Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 502

Looking at that ring of bright Bracelet ironed on Letong's wrist, Ji Rui is in a bad mood. When he got home, after everyone had a bath, Letong first drove his baby to bed, and then let him go to bed early. He had a lot of work to do, but rarely resisted, so he went back to his bedroom to sleep.

On Sunday morning, Letong got up early in the morning and worked alone in the kitchen for several hours. After Ji Rui and his baby got up at their usual time, washed up and stretched out of the bedroom. The whole room was filled with the fragrance of dumplings.

Baobao and Ji Rui usually gobble up a few bowls each in the competition. Letong asks aunt Guan to pack the dumplings wrapped but uncooked in the kitchen in a lunch box, and the driver sends them back to the mansion for Mr. Ji to taste.

Although today is Sunday, Ji Rui and Letong have their own work to do. Letong asked the driver to send the little guy back to the mansion with the baby's consent.

On the way back to Ji's family, Ji Rui roughly told Letong about the affairs in Y country. The content is similar to what he said to Mr. Ji yesterday.

Including Coco's sentence, Ji Rui also said it intact.

Letong is very calm. Ji Rui has been back for more than a day, but he doesn't mention anything there. She has roughly guessed the development of things.

She listened to Ji Rui quietly, took his hand and comforted him with a smile, "as big as the world is, so big is the market."

Before that, Ji Rui was still a little unwilling and reluctant. After seeing Letong's peaceful smile and a very simple sentence, they all went to outer space.

Over the years, he has gained a lot and lost a lot. It's just a small market. There's really nothing he's not willing to do.

"Well." Ji Rui is not a bit far fetched.

He found that since he was with Letong, her open mindedness was influencing him little by little.

In the past, he was very persistent in many things.

This is true for the old man and Ji.

A lot of old things, a lot of disputes, entangled in his mind for many years, always can not let go.

Therefore, to the old man, he has always been in a painful tangle of love and hate.

But Letong is not the same, her eyes, always looking at the front, in her eyes, rarely see a pessimistic look of despair, no matter how unbearable situation, in her eyes, see is still firm and strong.

Of course, she was not born to be so strong. He remembers that she once told him that she used to be a crying bag, even now, she is also a crying bag.

However, he didn't see her crying so much.

"Letong, I remember you said you were a crying bag, but I didn't seem to see you cry much!"

Ji Rui gently pulls people over. His big hand seems to caress her slippery skin, and his fingertips touch the bracelet that has been stained with her temperature.

Letong blinked, and the smile on her face was a little stronger.

"Because I am very happy now! Of course, there are many disappointments, but generally speaking, I feel that every day is more happy than sad! "

A happy sentence is more than a sad one!

Ji Rui's heart is full. He puts his lips on her face and rubs them gently.

"And before?"

Ji Rui asked carefully. Although he always wanted to know how she survived the most difficult days in her life, he didn't dare to ask because of the bad memories.

Letong put the other hand into his palm and warmed her cool palm with his warm big palm.


Le Tong pauses a little, as if in memory, as if in organizing language.

"When I found out that my mother was terminally ill, I hid in the kitchen and cried in the dark."

Ji Rui's heart beat hard for a while, can't help but pinch her hand.

"After that time, I didn't cry any more.

At the beginning, I thought my mother was hopeless and would die in two days, but the doctor said that as long as the operation was successful, I could survive, so I said to myself with a smile, originally, my mother didn't have to die!

The cost of the operation is 300000 yuan. I borrow it from my relatives and friends. Of course, I can't borrow any money. Then, I found the website, and the next day I got in touch with each other. So, I said to myself with a smile, it turns out that 300000 is not astronomical.

My mother's operation was very successful, and I was happy for a long time. When the baby was born, I felt that this little life was a gift from heaven. Although he was born and could not escape the fate of being carried away, I knew that his father would love him very much, and his father could give him a rich life and a better future than me.

Later, the baby really tormented me for several years, but God really cared for me, and finally sent him back to me in such a tortuous way. The most valuable thing is that he didn't hate me at all, but also loved me very much! "

Yue Tong said here, raised his head and took the initiative to kiss Ji Rui's lips.

"And you, too, are my treasure. You love me and spoil me. Do you know that? "

Yue Tong's words were very gentle and the volume was as small as a mosquito's. However, Ji Rui felt that it was like the big bell of an ancient temple. It hit his heart hard and roared with a huge echo in his mind.

"Honey, I hate that I didn't find you earlier!"

Ji Rui murmurs, lips gently touch her lips, very carefully, kiss.

Letong pulls out his hand from his hot palm and clasps his neck. The whole person hangs on him.

"Fool, didn't you tell me that the jades that look flawless are often A-goods. And the real one will always have some flaws. In fact, I'm very glad that what you first saw was my bad part. Now, you slowly see my other good parts, so you just think that I'm more and more beautiful, and then you love me more and more! Is that so? "

Speaking of the end, Letong is blushed by her shameless boasting.

But these were really in her mind.

Although she felt that she was far less beautiful than Ji Rui had imagined, people were all vain, and she was no exception. She was imagined as a very beautiful person by him. Although she was guilty, she was full-hearted and happy.

As for people, some things should never be seen too clearly. Often, the most beautiful picture is to see flowers in the fog, not in the sun.

Since, in his mind, he is so beautiful, let him always think so!