Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 504

Letong talks about Yang Sheng. After two days, Yang Sheng calls Ji Rui.

When Ji Rui's phone rings, Le Tongzheng and Ji Rui are working overtime in their study. Ji Rui has a word with Yang Sheng, and then they hang up and change to video chat.

"Tut, Tongtong is beautiful!" As soon as Yang Sheng saw Letong, he laughed and teased her.

Le Tong also smiles at him, "I call you Mr. Yang? Or elder martial brother? "

Just now, she heard Ji Rui call Mr. Yang. It seems that the elder martial brother is suffering to the end.

"Call me elder martial brother!" Yang Sheng stares at her, then looks at Ji Rui, who is embracing her, "Rui, when are you going to marry my younger martial sister?"

Ji Rui squints at him, "do you want to manage?"

Yang Sheng said with a sly smile, "of course, after you get married, you have to call me elder martial brother like Tong Tong!"

Ji Rui snorted coldly, "you want to be beautiful!"

"Of course, isn't it a fool not to take advantage?"

The two men quarreled happily. On one side, Letong carefully examined Yang Sheng on the screen.

Generally speaking, Yang Sheng's face is thinner than that when he left. However, his beautiful peach blossom eyes are bright and bright. It seems that he is also a spiritual chess player. It is estimated that all the bad things in the rumor have been solved.

"You've settled everything over there?"

Ji Rui's question makes Letong raise her ears.

"Well, almost. The old man has decided to retire."

"Oh? So, I really want to call you President Yang? "

Ji Rui's mouth rose, and a shallow smile floated on his face.

He and Yang Shengqing are brothers, and their feelings are similar to those of Letong and yuan'er, and even deeper than their feelings.

After all, they have gone through too many trials and tribulations together, so it's not too much to say that they have gone through life and death together.

"Soon!" Yang Sheng nodded with a smile.

Different from when he left, this time, his eyebrows and eyes were all bright, and his face was full of haze when he left. I don't know when it has disappeared.

It seems that he has changed from helpless to willing to accept the matter of returning to the Yang family to take charge of the Yang empire.

"This time you come to us, shouldn't you tell us to attend your taking over ceremony?" Ji Rui suddenly has a clever calculation.

"Well, have you heard so soon?" Yang Sheng was surprised.

"How could it be, I just guessed."

Although Ji Rui tells Le Tong that he can't help Yang Sheng, in private, he always pays attention to the movements of the Yang family. If the old man of the Yang family does too much, he will help.

However, Yang Sheng is not an incompetent person who can easily remember how to defeat others. He has been full of dangers all the way, but he can always turn the tide around at the last moment.

It is said that the old man of the Yang family has been very happy since he was suspicious of Yang Sheng's new successor.

"Congratulations, elder martial brother. Is the date fixed?"

This Sunday is yuaner's big day. I hope they don't bump into each other.

"Next Saturday, you three must come!"

"Elder martial brother, look at what you said. You are president Yang now. I must take my baby to eat and live together to be worthy of you, don't I?" Letong smiles and agrees.

Ji Rui embraces Le Tong and answers, "where Le Tong goes, I'll follow him, and I'll take it as my share."

Yang Sheng glanced at Ji Rui contemptuously, "people say that when you marry a chicken, you follow a chicken. Are you married to Tong Tong?"

Ji Rui kisses Letong's face and naturally says, "she's willing to marry. I don't care."

Yang Sheng Pooh, "President Ji Da, will you die if you don't show your love?"

Letong is becoming more and more cheeky now. Listening to the two men teasing about her, she just leans on Ji Rui with a smile and listens to the two of them.

If Ji Rui always looks cold faced and taciturn in front of others, he will become garrulous and talkative only when he faces Baobao, her and Yang Sheng, and the expression on his face will also change.

They laughed for a while, and the topic somehow came to work.

When it comes to work, the two men's faces are a lot more serious.

"Rui, I submitted a cooperation proposal with Ji after I came back, but my grandfather always disagreed. I'm sorry!"

Yue Tong is slightly surprised. She has never heard Yang Sheng mention this.

Ji Rui, however, was calm when he heard this. He seemed to know something about it.

"Sorry, what? Originally, there was no precedent for Ji and yang to cooperate. Moreover, you may not know that they probably went back to my grandfather's time or even some ancestors' time. The two families lost both sides because of the territory competition, which led many small businesses to unite and take advantage of the situation. It was in response to the saying "the snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman reaps the profits.", The two sides, who suffered heavy losses, rationally stopped the fighting and reached an agreement. The two sides took the north and South as the boundary. From then on, they did their own business, and no one was allowed to cross the boundary at all. "

Yang Sheng was slightly stunned when he heard this. Obviously, he had never heard of these old stories.

"I didn't want to do business on my own territory either..."

"I know!" Ji Rui interrupted him, "you want Yang Ji to join forces and enter the European and American markets, right?"

"Well, I really think so. The development of Yang's century old foundation has reached a bottleneck. If we don't expand the new market, it will eventually decline slowly."

Yang Sheng admits his inner thoughts unreservedly. After all, he and Ji Rui are too familiar. What they want to do is always similar and tacit.

"You've got a plan to slow down! I think your grandfather doesn't agree with your proposal, not because your proposal has no business opportunities, but because Ji has been sued in Y country. Now if Yang cooperates with Ji rashly, it's like sharing half of Ji's risk. As the leader of the Yang family, your grandfather doesn't agree with this proposal. If I were him, I would make the same decision with him. "

If not for sitting beside Ji Rui and hearing this conversation, Letong really doesn't know the emotional fetters between the two men, which is much deeper than she imagined.

Yang Sheng is not so good to Ji Rui!

Ji Rui seems to be the same to Yang Sheng!

To be able to do this for each other is a common feeling. Who can believe it?

What great changes have these two men ever experienced together in the past, so that their feelings can be deep enough to put aside money interests?

Letong is full of doubts in her heart, but she doesn't open her mouth to study carefully.

Since Ji Rui and Yang Sheng, no one mentioned in front of her, probably, is each other do not want to touch the pain!