Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 503

Letong has basically mastered the work of special assistance, including some troublesome negotiation projects. Letong has also slowly learned how to lead her staff to deal with and argue with each other. For example, this morning, she perfectly signed a cooperation contract with a large multinational group.

At this time, Ji Rui is holding the contract she took back and looking at it carefully.

"That's right. How did you make this notoriously mean old man increase the price by two percentage points?"

If you change to another woman, Ji Rui will definitely doubt whether this woman is using her youth to please each other, so that the old man in his fifties will accept the price.

But with his understanding of Letong, she disdains to use this method.

But in addition, Ji Rui really can't imagine that the other party will accept such conditions.

Letong hands her white hand to him and shakes it.

"It helped me!"

Ji Rui stares at her hand rather puzzledly, "what do you mean?"

"This bracelet..." Letong glared at him like a monster.

"You mean this bracelet is your lucky thing?" Letong's tips only make Ji Rui more confused.

"Pig Yue Tong Bai looks at him and murmurs in a low voice.

Ji Rui is despised by others for no reason. He is angry and funny. He grabs her wrist and looks at it carefully. "Pig is pig, you can't despise it. Come on, tell me about your bracelet adventure. "

Yue Tong gently stroked his wrist. "His assistant just wore a bracelet similar to my style, so I took my bracelet down directly, and asked his assistant to put her bracelet aside. By comparison, from workmanship to design, two bracelets were obviously similar, but obviously my bracelet was much more elegant and exquisite, Her one looks much rougher. "

"So?" Ji Rui looks at Letong with great interest.

"So what? I'm telling him that brand products, even if they are expensive, are valuable. For example, Jishi, a large group with good service reputation and excellent product quality, is different from those small workshops that can only attract attention at low prices."

"Beautiful Sure enough, this girl is a good negotiator. If she can find any reference, she can enlarge it infinitely.

Ji Rui is not stingy to praise Le Tong, who knows, the girl said, but suddenly put away a smile, a long sigh.


Ji Rui's heart is pumping. Now he can't see that Letong is not happy at all. Even if she has a little emotional fluctuation, it will hurt him immediately.

"What's the matter? Isn't the contract signed? What's the sigh? I'll treat you to lunch. What would you like to eat? "

Ji Rui pulls her to come over, soft voice coaxes a way.

Le Tong spread out the contract and pointed to the terms on the contract, "this contract, if the elder martial brother is here, can definitely improve the other party by a few percentage points. Moreover, he doesn't need to use the psychological tactics like me."

Ji Rui understands her meaning, grabs her hand and protects it carefully with both hands.

"Fool, Yang Sheng has been with me for so many years. If half of Ji's glory is mine, the other half is his. He has experienced the same number of bullets as me. But you have only taken over his work for a few months. It's very good to be able to do this. It's much better than I expected and he expected."

Ji Rui's persuasion made Letong's depression subside a lot. "I know, but I really miss elder martial brother."

It's not too short for Yang Sheng to leave. During this period, Le Tong called him twice, one at noon and the other at night, but he heard that he was having a meeting with others.

From this we can see that after he went back, he became a busy dog.

After that, Letong did not dare to call him any more and only sent a message to greet him from time to time. Yang Sheng would always reply after an hour or two. The content was just a few simple words, such as "I'm fine, don't worry", "OK, don't worry!" It's perfunctory.

Letong wants to learn about Yang Sheng's recent situation from the media or other channels, but finds that the Yang family in the north is more mysterious than Ji's, and that the imposing manner of a rich family is so powerful that the media and ordinary people dare not talk about it.

Le Tong has asked Ji Rui more than once. He only said that Yang Sheng's life is not so good, but no one can help him at this stage. He has to work hard by himself.

"Don't worry. If the master of the Yang family can call him back, he will never watch him die. Moreover, if Yang Sheng is an incompetent coward, the old man of the Yang family doesn't care to tie him back. "

Ji Rui hands over and caresses her frowned eyebrows. His tone is very gentle.

It's also strange to say that if other men make Letong so distracted and worried, Ji Rui's vinegar is afraid that he can drown r city, but Ji Rui's heart is very calm at this time.

"That's right. Heaven will take great responsibility on this person. We must first work hard, work hard, starve his body and skin..."

Speaking of the back, Letong's face finally has a small smile.

"What would you like for lunch?" Ji Rui digs the topic wisely.

"Is there a good Cantonese restaurant in Baobao school?"

Letong heard that the restaurant's medicated food Laohuo soup is very famous. She wants to go to the secret teacher and cook it for Ji Rui and Baobao at home.

"Yes, do you want to eat Cantonese food?"

"Well, I hear it's good."

Ji Rui originally planned to find a good restaurant nearby, but since Letong wants to go to that restaurant, he doesn't mind. He picked up the desk at will and led Letong out of the office.

Ji Rui, who wants more space for two, doesn't let Xiao Li follow him. Instead, he drives Letong out of the parking lot.

The car drove out of the main road, looking at the endless flow of traffic on the road, Ji Rui slightly side head to Letong said, "Letong, when do you also go to test a driver's license."

He thought it was time to buy her a car.

That day, the bracelet of several thousand yuan was teased by Zhuo Jiarui in private.

Ji Rui rebutted Zhuo Jiarui with disapproval at that time. This is true love. He doesn't need money for his feelings!

Ji Rui says that, but in fact, he also wants to give Letong something that is practical but she can't afford, such as a car or even a house.

Of course, he doesn't think that the relationship between him and Letong needs to be maintained by these luxury goods.

On the contrary, he even thinks that even if he is now down and out, Letong will never leave him.

However, he loved her and didn't want her to work hard for the so-called reality. Since he had such economic conditions, there was no need to let her suffer in vain.