Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 492

Letong stayed in the room with Ji Rui for nearly half an hour. During this time, Ji Rui only gave a brief report on Ji's recent condition and the baby's current health.

Finally, he put his arm around Letong's shoulder and said to the woman in the photo, "Mom, Letong's health is not very good. You should protect her and the baby!"

When he finished, Letong bowed slightly to the photo.

"Auntie, you can rest assured that I will take good care of the baby and Ji Rui."

Ji Rui's hand on Letong's shoulder is tight. Letong's eloquence is not bad. She prefers to express her mind with actions rather than with promises and good words. So, in addition to listening to her admit that she likes herself, this is the best and most beautiful promise he heard.

What's more, the promise of "taking good care" is said in front of his mother, and the meaning is especially different.

Out of the room, Ji Rui's mood becomes particularly good, and the gloom and chill before entering the room are swept away by Letong's words.

"Shall I show you to my room?" Ji Rui embraces Letong and stands at the door of the room, smiling to ask for Letong's opinions.

"Well!" Letong obediently led himself to the third floor.

"Are you visiting a single man's room for the first time?" Ji Rui holds the doorknob and looks at Letong.

He knew that she was chased by many people, but she had never been in love with anyone. If he guessed correctly, his room would be her "first time".

Yue Tong's expectant face winked, raised her lips, and shook her head with a smile. "Of course not!"

Ji Rui's face suddenly collapsed. Until then, he knew how strong his possessive desire for the woman in front of him was.

It's just a visit to the room. Isn't it the first time? It doesn't matter at all, does it?

Ji Rui opens the door with his back to Letong in disappointment, trying to look calm and natural. Think about it and feel annoyed, in front of Letong, his mature and steady impression is afraid to have gone bankrupt.

Letong keeps up and stands side by side with him. Her bright eyes sweep the bedroom with the same style as she expected. It's funny to add.

"When I was in college, I went to the boys' dormitory several times."

Ji Rui suddenly lowers his head and stares at her. He takes a long breath and grinds his teeth at Letong. "Letong, it's fun to tease me?"

Yue Tong shrugged her shoulders with a smile, "it's really fun!"

Seeing that pair of dark green eyes gradually infected with anger, Letong quickly raised his hand, climbed his shoulder, stood on tiptoe, raised his face to his lips.

Like a dragonfly skimming water, the kiss is like a huge black hole, which easily absorbs Ji Rui's full of anger. Ji Rui's eyes and heart are full of Letong. Where is the place for anger?

Hold her waist to take people to their arms, lips accurately capture just separated lip.

"Bad girl!" Ji Rui murmured a cursing sentence, bit her lip, licked her lip with the tip of his tongue mischievously, then pried her lip open with full experience and wrapped her soft.

I don't know how long after that, Ji Rui's heart is full of breathing. The bad girl who teases people has finally paid a heavy price for her bad behavior.

It's just a long French kiss, which makes Letong collapse in Ji Rui's arms. Ji Rui, who is in a good mood, kisses the top of her hair, and then bends down to hold her.

"Ah... What are you doing?! Put me down

Suddenly weightless Letong beats Ji Rui's chest in a panic. She's not afraid that Ji Rui will do anything too much. Instead, it's embarrassing for such a big person to be hugged by a princess. Is that right?

Ji Rui turns a deaf ear to her shouting. He hugs her tightly with his powerful arm. After a few big long legs, he quickly walks to the bedside, bends over and puts Letong, who is scolding him in a low voice, on the bed.

"Aren't you tired? Get some sleep! " Ji Rui said, got up and walked away, went to a door in the room, pushed it open and went in.

Letong Leng in bed, can't help wondering, this man, in the end is to bring her in to visit his single man's bedroom, or bring her in to let her take a nap?

Letong didn't understand. The man in the door flashed out, holding a basin in his hand.

"Wash your face and get some sleep."

The man said, has walked to the bed, put the basin on the bedside table, after the sound of water, the man put the steaming wet towel to Letong.

"Here you are!"

Letong stares at the steaming towel. It's so big that she has never been treated so considerately except when she was a child and didn't learn to take care of herself.

Besides, the person who serves her is Ji Rui, the young master of the Ji family and the current leader of the Ji family.

Ji Rui sees that she doesn't respond and thinks that she is acting like a spoiler. Because babies do it occasionally.

Ji Rui, who thinks so, reaches out and clasps the back of her head, then applies the hot and humid towel to her face.

"Ji Rui..." Yue Tong was startled and called vaguely through the towel.

"Well, I don't blame you. You can tease me as much as you like. Wash your face and have a good sleep."

Ji Rui's tone is similar to that of coaxing the baby, three points doting and seven points gentle.

"It's not... I'll do it myself..." Letong hands up and grabs at random, and finally grabs Ji Rui's big and powerful hand.

"I'll come. You look confused. Are you tired?" Ji Rui's eyes full of pity, "Minister Yu, did they throw a lot of work to you while I was away?" In the end, Ji Rui's tone became vicious.

Letong can't grab the towel from the man's hand. She struggles in her heart. She finally gives up her idea and accepts his care as he wishes.

"Of course not!"

Letong's beautiful eyes came out from the towel. "I'm not familiar with the business, and it's holding everyone back."

Letong is smart and diligent, but even so, it's really hard for her to take over Yang Sheng's heavy and difficult work in a short time!

Ji Rui kisses her on the eyelid, "it's my fault!" Words, full of guilt.

Yue tongqi said, "what's the matter with you? You are the president and I am an employee. When I get paid, I have to do the corresponding work. If I don't do it well, of course, it's my responsibility. "

Ji Rui throws the towel into the basin, bows his head and kisses her again. "It's because I didn't deal with Coco's business well that I've got this situation."

Letong hands over his hand and scratches his head. His hair is very short and stabbed in the palm of his hand. There is a slight pain and a little itching.

"You can't have both, or do you regret choosing me?"