Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 493

"You can't have both, or do you regret choosing me?"

Letong raises her head and looks straight into his eyes without blinking. It is clear that Ji Rui is stronger than her in any aspect, but Ji Rui obviously feels the pressure and deterrence from her eyes.

He vaguely understood that if he dared to say no, she would turn over on the spot.

Of course, he won't make two mistakes, so stupid as to waste the best opportunity to show his heart.

"Of course not!" Her powerful arms dragged her into her arms and held her tightly.

She is the only woman he has been interested in and recognized for 31 years. How can she regret it?!

Letong is satisfied with his decisiveness. He rubs his head in his arms a few times, and then raises his head. The hand on his chest is wrung fiercely. Rao Shi Ji Rui, a tough and painful man, can't help frowning.

"So, like you, I don't regret choosing you at all. Since we have chosen each other without hesitation, no matter what happens after that, we have to face it together, say sorry or take all the responsibility. Don't do it again

Letong's words make Ji Rui's heart like honey. In Ji Rui's eyes, Letong's ferocious appearance is as beautiful as anyone else.

“YesMadam! I don't dare to... "

Ji Rui learns the baby's tone. His pitiful little face is similar to that of the baby.

Letong can't get angry with Ji Rui.

"I'll spare you this time, and I'll do it next time..."

"How about that again?" Ji Rui interrupts her nervously.

"Well, do you want me to sleep?" Yue Tong rolled a white eye toward him. In fact, she couldn't figure out how to deal with him.

"Of course!" Ji Rui half leans, and puts Letong on the bed.

Letong also does not start, let the man take the pillow pad in the back of the head, and then gently cover the quilt.

When the pillow sticks to her head, Letong has already closed her eyes. After all, she is not an iron man. She has to work overtime and take care of her children every day. It's cheating to say that she is not tired.

Ji Rui tucks her in, holds her hand on the bed, looks at her quietly for a while, and kisses her lips carefully. Letong frowns slightly and moves her head on the pillow.

Ji Rui estimates that she is a cleanliness addict. He says in a low voice, "there are people here to clean up every day. You can sleep well. I'll call you later."

"Um..." Letong snorted from her nostrils. As a response, she ignored Ji Rui.

Ji Rui didn't get up and go out until he heard her breathing become even and gentle.

When he went downstairs, the servant told him that the master was in the North Garden.

Housekeeper Li came up to him and pulled him aside anxiously. "Young master, I've been depressed since I left hospital. Sometimes I don't say a word a day and I eat too little. Please advise him."

Ji Rui did not say a word, silently turned into the kitchen, took some drink and food, with a tray filled out of the door.

In the North Garden, the baby is lying in the fish pond to see the tortoise, while Mr. Ji is in a wheelchair behind him.

"Po, come and have some milk."

Ji Rui puts the tray on the stone table in the pavilion and shouts at the kid who pouts his little butt and makes a lot of noise.

At the same time, the old and the young at the edge of the fish pond looked back, "good!"

Instead of rushing to the pavilion, the baby holds the back of the wheelchair and tries to push Mr. Ji.

"Darling, grandfather can push it by himself!"

The tall man in the pavilion couldn't see it. He strode over and pushed Mr. Ji into the pavilion with his wheelchair and baby.

"Baby, wipe your hands with a wet towel first!"

It's not Ji Rui's turtle hair, but the baby is still in the recovery period. Any small inflammation or virus may defeat him.

"Oh... Grandpa, you wipe it, too!"

The baby pulled a wet towel and handed it to Mr. Ji, then pulled one to wipe his face and hands.

"Uncle Li said you didn't eat anything at noon. Let's have some snacks first. We just bought a lot of dumpling materials and made dumplings in the evening."

Ji Rui doesn't know if he really has no appetite, or he deliberately keeps some stomach capacity to eat dumplings.

But one thing is for sure, the old man's attitude towards Letong is totally different from before, and it's not too much to say that it's totally different.

"Well." Ji seems to be in a good mood. He takes Ji Rui's dim sum and eats half of it.

Ji Rui picked up the Ganoderma lucidum tea and handed it to his mouth.

Ji Laozi looked at him flattered, you know, the eldest son, since his mother died, has been very small, very small to take the initiative to show his kindness. Especially after he took charge of Ji's family, the relationship between father and son became worse and worse.

"Drink it!" Ji Rui handed the cup to his mouth.

Ji's eyes were slightly red, and he shook his hands slightly to take the cup.

Ji Rui sits down on the stone bench beside him and helps the baby wipe the sticky crumbs from time to time.

"Daddy, where's Mommy?" The baby finally finds out that her mother is gone.

"Mommy got up early this morning. She's been busy all morning. Now she's gone to bed."

The baby's face was a little worried. "Oh..." she answered the voice, lowered her head and eyes, and slowly chewed the snacks in her mouth. She looked worried.

After a while, the baby raised his head and asked Ji Rui, "Daddy, can you teach the baby?"

Ji Rui was confused when he asked, "what to teach?"

"What you and Mommy do every day!" Baby can't wait to explain.

Ji Rui vaguely understood what he meant, but he was not sure.

"Well?! What's the matter? "

"You and Mommy are so busy, are you like us doing homework? Teachers say I'm smart. Teach me. When I learn, I can help Mommy. Mommy won't have to work so hard! "

The baby put his little face up and poured out all his ideas.

Ji Rui's heart is full, and he pinches the young guy's face in a complicated mood.

Mingming is still a six-year-old child. How can he love others so much?!

At his age, shouldn't he be coquettish in his parents' arms and rely on the sense of existence?

"Baby, don't think about it. Daddy and Mommy will be busy in a few days, and they don't need baby's help."

At this moment, Ji Rui really feels useless. Unexpectedly, not only did he fail to make Letong live a better and more comfortable life, but he let his son worry about her and love her so much.

Ji Rui feels guilty for Letong, and goes up.

"Really?" Baobao blinks. Obviously, he doesn't believe Ji Rui's words.