Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 495

Ji Laozi was silent, "otherwise, I'll talk to her father again!"

Ji Rui denies his idea without thinking about it, "it's unnecessary! It's no use! "

Ji's face is hurt. Ji Rui doesn't look at him, but don't open his face. He looks at the baby's back and says.

"Only if I marry coco, or if I can find someone who can really restrain their business, can I solve the fundamental problem. But if we want someone who has the ability to help us, he has to pay a huge price. "

Ji Rui's expression is very calm, but Ji Laozi knows that his heart must be very uncomfortable.

"What are we going to do?" Ji's father not only loves Ji, but also loves his son.

Ji Rui stares at the baby's back for a while.

"I'm thinking about giving up the market there."

"No, I don't think so. Haven't I been there yet?" Mr. Ji was clinging to the armrest, and the blue veins on the back of his hand burst up.

"This matter has been delayed for a long time. Before I asked Yang Sheng to do a lot of things to suppress the situation. If I drag on, the adverse effect on Ji will be more and more obvious."

If it had been a month ago, Ji Rui would not have talked about these things with him so sincerely.

"Let me see if there's anyone I can help..."

"Letong went to her mentor to help me lead me down the line, but it didn't work much. Their family was so powerful that most people didn't dare to move them!"

Ji Rui doesn't want him to be busy. He's in such a state now that it's better to have a good rest at home.

"Don't get involved in this. I have my own sense."

Father and son don't talk to each other any more. In this respect, Ji feels guilty. It's hard to say more. Ji Rui, however, felt really tired and didn't want to explain more.

The people in the pet store send the dogs and cats to the store. Ji Rui asks housekeeper Li to push Mr. Ji back to have a rest. He calls two powerful bodyguards of Kong Wu to help the clerk put the dogs and cats in place.

Baobao is very excited, but Ji Rui doesn't allow him to participate in it. He only allows him to stand by and watch to avoid being hurt by cats and dogs.

Letong, who takes a nap in Ji Rui's room, sleeps into the evening without any interruption.

Letong turns to look at the sky. She gets out of bed and wants to go downstairs, but she hears the barking of cats and dogs and the loud laughter of her baby outside the window.

She walked quickly to the window, pushed open the balcony door and walked out of the terrace.

Downstairs, on the grass not far from the terrace, Baobao is rolling a colorful ball with half his height. A black one and a gray two wangxingren are running after the ball, while the big one and a small two white cats are lying lazily in the grass, coldly watching two silly Wangs chasing the ball all over the grass, while Ji Rui has been following the baby not far away, He is afraid of dogs and cats suddenly attack the baby.

Compared with the past, Ji Rui is more and more patient and loving to his baby.

Maybe, because of the baby's disease, let Ji Rui know how to cherish it more.

Letong moves her body, wants to turn around and go into the bedroom, take out her mobile phone, and take a picture of love downstairs. Yanjian Baobao, who was running after the dog downstairs, looks up at her and tries to wave to her“ Mummy, mummy, mummy... "

Le Tong just laughingly waved to him, "Mommy, you come to accompany me!"

Letong rushes in and washes her face. When she comes downstairs, she meets housekeeper Li.

"Uncle Li."

"What do you like to eat, Miss Le? I'll have the chef add it now. "

Housekeeper Li has asked Ji Rui before, but Ji Rui says that Letong doesn't choose what to eat, and it's OK to have a good taste. Housekeeper Li just treats him as if he's the eldest young master of his family. Now when he meets the leader, he immediately goes forward to ask for a clear answer.

"Uncle Li, don't bother. I love everything!"

Indeed, for children like Letong who grew up in a poor environment, where can they be picky eaters?

"Nothing special?" Housekeeper Li thinks that the future of big and small milk is playing the role of reserve.

"Well, I really like everything." Le Tong repeatedly stressed that Uncle Li had to give up.

Led by a servant, Letong walks out of the gate and turns two corners. Then she sees Baobao and Ji Rui, father and son sitting on the grass with their knees crossed. The two dogs may be tired from running. Now they are eating dog food in front of the kennel.

"Mommy As soon as Baobao sees Letong, she pounces on her and hugs her waist.

Letong leads him to Ji Rui, glances at him and scolds him softly, "why don't you wake me up? Don't you mean making dumplings? "

Ji Rui reaches over to pull her wrist and pulls it hard. Letong can't stand steadily. The whole person pours on him. Letong screams and struggles twice. Ji Rui has helped her up and put her firmly on his lap.

"Baby, come here." Ji Rui pats Letong's leg and signals her baby to sit on it.

Baby is not polite, an ancient brain will come.

Ji Rui two long arms a ring, easy to put the mother and son into the arms.

"It's not that I don't call. It's the old man who says that you should sleep a little longer and make dumplings later."

Le Tong turns to stare at him and doesn't quite believe what he says.

"Mommy, baby can testify, it's grandpa who told you to sleep more!"

The baby turned around, put her chin on her shoulder socket and yelled in her ear.

Letong touched his ears, which were so buzzing that he said, "if you let me sleep a little longer, you really don't cry? How ugly it is Yue Tong is very discontented to mumble, lift an eye to ruthlessly scrape Ji Rui one eye.

Ji Rui stares at her meaningfully. After a while, he asks her in a humorous tone.

"Letong, are you worried that taking a nap will destroy your good image?"

Letong really wants to smoke him. She doesn't care much about her image in master Ji's heart. The problem is that she promised to make dumplings tonight, but she overslept because of her sleep. In the baby's opinion, such a dishonest behavior sets a bad example?

"Of course it's not because of this, I'm because of..."

"Don't worry!" Ji Rui twisted her face and interrupted her“ My father has taken you as his daughter-in-law! "

Letong didn't expect Ji Rui to bring the topic to this matter. She turned her face and stared at the distance, muttering in a low voice, "who is rare to be his daughter-in-law?"

Ji Rui's mood is not affected at all. Now, he can barely understand that Letong sometimes has something wrong with him.

And this kind of situation, usually in her embarrassed, or he said in mind, will appear.

"Isn't it rare?" Ji Rui looks at her with a smile.

Le Tong hand push, push his face away, "who rare ah!"

Said, struggling to stand up, went to tease the dog.

Baby looks at Letong's back and Ji Rui, "Daddy, you're broken. You're making Mommy angry again!"