Ji Rui and had a good night's sleep.