Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 521

After chatting for half an hour, Ji Rui, who seems to be dealing with affairs, suddenly closes the computer, hugs Letong and kisses her lips as if no one else.

"You get up early in the morning to clean up. You're tired. Go and have a rest."

His tone is very gentle, and his tone is too flattering. Yang Sheng makes a disgusting expression. Ji Rui stares at him, but he doesn't mean to be restrained at all.

"I'll talk to Yang Sheng about his family. You can have a rest." I gave her another kiss before I let her go.

When he said this, Letong was embarrassed even if she wanted to stay and listen. After all, she was not qualified to interfere in Yang Sheng's private affairs.

"Well, I'll go to sleep, and you two can talk."

Letong intuitively feels that they want to talk, but it's a matter of country y, but Ji Rui says so, and she can only avoid it wisely.

Letong has a problem in her heart. Naturally, she can't sleep if she wants to sleep, so she simply pushes open the door of the guest room to see if a pair of children are sleeping peacefully.

It's a big double bed with two kids in the middle.

Baobao is very considerate. He probably took out all the quilts and pillows in the cupboard, rolled them up and stopped them by the bed and at the end of the bed to ensure that Niuniu would not fall out of bed.

And he himself, then side lying in Niu Niu side, small hand holding by the side, carefully put on Niu Niu's body.

Letong lies on the bed and looks at the sleeping baby for a while, then turns her eyes to Niuniu who is also sleeping sweetly.

Although the little girl has only been more than a month and has not fully opened, she can already see that the girl's facial features are very delicate, her eyebrows are delicate, her eyelashes are thick, her eyes are big and black, her mouth is small, her nose should not have been opened, and some of them are collapsed. Dante doesn't affect the beauty, but it gives people a kind of ignorant and lovely feeling that belongs to a little baby.

Even Letong herself, the more she looks at the girl, the more she loves her. No wonder the baby likes her so much!

Letong watched, involuntarily reached out to touch Niuniu's beautiful face, then put her hand on the baby's face and gently stroked his facial features.

The baby is also very beautiful and exquisite, but the baby's appearance, strictly speaking, belongs to the male kind of exquisite, and Niuniu's exquisite, are two different styles.

As you can imagine, when this little guy grows up, he will definitely be more feminine than his father.

And this little girl, I'm afraid it won't be long before waves of little boys follow her. I'm running behind you!

Think of here, Le Tong's heart, surging a sense of pride as a mother.


The baby seems to be disturbed by her hands. He opens his eyes vaguely and murmurs. Then he rubs her in his arms habitually. But even so, his hands on Niuniu still don't move much.

Letong leans to the little guy with a smile, hands around him, and puts the two children under his hands.

"Well behaved, sleep..." bowed his head to kiss the baby, and then propped up to kiss Niu Niu.

"Well..." the baby arched into her arms again, and then went to sleep peacefully.

At the beginning, Letong really accepted Niuniu because she liked her baby.

But now that she has been together for a few days, she feels that Niuniu may be a gift from God to make up for the part that she can't give her baby.

Thinking about it, Letong's eyelids, which were not heavy at first, slowly dropped down.

Originally, she was very curious about what the two men were talking about outside. Later, her brain was full of a pair of children. Even in her dream, she was a baby holding a toddler and playing in the grass. Ji's troubles didn't appear in Letong's dream.

After waking up, Letong still remembers the beautiful scene in her dream. She can't help but yearn for the beautiful future outlined in her dream.

Perhaps, compared with being Ji Rui's right-hand assistant, she is more suitable to be a good wife and mother.

Letong mocks herself so much in her heart. She gets out of bed first and cleans up. She pulls out her luggage and takes out the clothes that the baby and Niuniu want to change. Then she goes back to the bed and wakes up the baby.

Baby sitting in bed rubbing a pair of sleepy eyes, made a small Leng, and then look at the surrounding environment, it seems to suddenly think of something, a bone to get up and roll out of bed.

"Mommy, where's uncle Sheng?"

Letong was amused. When did this boy become so long? He was very smart. How could he become stupid?

"Talking to your daddy outside!" Letong smiles and raises her chin toward the outside.

The baby is relieved. Letong can't help teasing him. "Now I think of Uncle Yang Sheng? You have broken your uncle Sheng's heart. He thought you had forgotten him.... "

Baby turns to see the girl on the bed who is still sleeping like a pig. How can le Tong, who is a mommy, not understand his mind?

"Go and play with Uncle Sheng. Mommy will take care of Niuniu."

"Oh Baby this just let go of heart, put on the slippers Bata Bata to run to come over, embrace Le Tong "Bo" two times face, this just let go of her, opened the door and ran out.

When the baby went out for a few minutes, the little girl on the bed began to arch restlessly. Letong went to see that the little girl didn't know when she woke up, and then she sucked her little thumb.

Letong picked her up and touched her little fart. Gu, a little wet. Sure enough, he peed. Maybe that's why he woke up.

Help her change diapers, Letong picked her up out of the living room.

"Come on, let uncle Sheng hold the baby."

Yang Sheng, who had been playing with his baby in his arms on the sofa, saw two beauties come out, picked up the noisy baby on him and stood up to reach out to Letong.

Letong looked at him with distrust, "elder martial brother, can you hold a child?"

Yang Sheng first shook his head, and then said, "no, now learn, OK?"

Letong is still not sure. Let alone Yang Sheng, who has never been a father, Ji Rui, who has been a father for six years, did not dare to hold this little girl once.

"Forget it. I'll hold it. You'll play with her."

To tell you the truth, Letong doesn't think Yang Sheng is much better than Ji Rui in this matter. She can't rest assured about the two people who are half weight.

Yang Sheng was obviously despised, very speechless, but helpless.

Yang Sheng is teasing Niu Niu to play. Letong looks around, but Ji Rui's shadow disappears. She asks the baby, "where's your daddy?"

"Take a bath!" The baby points to the master bedroom.

"Where do you want to eat later? Is it this hotel or a special restaurant? " Yang Sheng teases Niu Niu and asks.