Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 499

Ji Rui finally picked out two paintings from the pile of calligraphy and paintings by Ji Laozi, one of which has a market value of about $5.6 million. He took them back to the living room and showed them to Ji Laozi. The old man waved his hand and said, "you can take any one you like. Don't tell me."

Ji Rui is thinking about buying a wedding present for Luo yuan'er. After sitting with him for a while, he gets up and leaves.

Ji opens his mouth to leave three people for one night, but Ji Rui is afraid that Letong will reject him. He refuses because he will go home and work later.

Before leaving, Letong asks housekeeper Li to put the ingredients she bought to make dumplings back into the car, and tells Mr. Ji that she will make them for the driver to deliver them tomorrow.

Ji asked housekeeper Li to push him to the parking lot. The baby got on the car and pressed the window to ask housekeeper Li, "grandfather Li, take good care of the dog and cat for the baby!"

Ji pretended to eat, "Tut, my grandfather is not as good as the cat and dog."

Baobao stretched out his head and gave a kiss on the old man's face. "Of course not. The baby loves his grandfather the most."

As the car drove out of Ji's mansion, Ji Rui laughed and teased Baobao, "Bao, didn't you say you love Mommy the most?"

"Daddy, don't sow discord! Mommy, baby loves you most

Letong smiles and hugs his small waist, "well, Mommy knows."

Over here, Letong is whispering with her baby in her arms. Over there, Ji Rui says to Xiao Li, "Xiao Li, you should inquire with the major auction houses tomorrow to see what's happening to my father recently, and then say hello to them. If my father has any business trouble, please let me know."

"All right!"

"By the way, I'd like to ask curator Liu if the blue and white porcelain vase of Yuan Dynasty was sold last time."

"Is the president going to buy it?"


Ji Rui finishes with Xiao Li and turns to le Tong to explain, "my father's birthday will be later..."

Letong is funny. Although she and Ji Rui are lovers, they are not interested in interfering in each other's family affairs. Moreover, as a younger generation, it's not normal to spend some money to make their elders happy.

"Well, even if it's not the chairman's birthday, you should buy something as your son to coax him."

Ji Rui looks at her seriously, "really don't mind?"

Letong gently kicked him, "a person who is not good to his parents, what's the use of staying?"

The baby in Letong's arms falls down the well, tears open his eyes and makes a face at Ji Rui, "yes, what's the use of leaving you?"

Ji Rui is so angry with the mother and son that he can't laugh or cry. The big one doesn't dare to bully. The small one still dares to bully.

With some strength "pa pa" hit on the little guy's ass, "Yo, find a new backer, start bullying daddy, right?"

The baby opened his mouth, bared his teeth and yelled at him twice, "ow, bullying you, how?" After roaring, he went into Letong's arms and asked for protection.

Letong protects her baby with both hands and looks up at Ji Rui with a smile.

Ji Rui, holding the back of the chair in his hand, comes to Letong's ear and threatens in a low voice, "if you want to protect him, you have to give me some benefits first!"

Finish saying, didn't wait for Le Tong to say no, open mouth then took the lips of Le Tong to nibble lightly a circle.

Between the lips and tongue, there is a faint aroma of wine in Letong's mouth.

When he let go, Letong frowned slightly, "did you drink?", Why didn't she see it?

Ji Rui nodded, "well, when you and baby went to say goodbye to Xiao hei and Xiao Hui, I had a small drink with my father."

Le Tong two eyebrows still wring, "he is not hurt in the body, drink not good?"

"What he drinks is medicinal wine, which can help the growth of bone collaterals. I've had half a glass of red wine. It's not in the way

Le Tong this just loosen eyebrow, then, think of another thing.

"Professor Liu called me and said that his two brothers had met with you. Why didn't you tell me about it?"

Mention this, the tone of Le Tong slightly took a few minutes displeasure.

She also knows that her ability is limited and she can not help him much.

But his nature of reporting good news but not bad news not only failed to reassure her, but also made her feel more inferior.

Is she not even qualified to be his listener?

Ji Rui, aware of her displeasure, bowed his head to kiss her nose, and said in a low voice, "it's not Saturday today. I don't want to destroy the mood of you and your baby. I was going to tell you tomorrow..."

Yue Tong's mood was better. He raised his hand and pinched his nose, glared at him and said, "I'll forgive you for the first time. If you do it again, you will be punished severely!"

Ji Rui even nodded to ensure that the pair of eyebrows Shun purpose little daughter-in-law appearance, let that do not know when to start peeping baby can not help giggling.

"Wife Guan Yan! My wife is in charge of inflammation

Ji Rui glares at the baby, but he doesn't explain anything for himself.

After all, the baby is right, isn't it?

Now, he is really a patient! Moreover, because he had no intention to take medicine, his attitude towards life directly led to the aggravation of the disease!

The atmosphere inside the car gradually became happy and harmonious again. The three people were fighting all the way. It seemed that in the blink of an eye, the car had stopped in front of a chain jewelry store.

Letong didn't ask Ji Rui before. Let him lead him out of the car. When he saw the luxurious jewelry store in front of him, he asked later.

"Are you going to buy jewelry for yuan er?"

"Well, the red bag is too insincere. It's good to send jewelry."

Letong promised Ji Rui that in addition to the one she sent, Ji Rui would pay for the one she sent.

But this jewelry store is a world-famous jewelry store. All the jewelry and ornaments in it are designed by internationally famous masters. They are all limited edition and even unique. It is said that any small ornament will have five or six digits. At present, if she really followed Ji Rui into this door, even if she lost her whole wealth, it would not be enough to pay the money!

"What's the matter?" Ji Rui is puzzled to see to walk to the door, but suddenly seem to be at the foot of rooting as the music Tong.

Letong still hesitates to glance inside the shop. Under the light, the shop is shining with cold light.

"It's OK to send something else. You don't have to send this one, do you?"

Ji Rui looks at her and probably understands her mind.

Bending down, he leaned up to her and asked in a funny way, "do you want to give her a big puppet of the same height as a real person without this?"

Letong's face turns red. Ji Rui is right. Yuan Er is getting married, but it's not an ordinary birthday. What else can he give without jewelry?

What's more, she has a close relationship with yuan'er. Yuan'er won't say anything about what she sends. However, Ji Rui, a man with a head and a face, is too humble to send. Ji Rui can't lift his head in the Luo family.

"But..." truth Letong is understand, but at the thought of money, she had to hesitate.