Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 522

Letong has a look at the baby and Niuniu. The weather here is no better than r city. At night, it's even colder.

"Forget it, here it is."

"All right, or shall I have them deliver it directly?"

In crowded places, Letong is still reluctant to let her baby stay, so she has no objection to Yang Sheng's proposal.

Yang Sheng asks Letong what he wants to eat. Letong asks him and Baobao to make up their minds and take Niuniu to the terrace to see the scenery.

Niuniu quietly stayed in her arms, her big black eyes turning, sometimes looking at Letong, sometimes looking at the tall buildings standing outside the terrace and the sky dyed red by the sunset.

Letong's vision, however, has been stopped on Niuniu's face. Looking at it, she can't help but wonder how the mother could have the heart to throw her in the woods by the sea with such a lovely baby?

The mother is really hard hearted. She keeps her daughter in such a remote place.

There are not many people going to the beach. If the baby didn't clamor to walk from the beach that day, they probably wouldn't go there. Moreover, if the baby didn't have good habits and just peed in the beach, the baby wouldn't pick up the little girl.

It seems that all this is really Providence.

"What are you thinking so much about?"

Ji Rui's voice drifts over, and then she is held in his arms with Niu Niu.

Letong raised her face slightly and rubbed against his face for a little comfort. Just think of this girl's mother's unfeeling, can't help but from the heart of a burst of chill.


Letong said nothing, but her face was obviously lonely.

"Come on, who's bothering you?" Ji Rui gently kisses her eyebrows.

Letong stares at Niuniu for a while and sighs a little.

"I just think that Niuniu's mother is so cruel that she should leave such a beautiful daughter in that remote woods. If we don't pass there, Niuniu will..."

Get along with a few days, has had feelings for Niuniu Letong, said here, slightly choked, how also can't go on.

Ji Rui hugged her and patted her on the shoulder.

"Fool, didn't we just walk by?"

A man's mind is different from a woman's.

Men's nerves, after all, are much bigger than women's. This kind of big bar is also very useful to Letong at this time.

Ji Rui extremely affirmative tone, the bottom of Letong's heart those hidden sadness severely strangled at the bottom of the lake.

Ji Rui is not afraid that Letong will be sad for Niuniu. He is just afraid that Letong will recall those bad memories because of Niuniu.

Even though she said that she had looked at the past, in his opinion, no matter how well healed the scar is, the occasional wind and rain will cause a gloomy pain.

But he, does not give up her pain.

Even if a little bit, not willing.

"Don't worry, Niuniu will have a good time, and so will our family of four."

Ji Rui had been worried about whether Yang Sheng's words would make her think wildly.

Well, it really brings back her bad memories.

"Well." Letong droops her eyes and teases Niuniu, but the whole person is laissez faire and clings to Ji Rui.

Everyone, most vulnerable to attack, is the back. Therefore, if a person can confidently give all of his back to a person, it means that she has 100% trust and 100% dependence on that person.

This kind of unreserved trust and dependence on a person, in Letong's memory, only for the father who can't remember the real face, can she have such a feeling.

"The food is coming. Let's go in and eat." Ji Rui doesn't know Le Tong's thoughts, and falls into a more distant time. He just hugs her hard, and forcibly pulls her away from the whirlpool of memories and back to reality.

"Mommy, come to eat, a lot of delicious..." baby here has taken chopsticks, ready to eat.

Letong answers with a smile and puts Niuniu on the pram pushed by Ji Rui. See the little girl stretched out the tip of her pink tongue and licked the corner of her lip, know that she is hungry.

"You eat first. I'll make some milk powder for Niuniu."

Yang Sheng looks at the back of Letong flashing into the bedroom and says to Ji Rui, "Tongtong seems to be very experienced and patient with children."

Ji Rui picked up the bowl and said, "she has a little niece. Have you forgotten?"

Yang Sheng remembered that Letong was really good to the little girl opposite her.

"Sister Wenwen has gone to kindergarten!" Occasionally in the video to see in D province that little girl's baby, gossip to insert a sentence.

"Baby, go to primary school quickly?" Yang Sheng pinched the baby's face and joked.

"The headmaster said that the baby can go to talk about the fourth grade, but..." the baby tilted his head and didn't know whether he was thinking or playing the game.

"But what?" Ji Rui hasn't had time to ask baby's son about this.

"Can baby take Niuniu to school?" Baby this problem, should be in the heart for several days.

"Of course not!" Ji Rui very decisively interrupted his delusion.

He doesn't object to Baobao's pain, but if it affects his normal study and life, he doesn't agree with it.

"Oh..." the baby seems very disappointed.

"Silly boy, Niuniu is so big and small that she doesn't want you to go to school together. Isn't it better for you brother to learn more interesting things and come back to teach Niuniu? "

Take the good granny out of Letong, while talking to her son, while holding Niuniu to feed her.

After dinner, the baby is playing with Niuniu in the big bed of the bedroom, and three adults are sitting in the living room chatting.

Ji Rui's phone rings. He takes it up and looks at it. He flashes into the bedroom to pick it up.

Letong and Yang Sheng talk about country y, saying that Ji Rui seems to have decided to give up the business there.

"Oh, cut that line. Do you know how much influence it has on Ji?" Yang Sheng sighed at Letong.

Letong was stunned. "Ji Rui said it had little influence! What's more, I've also checked that the trade volume of country y is really not very large. It should only account for a very small part of Ji's trade volume. "

Yang Sheng glared at her.

"Fool! Y country that line, is I and Rui spent a lot of time not careful blood and human and material resources down carefully laid. Of course, you don't know and don't blame you. Only Rui and I know the ten-year development plan. Let me tell you, country y is just a springboard. What we really aim at is the whole European market. As early as a few years ago, we believed that the domestic market demand has begun to shrink, and Ji's development direction in the future will be fully expanded. "