Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 525

Letong, who has a lot of trust in Ji Rui, had a good night's sleep in the past few nights. However, this night, Letong has not been able to sleep very well, and she is pondering over Yang Sheng's words in her mind.

In the middle of the night, Letong wakes up several times intermittently, afraid that it will affect Ji Rui's sleep, so she doesn't dare to move.

On two occasions, Ji Rui probably noticed that the person in his arms was a little stiff, and with a hazy sleepiness, he kissed her hair, "what's the matter?"

Letong is even more afraid to move. Ji Rui can't get her response and soon sleeps again.

It wasn't until dawn that Letong fell asleep.

Ji Rui wakes up as usual, opens his eyes and looks at Letong in his arms. He sees that she is very sleepy, kisses her face, gently moves her out of his arms, helps her cover the quilt, and then stands up to see her for a while before he gets out of bed.

Vaguely remember, she seemed to have been stiff last night, nestled up to him, he thought she couldn't sleep, asked her, but ignored him. At that time, he was in a state of confusion, only as an illusion.

Seeing that she was sleeping so deeply, he concluded that it was not an illusion. She certainly didn't sleep much last night.

Her sleep quality has been good these days. Why couldn't she sleep last night? Did Yang Sheng tell her something?

Ji Rui frowns and looks at himself in the mirror. It seems that he lacks the spirit of playing chess when he just established a relationship with Letong?

Can, is oneself this appearance, inadvertently, betrayed oneself?

Ji Rui holds the washing table in one hand, holds the razor in the other hand, and pushes it along the arc of his chin. His eyes follow the razor all the time. In his heart, he thinks about Letong's insomnia.

After all, do you want to tell her the truth?

But even if I told her, she couldn't help. On the contrary, I would remember that she was more worried?!

Ji Rui hesitates in the washroom for a while, and takes twice as long as usual to wash. When he comes out, Letong on the bed still sleeps heavily, and there is no sign of waking up.

Ji Rui crept out of the bedroom to see if Baobao and Niuniu got up. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Baobao holding Niuniu on the sofa, teasing Niuniu in a language that only they could understand.

"Baby, wake up?"

"Hi, Daddy! Good morning Baby tears a big smile at Ji Rui.

Ji Rui walks over and kisses the two children's faces one after another. Hearing the faint milk smell on Niuniu, Ji Rui asks.

"Baby, did Niuniu eat grandma?"

"Don't worry, daddy. The baby flushed the milk powder according to the way of douniang. Niuniu ate delicious!"

Ji Rui thinks that having such a son is really nothing to worry about.

"Where's Mommy?" The baby stretched his neck and looked behind him.

"Not yet." Ji Rui light ground should wear, got up to pour a cup of coffee.


When Ji Rui turns around with the hot coffee, the baby smiles and squeezes his eyes, "is Mommy tired?"

Ji Rui is stunned for a moment. When he finds that the little guy's smile seems to have a different meaning, he realizes that Letong was worried last night, or not groundless.

This smelly boy, is his mind mature too early?!

"Baby, don't talk nonsense!" Ji Rui seldom scolded severely.

But the baby didn't care much. He lowered his head to hold Niu Niu's hand and amused her with joy. Then he said, "the baby didn't talk nonsense. It's like this on TV..."

The only person who can watch this kind of TV is Aunt Wang who used to take care of him.

Ji Rui really regrets that he didn't spend much time with this little thing before.

When Letong wakes up, she opens her eyes and looks at the time. It's more than eight o'clock. She jumps up and runs barefoot to open the door. Ji Rui and Baobao in the living room turn to see her.

"Good morning, Mommy!" The baby called.

"Awake?" Ji Rui asked.

"Well, why don't you call me?" Letong gathered her fluffy hair in chagrin.

"Don't worry. Yang Sheng's car will pick us up at 9:30. You have plenty of time to have breakfast after washing."

Letong combed and washed with the same speed as the war, and came out to drink the milk.

"Slow down, no hurry!" Ji Rui saw her this situation, frowned, stretched out his hand to press her hand, motioned her to come slowly.

But Letong has to be in a hurry. She has to dress up her baby and Niuniu before 9:30. She also has to put on a light makeup and dress.

"Didn't sleep well last night?"

Ji Rui doesn't care if she's in a hurry. He pulls her by the hand and takes a close look at her eyes.

Letong knew that she couldn't hide her appearance, so she had to say, "I know the bed."

Ji Rui certainly does not believe it, but now is not the right time to ask the truth.

Letong drinks the milk in the cup, and is about to get up to prepare. Ji Rui pulls her by the wrist and forcibly pulls her back.

"Finish these two loaves and don't be hungry."

Yue Tong is slightly dissatisfied, "you can eat it at the banquet later!"

"Eat Ji Rui doesn't want to listen to her explanation. He tears the bread into small pieces and puts them in her mouth. At that kind of banquet, there should be many people who want to curry favor with Ji Rui. As a female companion, it's not easy for her to steal to eat.

Letong just opens her mouth to listen. Finally, she obediently finishes eating two loaves. Ji Rui is willing to let people go.

Letong took out the dresses that she had just delivered last night. Niuniu's dress is a little princess robe of light fans, wrapped in pink little people. It's really cute.

Baby's dress is the same as his father's, black long suit coat and white shirt. After helping the baby put on, Letong helped him put on a thick down jacket.

She chose a long sleeve light green pure Chinese cheongsam, put on a simple bun, and put on a long imitation mink hair pure white shawl. She looked chic and elegant. Her actions were full of the elegance and elegance of the top ten elite ladies in Shanghai.

Ji Rui looks at such Yue Tong, can't help but feel a little lost.

Every time he saw Letong dressed up, he would be shocked, because every time she gave him a different feeling.

It's not that she is not beautiful at ordinary times, but that Ji Rui finds out more different aspects of her, and these different aspects seem to be her original appearance, which is not against her will.

It's like the top of a diamond. Although it's multi-faceted, it gives off a different dazzling light.

"I used to think that women in Qipao were antiques. You've changed my outlook!" Ji Rui hugs her slender waist. At this time, he even has the idea of keeping her in the hotel.

The thought that she would be stared at by the men in the hall later made him uncomfortable.