Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 501

Ji Rui quietly squeezed the cup and glanced at him, "tired into a dog? That's right! "

"Tong Tong, you should take good care of him, look at his virtue!"

Zhuo Jiarui reaches out to pinch baby's face and complains to Letong.

"Did you call Tong Tong? Call me sister-in-law Ji Rui glanced at him.

The baby also opened his hand, "yes, sister-in-law, no big or small!", The baby grunted and gave him a big white eye.

"Tut, little ancestor is more and more fierce, Tong Tong..."

"Sister in law!" Ji Rui coldly interrupts him, Tong Tong? He Ji Rui didn't call so intimately. How dare the boy named Zhuo call so catchy?

Isn't he still obsessed with his stupid woman?

"Good, good, sister-in-law on sister-in-law, Ji Da Shao you too overbearing, you let me call sister-in-law, Tong Tong willing to marry you?"

Zhuo Jiarui doesn't mention which pot. He usually taboo Ji Rui, but today he talks a little bit.

Ji Rui squints at him, "when will Tong Tong marry me? You can't manage it. In a word, you can't save the red envelope."

The protagonist, surrounded by the two men's tit for tat, looks as if it's none of the business at this time. He only feels that the tea the store manager brings out is really good, and he drinks it with his eyes down.

"Come on, are you in such a hurry to ask me to come here to buy a wedding ring?"

After entering the store, Zhuo Jiarui only paid attention to Ji Rui, but didn't notice that all the employees in his store stood aside in fear and didn't dare to say a word.

Ji Rui takes a look at Letong and reaches for her hand.

"Why don't we just buy the ring?"

Letong raises her eyelids and stares at Ji Rui, seriously suspecting the man's initial motive.

Can't you say that he didn't come to buy a gift for yuan'er from the beginning?

Ji Rui's eyes on Yue Tong's examination dare not be too unpretentious, "OK, we'd better prepare yuan'er's wedding gift first."

Ji Rui, who is so gentle and considerate, makes Zhuo Jiarui, who is sitting on one side watching openly, almost jump out of his eyes.

He had known that Letong and Baobao knew each other for a long time, and he had witnessed Ji Rui's autocracy and hegemony in defending Letong.

However, he could not imagine that Ji Dashao, who always had a cold face in front of the crowd, would coax a woman in a soft voice. Even in front of him, he did not hide his cautious appearance.

Ji Rui doesn't care if Zhuo Jiarui's jaw is taken off in surprise. When Letong nods, he turns to Zhuo Jiarui.

"The girl of the Luo family is getting married. Let's choose a gift for her. What do you recommend?"

Several shopping guides, who were standing behind a few people, were only slowly relieved at this time.

In fact, Ji Rui is not a bully. It's just that they don't respect Le Tong first. It's not too much that he scares them for more than half an hour.

When he decided to come here to patronize, he planned to ask Zhuo Jiarui to help him choose gifts. It was not just to scare the shop assistants.

"What about the price?"

Every piece of jewelry in the shop is designed by a world-famous designer. You can pick up any one and give it away.

Of course, there are also some people who are very aggressive. They only like to choose the unique version in the world, so the price will be very expensive.


Ji Rui just glanced at those prices, which were basically within his acceptance range.

"It's a big deal. When did you have such a good relationship with the girl in the Luo family?" Zhuo Jiarui had already stood up and went to get the jewels in person. Without thinking, he threw a sentence at the people behind him.

"Nonsense, she's my sister-in-law, can't she?"

Zhuo Jiarui suddenly turned his head, eyes staring at Letong, and then slowly understood it after a few circles.

"Oh, oh... I understand!"

After understanding, Zhuo Jiarui got into the storage room without any more nonsense.

Letong listens to their conversation. Just now, in front of Zhuo Jiarui, she can't talk too much to make Ji Rui lose face. When the door of the storage room closes, Letong pulls Ji Rui's wrist.

"Well, almost. Don't buy it too expensive."

Although she can pay back her share of the baby's card brush slowly, Ji Rui, a young master, has always regarded money as dirt since he was a child. If she can make him see it, it must not be cheap.

"I have a sense of propriety. Don't worry!"

If he could, he really wanted to choose a valuable jewel, so that she would have to bear the debt all her life and tangle with him all her life.

Ji Rui says that he has a sense of propriety, but in fact he blindly chooses expensive things, no matter whether they are suitable for Luo yuan'er or not.

Letong really couldn't see it. At last, she chose a global limited edition diamond necklace with a price of 800000 yuan. Even if the price was shared in three parts, even if Letong didn't have to eat, she would have to work for Ji for six or seven years to pay off the debt.

However, as Ji Rui said, yuan'er is her sister, and she has to take Ji Rui's identity into consideration. She can't really send a high-class puppet.

When paying, Ji Rui brushes half of his card, and the rest takes a black card from the baby's backpack to pay off the balance.

Zhuo Jiarui looks curious. He opens his mouth several times to ask, but Ji Rui stares back.

Letong and Ji Rui hand the card to the shop assistant and ask them to make the gift more delicate. The baby's patience has been used up for a long time. They pull Letong to the bracelet counter.

"Mommy, this bracelet is so beautiful. It must look good on you!"

Letong has never been in the habit of buying jewelry. In her opinion, these are luxury goods.

"Baby, Mommy is not used to wearing these."

Letong pulls Baobao to go back to the table to taste tea. Leaving Zhuo Jiarui's Ji Rui aside, she just comes over. Hearing Baobao's words, she looks over curiously.

"Bao, you have a good eye, Letong. Try it on. I think it's suitable."

Yue Tong couldn't resist the two of them, so she had to nod her head. Now look carefully at the price of the bracelet. It's not as expensive as she thought. It's only a few thousand yuan.

Of course, for her, thousands of yuan is a lot of money, but just now she bought more than 800000 necklaces with a wave of her hand. By contrast, the thousands of yuan is really a small thing.

"Little brother, this bracelet has children's style. Do you want to try it?" The attitude of the shopping guide is naturally very good.

The little guy's eyes were shining, and his hands were on the counter

Two bracelets made of platinum are really beautiful when they are worn on the snow-white wrists of mother and son. Ji Rui doesn't bother to ask what Le Tong means when he sees the effect, so he passes the card directly and asks the clerk to settle the account.

Think about it, it seems that this is the first piece of jewelry I gave to Letong. Although it's very cheap, it has a wonderful meaning!