Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 498

However, his kindness makes Letong uncomfortable.

However, she can't think of any reason to interfere with the practice of master Ji.

There must be business between the Luo family and the Ji family, even in private.

Therefore, it's normal for Mr. Ji to give heavy gifts to the two families.

However, he has to drag her in to say something, which is easy to be misunderstood. Letong takes a big advantage in this matter.

I'm afraid Mr. Ji didn't expect this.

But Ji Rui, however, noticed that Letong's smile was a little stiff and vaguely understood that the old man had said something wrong.

"Dad, Letong has prepared a heavy gift for yuan'er. You and grandfather Luo have been friends for so many years, so you should manage better."

Ji Rui understands that the old man's words are out of kindness, but in the delicate position of Letong, if he really accepts the kindness, it's really easy to be misunderstood.

Ji old son Leng for a while, very quickly, then wake up.

"Ha ha, that's right. I've been in love with the old man of the Luo family for at least 40 or 50 years. It's really good to have a good management."

Letong looks at Ji Rui gratefully. Ji Rui pinches Letong's hand under the table. Over there, in order to hide his embarrassment, Ji Laozi takes the initiative to greet Letong.

"Lao Li said that he didn't know what you like, so he asked the chef to make a little of everything. You can taste it and see what suits your taste. Next time you come here, let Lao Li prepare it directly."

Baobao, a little guy, is not jealous and agrees.

"Mommy, try it. Although the cooks are not as delicious as you are, they are also delicious!"

Letong is completely convinced of his baby son, and has no sense of modesty.

"The baby can really please Mommy. Even if mommy's food is terrible, the baby thinks I'm the best one to eat?"

Baby immediately to find reinforcements, "it is not, daddy, you say, Mommy is the best to eat?"

Ji Rui nodded with a smile, "of course!"

"Look, look, baby is not lying!"

Letong almost didn't blush. People say that in the eyes of her parents, her children are the best.

Can come to her here, but, in the baby's mind, his mother what is the best!

"Yes, the baby really didn't lie. Let's see, it's fattening our baby."

Ji old son pinches the baby's small buttocks, also smiles and responds.

It's not only Sun Tzu, but also the eldest son, who was a little fatter a while ago. However, he lost weight after being stabbed. The main reason is not that Letong didn't take good care of him, but that Ji's business is too tricky to let him lose weight.

"ARI, are you ready for the charity auction next Monday?" Maybe seeing Letong a little unnatural, Ji Laozi automatically changed the topic.

"Not yet. I'm going to ask Xiao Li to go to the antique shop and buy two calligraphy and paintings for auction."

At his age, Ji Rui knew a little about collecting calligraphy, painting and antiques, but he was not interested in them. Therefore, he didn't have the habit of collecting them.

"Don't bother. I sorted out some calligraphy and paintings last time. After a while, you can go with Lao Li to see which ones are suitable. Just take a few of them to auction."

Mr. Ji has been collecting antiques for decades. On the other side of the auxiliary building, the whole two floors are used by him to display his treasures.

These antiques may not be very valuable decades ago, but now, many of them are priceless or even priceless.

The jade pendants he sent to his baby before are estimated at the current market price, and each one is at least close to eight figures.

Of course, Ji Rui didn't dare to tell Letong the price of those pieces of Yupei. Otherwise, with her temperament, she would definitely give Yupei back to the old man.

"No, you have a good heart. It's a pity to sell them."

Ji Rui recently transferred a large amount of money from his private account to invest in his family because of the affairs of country y. therefore, the money on hand is indeed less than before, but he can't even afford to sell a few calligraphy and paintings.

"Those calligraphy and paintings didn't cost much at first. Now I prefer porcelain. It's very troublesome to keep them. The most important thing is that I don't love them very much now. If the price is right, it's good to sell them."

Ji Rui frowned and said "yes". In his mind, he thought of a lot of things.

After dinner, Baobao is watching TV with Ji in the living room. Letong is pulled by Ji Rui to pick up calligraphy and paintings.

Ji Rui grew up with little concern for his collection. Although he knew that he had many collections, he never took the initiative to visit them. He was dragged by him passively for three times. Every time he showed a lack of interest. After a few times, Ji never saw them before him.

"Uncle Li, is my father short of money?"

Letong and Ji Rui walk side by side, but Ji Rui has no taboo about Letong.

Housekeeper Li looked at Ji Rui in amazement, "no, before the master..."

Housekeeper Li just said a few words and then reflected that he should not say something.

Ji Rui is a clear face, "it doesn't matter, my father sold Ji's shares to help the two brothers, I know."

Mention this matter, Ji Rui a face indifferent, as if it had nothing to do with general, who can imagine, at that time he was angry almost spit blood by the old man?!

Housekeeper Li glanced at him in horror. He was sure that he didn't care any more.

"Young master, don't blame the master. When the master sold those shares, in fact, it was the old lady who forced him to die..."

Housekeeper Li sighed, "the master is also very pitiful. He not only lost his wife, but also broke his army. He also made himself a stranger inside and outside!"

The implication is that Ji spent a lot of money, not only did not get the two little sons out, but also turned against his eldest son for this matter.

Ji ruimo listened in silence. After a while, he asked.

"Then she..."

Housekeeper Li is a smart man. He knows that Ji Rui is asking where the old lady is going.

"After my master was discharged from hospital, the old lady was noisy and noisy all day and all night. My master was also disheartened and had her sent to the sanatorium in the northern suburb."

Ji Rui was surprised by the result.

"Really sent to the northern suburb sanatorium?"

There are several sanatoriums in the city, and the sanatorium in the northern suburb is the most expensive one. In addition to the excellent environment and meticulous care, it is also a sanatorium equipped with a large number of psychiatrists.

"Well, it's true! I went to see it yesterday and sent some food and clothes

Ji Rui is silent again.

Letong has been listening to their conversation silently beside him, and it's not easy to comment. She just takes his hand and gently pinches his palm.

Ji Rui holds her hand tightly and returns her a placatory smile.