Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 500

"But..." truth Letong is understand, but at the thought of money, she had to hesitate.

Although Ji Rui is very upset about Letong's attitude of distinguishing everything. But he also understood that in his opinion, it might be just a small sum of money, but it represented not only money but also her dignity. Since he loved her, he should learn to respect her well.

"No, but, your share of the money, from the baby's card brush, later you slowly return to the baby, so it's ok?"

If most of the women changed, they would like to drag him to the jewelry store every day to swipe the card. But she, a silly woman, took the initiative to get rid of the fat.

Letong is still hesitating, but the baby is bouncing and clapping her hands to show her support, "Mommy, please brush, so that the baby can let mommy accompany the baby more!"

Letong has no choice but to smile and pinch the little guy's face“ All right, creditor. I'll tell you what I want to do in the future. "

Ji Rui breathes a sigh of relief, because yuan'er is Letong's best friend. He has helped Letong a lot in the past, so he wants to send a big gift, but he doesn't consider Letong's idea.

Here, Ji Rui is secretly praising his cleverness. Over there, the little guy has happily pulled Letong into the jewelry store.

"Wow, how beautiful!" As soon as the baby entered the door, he was dazzled by the bright light.

"Mommy, come and see. It must look good on you!"

The shop assistant saw a little boy carrying a woman in ordinary clothes into the shop, and the little guy was surprised that he had never seen the world. When the mother and son were just ordinary people wandering out of the street, they stood in the shop one by one and looked coldly at the little guy holding the woman and pointing at the jewelry in the shop.

Ji Rui stops outside the store for a few seconds. When he comes in, he sees his baby son yelling at the silly woman. He can't help but pull his lips. He agrees with his baby son.

Indeed, if these cool and noble jewels were worn on that silly woman, they would be very beautiful.

Ji Rui was in a good mood. When he found out that the shopping guide in the shop seemed to be looking at her baby son and silly woman with a monster's eye, he suddenly lit a fire in his heart.

"What can I do for you, sir?" Two shopping guides immediately came up with a charming smile on their face.

Ji Rui's current clothes are basically managed by Letong. He is wearing Khaki casual pants, a light gray V-Neck Sweater and a down jacket in his wrist, but it is obviously the size of a child.

Although he is dressed in ordinary clothes, his unique noble temperament and cool air give people a strong sense of awe when he enters the door. The customers that the shopping guides usually receive are all rich or not. One or two of them have already become elite. Naturally, they can tell that the man in front of them is definitely a VIP.

Ji Rui coldly glanced at the two, but ignored them. He strode straight to the silly woman, put his arm around her, and intimately kissed her face.

Then, in a voice soft enough to drown, he asked, "honey, what do you like? Try them all, and buy them when they look good! "

Several guides standing in the shop were embarrassed one after another.

Ji Rui doesn't wait for Le Tong to respond. He picks up the phone and dials a number. The phone rings and is connected. Without waiting for the other party to speak, Ji Rui says in a cold voice, "Zhuo Jiarui, come here and serve your sister-in-law!"

Ji Rui's simple words directly made several shopping guides pale.

You know, Zhuo Jiarui is their big boss. The man asked him to roll over so impolitely. Needless to say, the origin of this man is extremely complicated.

"I'm sorry, sir! I'm sorry, miss! " Two or three shopping guides rushed around to apologize.

Ji Rui doesn't even look at them. He says the name of the location to the person on the other side of the microphone and hangs up the phone.

The other two guides immediately redeemed their merits and went into the tea room and took out the tea sets.

"Sir, this is Zhuo Shao's best Jinjunmei. After walking all the way, Mr. and Mrs. young master are tired. Let's have a drink first. Which one do you like? We'll take it to you and try one by one."

Ji Rui looks down at Le Tong, "baby, are you tired?"

Letong shivered, and her arm suddenly got a thick layer of goose bumps.

"Not very tired..." in fact, she has no aversion to the attitude of the shop assistant. After all, she has been living in the middle and lower class all these years, and the service she gets when she comes out for consumption is probably so indifferent.

It's understandable that President Ji Da, who was born with a golden key since childhood, can't stand such a cold reception.

Therefore, she also gives full Ji Rui face, leaving room for both sides.

"Daddy, is this uncle Zhuo's shop? If the baby wants to buy a gift for Mommy, can it be discounted? "

Little guy, you get it!

Knowing that Daddy's phone call just now was to vent his anger on mommy, he immediately gave it to the shop assistant Xiao Kepu: hum, this is my mommy, and your boss has to call her sister-in-law! If you offend her, you offend your boss!

Before those shopping guides, they were lucky that the woman and the child might be just a small room with a rich man outside. Otherwise, how could they dress so ordinary.

This listen to the little guy said, each heart thump for a while, one or two have seen their bonus this month floating in the air, say goodbye to themselves.

"Discount? Baby like which, let your uncle Zhuo send you

Ji Rui is very light, of course, Zhuo Jiarui will not care about this little money!

It's not easy to please the little ancestor. If you spend a little money, you can make the little ancestor happy. Zhuo Jiarui can't get it.

One of the shopping guides, who was obviously dressed differently, was probably a store manager or something. He said to Ji Rui and Letong in a low voice, "would you like to have a cup of tea first, sir and madam?"

Ji Rui still ignores her, but Letong is too embarrassed. He pulls Ji Rui's arm and says in a soft voice, "sit down. I'm really a little tired."

Ji Rui doesn't know how to get rid of his anger in his heart, but can he resist the posture of Letong's soft voice?

I feel that my bones are crisp. I go to the table with Letong and sit down.

The three sat down and tasted tea for a while. Several shopping guides politely picked up different jewelry to recommend. Ji Rui didn't even look at it. "Wait until your boss comes."

After about ten minutes, they finally waited for their big boss to come.

Zhuo Jiarui came in breathlessly, ran straight to Ji Rui and complained breathlessly, "are you President Ji? I'm as tired as a dog