Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 520

Yue Tong smiles and doesn't give him any answers.

Yang Sheng is a little impatient. He stares at Ji Rui eagerly. "Rui, please be honest with me. Have you bullied Tong Tong?"

That posture, seems to be ready to rush up at any time, directly rip Ji Rui to death!

Ji Rui glanced at the baby faintly, "you ask the baby about this."

Said, carrying a large bag of small bags of goods side by side, a pair of things have no attitude flashed into the living room.

Letong bent over to kiss Niuniu's sleeping face and patted her baby's face, "baby, explain it well."

Yang Sheng stares at the two irresponsible adults, feeling helpless that the world has completely changed since he left Ji.

"Baby..." since only the little guy can give him the answer, he can only catch the little guy to ask clearly.

The baby didn't mean to lift his appetite. His dark eyes looked at Niu Niu and pulled Yang Sheng's wrist. When he bent down, he whispered in his ear.

"Uncle Sheng, Niuniu is the baby's sister, not born by mummy, but picked up by the baby, but you can't let Niuniu know!"

Yang Sheng turns to see Letong. The other side seems to hear the baby's whisper and nods with a smile.

Yang Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, because, as far as he knew, Letong and Ji Rui had been together for only three months. If this child belonged to Ji Rui, it would not have been born by Letong.

Knowing that Ji Rui didn't let Letong feel aggrieved, Yang Sheng's face began to smile, and the rest seemed unimportant.

"You can. I've been waiting for you for half an hour after lunch."

Since I don't care, I'm in a good mood. Yang Sheng, who turns around and walks into the living room, farts. Gu sits beside Ji Rui and blames him.

"Well, talk to Yifan about something." Ji Rui answers quite normally, without any guilt or consciousness that makes people wait for a long time.

Yang Sheng pointed to him and said to le Tong, "Tong Tong, I thought this ice was at least like a person after I was with you. Now it seems that it is the same as before, and there is no improvement."

Yue Tong glances at Ji Rui, "how can I have such power to transform him? If I have, I didn't have to suffer so much from him before."

So Letong and Yang Sheng get together to criticize Ji Rui. Over there, Ji Rui, who is the target of criticism, drinks his tea happily. It's a matter of calmness.

Yang Sheng and Letong quarrel for a while, only to find that the baby does not know where to go, asked Letong, Letong pointed to the guest room, "it should be inside with Niuniu sleep."

Yang Sheng has no feelings for Niu Niu, but she has deep feelings for the baby. She hasn't seen her for a long time, and she misses the baby.

Push open the door of guest room, sure enough, see the baby is lying on the bed, looking at the sleeping girl, I don't know what to think.

"Baby?" Yang Sheng stood outside the door, holding the handle and waving to the little figure.

Baobao turns his head and raises his finger to signal him not to make a sound. Then he turns his head and continues to look at Niuniu. He doesn't want to pay attention to Yang Sheng at all.

Yang Sheng asked for no fun, gently closed the door and sat down in frustration.

"Baby, that little guy is new to me." Although he didn't see Baobao very much, they fell in love with each other. Before Letong appeared, Baobao talked to him more than Ji Rui.

"Slowly you will get used to it..." Letong enlightens Yang Sheng with the attitude of a past person.

"The child has been officially adopted?" After a while, Yang Sheng, who slowly accepted it, finally recovered his normal thinking logic.

"Well, the baby is very lonely. Since he likes it, we adopted him." Letong's position has never changed from this to the end. Everything is based on baby's love.

Yang Sheng looked at them thoughtfully, "don't you plan to regenerate yourself?"

Ji Rui didn't wait for Le Tong to answer, he answered, "this matter later."

The door of the guest room opens gently, and the baby waves to Letong. Letong gets up and goes in. Yang Sheng comes over and asks Ji Rui in a low voice.

"Rui, is it your problem?"

Ji Rui looks at him silently, neither saying yes nor No.

Yang Sheng and he looked at each other for a moment. He thought he had guessed the right direction, and then he was silent for a while.

"I know many famous TCM doctors here. Would you like to have a look?"

Ji Rui picked up the tea and took a sip of it without saying a word.

Yang Sheng thought that his silence represented a refusal, so he had to say, "otherwise, it's OK to have another one according to the baby's way. Tong Tong likes children very much."

For Yang Sheng, one of the few who knows the true origin of the baby, he also clearly knows how much Letong likes children.

"Look again, it's not bad now."

Ji Rui said noncommittally. Looking at his attitude, Yang Sheng couldn't understand what he was thinking. He was sure that he had passed on his opinions, so he didn't say anything more.

"Don't talk about children in front of Letong." Ji Rui didn't explain anything for himself, but he told Yang Sheng specially.

Yang Sheng looked at him again and nodded, "well."

On the topic of children, both of them didn't mention it again.

Letong, however, doesn't seem to take Yang Sheng's words to heart. After changing Niuniu's diapers in the guest room, she asks about Yang Sheng's life in detail.

Yang Sheng basically knows all about Le Tong's questions, because he knows very well that he has really worried about her during this period.

"After that, should it be better?" Letong knows that Yang Sheng must have suffered a lot in these days.

In addition to the drama of fighting between rich and powerful families, she has seen it in novels and also experienced it in Ji's family. However, compared with Yang's, Ji Rui's play with Ji's father, Ji Wen and Ji Wu's brother is obviously a small one.

"My grandfather has five sons, and my father is the second. As for grandchildren, if they are born out of wedlock, I'm afraid my grandfather can't count them. Anyway, if they are born out of wedlock, even me, there are eight men and seven women in this generation. "

It has to be said that in terms of population alone, the Yang family is more like a big family than the Ji family.

"When all the people of my father's generation are no longer directors, there are still 14 people of my age, even if they ignore their spouses. Do you think I can live in peace in the future?"

Yang Sheng had a mocking smile on his face. It was obvious that he had no vision of his future rich family life.

Letong didn't know what to say, Ji Rui patted him on the shoulder, "don't look down at yourself!"

Yang Sheng picked his eyebrows and said, "I didn't look down at myself, just not interested! Why do I have to be a tool for the Yang family to make money? "

It seems that the throne that others want to climb is just a yoke to Yang Sheng!