Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 491

The car drove into the garden of Ji's mansion. From a distance, I saw housekeeper Li playing chess with Ji in his wheelchair.

When the car stopped, housekeeper Li pushed Mr. Ji over.

"Grandfather..." as soon as the baby got out of the car, he jumped towards the old man.

"Hey, hey, baby, be careful, be careful..." with a big smile on his face, Ji waited for the baby to rush over, but he couldn't help reminding the little guy.

Letong and Ji Rui walk side by side behind the baby, and Xiao Li follows them with big and small bags of food.

"Hello, chairman!" Letong face with a polite smile, calm tone with a touch of alienation.

"Here you are. Come in and sit down. It's windy outside."

Ji Laozi cheerfully greets Letong, Ji Rui nods to him, supports Letong's waist in the back, and takes her to the main room.

"Daddy, baby wants to take Xiaohei and Xiaohui, Dabai and Xiaobai back here, OK?"

The little guy actually remembered this and asked aloud behind them.

Ji Rui looks at Letong, as if waiting for Letong to decide.

This ball was originally kicked to him by Le Tong a few days ago. Now, he kicked it back.

"You decide for yourself, I don't mind!" Le Tong made a statement.

Before Ji Rui could answer, the old man in the wheelchair behind him said, "are they two puppies and two cats? Since the baby likes it, send it back here to raise it. Lao Li will serve them well. When the baby thinks about them, he will come back to have a look at them and tease them. Besides, I'm alone and have a few more small things around me. It's more lively. "

Ji old man's words, Yue Tong hears behind that section, a little can't stand.

In the past, she only separated for a short time when Mr. Ji and Mrs. Ji were both angry. Now it seems that the old man's words are not as simple as she thought.

Mr. Ji is over sixty years old. The Ji family's mansion is so big. It's really lonely to live alone.

Moved the Le Tong of compassion heart, very disheartened ground slightly nodded to Ji Rui.

"Call the pet store and have them delivered."

Ji Rui takes out the phone and dials the phone of the pet store. He asks people to send two dogs and two cats to the mansion together with a lot of things like dog food, cat food, cat food and so on.

The baby is so excited that he doesn't go into the big house with Letong and Ji Rui. He directly pushes Ji to find a place for cats and dogs in the flower yard.

Ji Rui accompanies Le Tong into the main room. Two servants come to meet him. They fight each other and take Xiao Li's big and small bags of food to the kitchen.

Ji Rui sits with Letong in the living room for a while and drinks a cup of tea. Ji Rui stands up and reaches out his hand to Letong, "I'll show you around?"

Letong thinks that she only visited the baby's bedroom and playroom last time. She really hasn't visited other places.

"Well!" Letong put his hand into Ji Rui's big palm and let him lead him up the stairs.

"You came over that day and didn't go anywhere?"

He took Letong, his eyes never left her face.

Le Tong was very uncomfortable with him, pulling his hand, "look at the road, I can't help you if I fall down."

Ji Rui turns around calmly, stares at Le Tong, and steps back up the stairs. "I have lived here since I was born. During this period, I only made some simple repairs, and the pattern has not changed much. I can walk around with my eyes closed in this big room."

Le Tong looked around, "were you born in this room?"

Although Ji Rui seldom laughs at such things, Letong doesn't believe him.

The smile on Ji Rui's face faded slowly. "Well, this room is left by my grandfather."

Letong is so worried that she regrets that she is so talkative“ I'm sorry... "

Yue Tong pinches Ji Rui's palm and apologizes softly.

Ji Rui to her smile, "fool, how many years, I have long been open."

Yue Tong answered.

"In fact, after my mother died, he said he would move."

Letong listened in silence and didn't dare to ask more.

"I said I would not leave. If he wants to move, he can move with his wife and son, and then break away from the father son relationship with me."

In Letong's mind, a child, who is not much older than the baby, comes up to declare war on her father

"Because of my words, he didn't dare to move. I want his wife and son to know that although they have entered the family name, they can only rely on others forever."

Speaking of these, Ji Rui's face is not different from usual, but Letong can hear subtle changes from his tone.

"My mother made a will on this villa, which is completely inherited by me. As for Ji, in the years after I was born, it was completely out of her control. When she found out, it was too late."

Letong doesn't know how long these heavy topics are weighing on Ji Rui's mind. She only knows that it's very cruel to ask a few year old child to accept this heavy burden.

Ji Rui once mentioned the change of Ji's name before he was injured. After that, many things happened one after another. Until now, Ji Rui has not put the change of name on the agenda.

In private, Letong thought that this would be over. Now hearing these old stories, she vaguely understood that the change of Ji's name was just a matter of time.

During the conversation, Ji Rui leads Letong to the door of the first room at the stairway. He pushes the door open. Before Letong can see the furnishings inside, he hears Ji Rui say“ This room, it's my mom's room. "

Letong shudders. Ji Rui releases her hand, hugs her shoulder and pats her.

"Don't be afraid. My mother will like you very much."

Le Tong raised his hand and patted the back of his hand, "you misunderstood, I'm not afraid."

Shivering was just an instinctive reaction of her body. Psychologically, she was not afraid of the poor woman she had never met, but also had deep sympathy for her.


Ji Rui didn't mean to investigate. He hugged Letong and went to a display stand.

On the display platform, there are some sacrificial objects. In the center of the platform, there is a big black-and-white photo.

The woman in the photo has a gentle smile on her face. She is very young and has a deep facial profile. In a faint sense, Ji Rui's shadow can be found from above.

Ji Rui takes a look at Letong and turns to look at the woman in the photo.

"Mom, this is the baby's mom and the woman I love. Her name is Letong."

Letong looks at the photo with Ji Rui's eyes, "Hello aunt, my name is Letong."

The woman's eyes are very beautiful, and the smile in her eyes is very strong. Just looking at the photos, Letong feels that the people inside seem to have something to tell herself. She thinks that she must be a very beautiful woman with temperament.