Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 494

"Of course, it's true. My baby's parents are super invincible! Baby as long as good health, happy to go to school on the line

Ji Rui remembers what Letong said to him just now. For him and Letong, they are close partners and lovers fighting side by side.

For the baby, he and Letong are a warm harbor built hand in hand. They will face all the storms together, just to let the baby grow happily in this warm harbor.

Ji Rui doesn't think Baobao will understand these ideas. After all, he is too young.

The baby bit his lip and thought for a long time. He raised his hand to hook Ji Rui's neck and gave him a kiss on Ji Rui's face.

"The baby knows, the baby will take good care of the body, when the baby grows up, you can let daddy and Mommy enjoy happiness!"

But Baobao, unexpectedly understood. Although his understanding is only within the scope of his understanding, he really received all the essence of Ji Rui's words.

Before, Ji Rui always thought that he was an extremely indifferent person.

But now hear baby this words, his canthus gradually have some tide meaning. He even vaguely felt the joy of my family having a son growing up.

At this moment, Ji Rui has to admit that the baby inherits the sunshine and warmth of Letong completely. The mother and son always have a way to melt the ice in his heart with just one word.

He used to be a flowing ice cave, where he went, the atmosphere was cold and gloomy.

In this year, the ice in his heart has been melted by the warmth of his mother and son.

No wonder more and more people are telling him that he is different now.

Ji Laozi, who is in a wheelchair, has been listening and watching in silence. Later, like Ji Rui, he gradually became red eyed.

Before, he always felt that Letong was not worthy of his son, but just now, for a moment, he felt that in some ways, his son was not worthy of Letong.

He raised the baby with one hand and one foot. Under his eyes, the little guy looks very cute and clever, but no matter how he pretends to be stupid and cute in front of him, he can't hide his violent nature and selfishness.

But since the little guy was ill, the bad qualities hidden in him are being stripped away from his body. Of course, he can think that a serious illness has changed the baby's temperament.

But the fact has proved time and again that the baby did not change his temper because of his illness, but because the big hole missing in his heart was filled with the appearance of Letong.

The appearance of Letong makes him enjoy the maternal love he should enjoy at his age, and the violent factors in him are gradually eroded by the warm love.

This change is not only reflected in the baby, but also in Ji Rui.

How cold his son's temperament is, no one knows better than his father.

Once upon a time, he thought that this was the nature of the eldest son. He could not change his life.

And because of this cold nature, he and his eldest son, I'm afraid it's impossible for them to get along with each other all their lives.

He knew that his eldest son hated him, so he was hurt and only asked his eldest son to see him.

But the eldest son stayed with him in front of the hospital bed for a few nights. Although he didn't give him any good looks, it was enough to shock him and make him reflect.

I don't know when to start, in the face of this tough to speak of the eldest son, he will be a little timid.

Probably, it's because I've done too much wrong to my eldest son. He has a lot of self-knowledge. He didn't dare to expect his eldest son to be kind to him.

But just now, the eldest son's act of serving himself tea and snacks was so tender and considerate that he was flustered. This happiness was unreal as if it were a dream.

At the moment of drinking Ganoderma lucidum tea, he even thought that even if the cup his son handed him was poison, he would die without regret.

The warm changes of his eldest son, he has to admit, are due to Letong.

The eldest son is thirty-one years old. Before he saw any woman, his eyes were cold and cold.

But the eldest son is smiling at Letong without reservation. He walks with her, or carefully leads her, or unconsciously supports her waist, as if for fear that she might fall down accidentally.

But Letong looks at his eldest son's eyes, but they are changeable. Sometimes, it's worship; Sometimes, it's appreciation; Even, sometimes with some doting, like looking at the baby's eyes almost.

As a man who is powerful in business and almost omnipotent in other people's eyes, he has the chance to be spoiled. For many men, this kind of happiness is a dream, but it is far away!

"Ah Rui, stay here tonight. Let the chef cook the dinner and let Letong have a rest." Master Ji, who has seen through a lot of things, has a totally different attitude towards Letong.

Mr. Ji is nearly 70 years old. After too many intrigues, he gradually begins to yearn for a simple family life.

He wants to eat the dumplings made by Letong these days. When he hears the conversation between his son and his grandson, he is embarrassed to be willful again.

Ji Rui didn't answer him directly. He just asked Baobao, "Baobao, do you want to spend the night here?"

Ji Rui's idea is that if the little guy is willing to stay, he will stay with him. He and Letong will leave after dinner. In the final analysis, he still can't understand the purpose of the old man, and he doesn't want Letong to be wronged.

"Mummy stays, baby stays."

Since Baobao stayed in the mansion for one night, he is no longer willing to stay alone. Naturally, the reason is that he doesn't want to leave Letong.

Look, these two are Wei Letong's greatest characters. Before they were changed, master Ji would think they were worthless, and then he was so angry that he blew his beard and glared at Letong. But now, father Ji has completely changed his attitude towards Letong, and it's not good to force father and son to say, "well, I'll decide when your mother wakes up."

Ji Laozi pushes the wheelchair and leans towards Ji Rui.

"Baby, take some biscuits and feed them to the tortoise."

It seems that he has something to tell Ji Rui.

After drinking milk and eating snacks, the baby was ready to play. After listening to his grandfather, he ran away with biscuits in his arms.

Ji Laozi watched the baby run away, then turned his head to face Ji Rui.

"What's going on in country y?"

Ji Rui took a cup and took a sip.

"It's still like that. It's not much better for the time being."

"Isn't there enough money?" Mr. Ji looks worried.

"It's not about the money. It's coco. Her father deliberately won't let me have a good time!" Ji Rui's words, straight in the core.

Ji was silent.

"Or I'll talk to her father again!"