Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 523

Letong stares at Yang Sheng, as if he is stupid.

Yang Sheng has never heard Ji Rui say these things. Moreover, she has been only looking at the superficial data, not thinking deeply. Moreover, Ji Rui's words obviously comforted her, so she really thought that although the business of the line in country y had been cut down, it would not have any significant impact on Ji.

But now, listening to Yang Sheng's words, things are totally different from what she imagined!

Yang Sheng breathed a long breath and said, "if we cut down the business over there now, the efforts of Rui and I in recent years will be in vain. What's more, Ji's way out in the future should be set from the beginning. Well, in a word, if we lose this lawsuit, it's like breaking Ji's wing. "

When Yang Sheng said this, Le Tong really realized the seriousness of the matter.

She then understood why Ji Rui was so thin these days.

Why does he always sneak up to work overtime until early morning after she goes to bed? It turns out that he wants to shoulder the burden by himself.

And she thought that she had helped him a lot during this period, but it turned out that she had only helped him with some trivial things.

In fact, she can't do anything for those really vital matters!

It's hard for Letong to describe her complex feelings at the moment. She only knows that in addition to worry, there's a deep depression and helplessness that can't be blocked, like a volcanic eruption, burning her.

"Originally, on the condition of cooperation with Ji, I talked with my grandfather about taking charge of Yang. I don't know. My grandfather, the sly old fox, doesn't do anything profitable. What's more, he has designed a trap for me to jump. Now, I'm a little hard to protect myself, let alone Help Rui. "

Yang Sheng said with a frown.

"Elder martial brother, I'm sorry..."

Letong thinks that she is ridiculous, but she doesn't know what to say except this.

It can be seen from Yang Sheng's words that Yang Sheng's affection for Ji family is no less than that of Yang family who gave birth to him and raised him.

The relationship between him and Ji Rui is indeed deeper than that between his brothers. He doesn't hesitate to push himself back to the Yang family, which he thinks is the same as the fire pit, in order to help Ji Rui.

"Fool, what are you sorry for? I've heard all about your performance during this period. You've done very well. There's no need to blame yourself. It has nothing to do with you, me and Rui. It's not that we don't work hard enough, it's that everything is God's will. "

When Yang Sheng said this, he reached out and rubbed her head hard.

"Don't think too much. I just feel sorry. It's not that you can't afford to lose. Yirui and your ability, even if you really break a wing this time, will be able to rest and fight again in a very short period of time. When I get a firm foothold in Yang's family, we will be able to forge ahead with each other with three swords! "

Le Tong is always amused by Yang Sheng's words full of the ambition of the people in the Jianghu!

Yes, I can't afford to lose!

Some things, if destined to lose, don't worry too much, just face it bravely, think so much, some don't have a fart use!!

Letong secretly clenched her fist in her heart. Just now, she was depressed and helpless. She squeezed her out of her heart.

The rest is full of fighting spirit and chicken blood inspired by Yang Sheng.

When Ji Rui comes out, Yang Sheng is complaining to Letong, saying that the old man in his family, who is like an old goblin, has left him without any private living space.

Ji Rui's silent face was filled with a smile of interest. "Yang Sheng, how did your old goblin torture you? Let's hear it."

"Rui, the baby helped you pick your wife last time..." Yang Sheng said. Then he thought of Letong sitting on one side and stopped.

Yue Tong smiles, "come on, I don't run a vinegar factory."

She had heard about the baby's choice of Mommy long ago. At that time, she only felt that it had nothing to do with herself, so she listened to it.

Now, she still felt that it had nothing to do with her, so she could still smile calmly. After all, before her, he had his life. If she cared about everything, she would have been drowned by ManJiang's vinegar.

"Oh, don't you know, Tong Tong? Baobao, the devil of the world, sent an invitation to five hundred celebrities at that time. At that time, I thought, Rui is such a gorgeous boy. Baobao's son is going to choose a whole harem for him. Then, the little devil spent only half a day smashing Rui's brilliant peach blossom into rotten peach blossom! "

To this day, Yang Sheng is very happy to mention this, and Le Tong is also smiling. After all, the version she heard before is not so detailed.

And Ji Rui, although is quietly looking at Le Tong, but in the heart, is very nervous.

Because the day when the baby chose mommy was the anniversary of Ji's birthday, that is to say, that night was the night when the two of them got drunk and fell in love.

It's also because that night, the two started the misunderstanding and tangle after that, and then, around the corner, the two became the current relationship.

"Well, Yang Sheng, are you here to sow discord, or do you want to talk about the things that the old goblin of your family has done to you?"

Ji Rui is afraid that Yang Sheng's remarks will go too far, so he takes the initiative to bring the deviated topic back to the normal track.

He said, and carefully observed Letong's face, until he confirmed that the smile on her face is really from the heart, he just slightly put down his heart.

For him, that night was a good memory, but for her, it was a hurdle.

"The old goblin is not a vegetarian. He did the same for the baby. He gave me a birthday party a while ago. "

"Isn't your birthday too early?" Yue Tong asks curiously.

"Tut, the old goblin's family is full of weeds and flowers. Where does he remember my birthday? He just wanted to be famous. On the surface, he held a birthday party for me. In fact, he invited nearly a thousand celebrities. Rui, you know, after seeing those women that day, now I want to hide when I see women! "

Yue Tong is so bad that she suddenly puts her face in front of him, "Hi, handsome boy!"

Yang Sheng patted her face and gently pushed her away“ Good, don't make trouble! Your face will only make people want to kiss. It's different from those women who make me have phobia! "

Ji Rui was just watching. When Yang Sheng said this, he didn't care whether he was joking or taking it seriously. With a long hand, he directly pulled Le Tong over. With a hard hand, he put her on his thigh and held her firmly!

Seeing Ji Rui's nervousness, Yang Sheng burst out laughing.

"Rui, what are you nervous about? As I said earlier, Tongtong and I don't call, otherwise, what else can I do for you? "