Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 519

I don't know if it's because Luo Yifan knows more about Letong's taste, or it's good. Anyway, the dishes served to Letong make Letong, Baobao and Ji Rui very satisfied.

Of course, if little princess Niuniu can taste this now, she will probably feel good. Unfortunately, she can only drink grandma with a bottle all day.

This lunch is very happy, but Letong always thought Ji Rui and Luo Yifan are not familiar, and their relationship is not good.

But it turned out that she was wrong.

When she took care of Niuniu and her baby, listening to the two men talking about some old things from time to time, she realized that they had a lot of common friends and a lot of common topics, which she had never heard from Ji Rui.

These two people, one is her good friend, the other is her lover.

But she didn't feel the need to interrupt, because, just listening like this, she was quite happy.

It's a rare chance to hear more about Ji Rui's past from Ji Rui's words. Letong seldom interferes. She just uses her heart for three purposes. While eating, she takes care of her two children and listens to the two men chatting.

Ji Rui is also careful. Although he is chatting with Luo Yifan, he occasionally gives Letong some of her favorite dishes, and even peels some shrimp for her to put in her bowl.

However, most of the peeled shrimps were robbed by the baby to eat.

Letong and Ji Rui didn't blame the baby for his greediness. After all, the boy had been avoiding eating seafood for more than half a year, and it was only recently that they were allowed to eat seafood.

"Mommy, can Niuniu eat it?"

After eating a few shrimps, the baby seems to feel a little guilty about only enjoying the delicious food.

"Of course not. Niuniu is only a month old. She can't eat these yet. It takes four months to add some other miscellaneous food."

Letong grabs the shrimp that the baby handed to Niuniu's mouth and puts it into her mouth.

Baobao is obviously disappointed, and doesn't seem to believe Letong's words. He cleans his hands with a wet towel, takes out his mobile phone and searches it. After confirming that Letong didn't cheat him, he goes to eat his own food.

"Baby, you don't believe your mommy?"

Luo Yifan seems to be a little unconvinced. Before that, everything was facing Letong's baby. Now, will you doubt Letong?

Letong shrugged with a smile, "yes, my status has begun to decline!"

"Who said, baby loves Mommy best!" The baby immediately came over and gave a kiss on Letong's face.

Letong's eyes narrowed with laughter and patted his ass, "OK, Mommy knows."

Of course, she can't be jealous with a baby, and she knows how much she has in her baby's mind.

As for the girl, the baby more, should be a helpless little thing from the heart of compassion and love.

These days, the baby's attention is almost occupied by Niuniu, but Letong is not worried about anything.

And Baobao, after Luo Yifan's joke, seems to be really afraid that Letong misunderstands something. He hasn't stuck to Letong for many days. Now he sticks to Letong like brown candy and refuses to come down.

It's hard for Letong. She has to take care of the girl who plays chess after eating the milk, and coax her baby son.

I didn't care to eat half of my meal.

In the end, Ji Rui couldn't see it any more. He reached over and took the baby to his lap. "Bao, Mommy is not full yet!"

Luo Yifan looks at Ji Rui, who has always been a maverick, taking care of Letong so much that he is more at ease.

Originally, he was worried that Letong was too considerate and easy to be bullied by the powerful Ji Rui. After seeing them get along well with each other, he realized that Ji Rui is really more suitable for Letong than himself.

After lunch in Luo Yifan's Hotel, Ji Rui and Letong refuse Luo Yifan's offer to send them back to their hotel.

It's only half an hour away from the hotel. Ji Rui and Letong want to take their children around.

Luo Yifan can't beat two strong people, so he has to let them go.

Letong puts Niuniu back into the pram, and Baobao insists that he push her. Ji Rui is too lazy to argue with him, and leads Letong to pace slowly behind the two children.

"When we're done at the end of the year, let's take a few days off and have a family vacation."

The weather in Beijing is colder than that in r city. When Ji Rui said this, there was a curl of white steam rising from his mouth.

"Well, Niuniu was four or five months old at that time, so it was more convenient to travel."

Letong seems to have no reaction to Ji Rui's more and more frequent and natural use of the word "one family".

Or, even she has forgotten that legally, she is not Ji Rui's real family.

However, for these two people who do not pay attention to form, this kind of legal relationship is not important.

Of course, Ji Rui is more concerned about this relationship than Letong, but Letong doesn't agree, and he can't help it.

However, that will, he has given all the protection to Letong as his lawful wife, so he is not too anxious.

At this time, no one thought that in a few days, they would become legal husband and wife. Moreover, the man who proposed to marry was not Ji Rui, but Letong!

Of course, these are afterwords. Ji Rui and Le Tong, who are now taking a leisurely walk in the capital, are just discussing the location and specific time of their trip during the Spring Festival holiday.

The baby who pushes Niuniu is always just a child. Sometimes when he sees the attractive goods in the roadside store, he will happily push Niuniu straight to the store. Naturally, the parents behind him have to follow up quickly.

It's not that I'm afraid that my baby has no money to pay, but that I'm worried about the safety of my two children.

Ji Rui is more and more careful after an accident happened to him and his father Ji. Even if he leaves r city, Ji Rui brings several bodyguards with him. These bodyguards follow them all the time to ensure their safety.

It's rare for Baobao to go shopping with his parents. Along the way, he helped himself and Niuniu buy a lot of clothes to play with, and President Ji naturally became the one who carried the shopping bag.

When a family of four returns to the hotel and opens the door of the suite, Yang Sheng, who comes out of the room, can't help laughing when he sees Ji Rui carrying bags of things.

"Younger martial sister, you are so powerful that even President Ji has become your younger brother?"

Yue Tongbai said, "elder martial brother, don't slander me! It's his baby son. It's nothing for me! "

Yang Sheng saw the baby pushing the pram in. At first, he didn't pay attention to the baby in the pram at all. He just bent down and gave the baby a few kisses.

"Baby, do you miss Uncle Sheng?"

When he finished kissing, he saw the girl in the pram.

"Tong Tong, is this your child with Rui?" Yang Sheng stared at Niu Niu's face with an unbelievable expression.