Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 488

Ji Rui and Letong watched TV with their baby in the living room for a while. It's time to go to bed, but the little guy won't go to bed.

Coax for a long time, the little guy still stick on Ji Rui body, don't want to come down, Letong only tiger face asked him.

"Really not going to bed?"

As soon as the little guy saw Letong's posture, he immediately rushed over and held Letong's face in his hands. He said, "the baby went to sleep, but the baby wants mommy and daddy to sleep with him..."

The baby didn't see Ji Rui for a few days. Maybe he missed him very much. Otherwise, he always stuck to Letong's little ghost. After eating, he didn't come down from Ji Rui.

Letong looks up at Ji Rui. Ji Rui smiles and blinks, which means I'm free.

Le Tong thinks, anyway, when the baby falls asleep, they go back to their room to sleep, it's no big deal.

So patted the baby's ass, "well, daddy and Mommy accompany you to sleep, no grin."

“Yesmadam!” Baby should be clear and crisp voice, music Tong originally also tiger face, this under taut not live music“ It's very strange

The baby struggles to break free from Letong's arms. She slips onto the carpet like a loach and stands barefoot, as if afraid that Ji Rui and Letong will break their promise. She reaches out her chubby hand to them.

Ji Rui stands up, bends over to hold up the ghost head and carries it to his shoulder.

"Let's go. Daddy and Mommy will go to bed with the baby."

The other hand reaches over and embraces Le Tong's shoulder and brings the person who just stands up to his arms.

Ji Rui is very strong, where her wrist is close to Letong's shoulder and arm, the pulse "Ping Ping" is clearly and forcefully reaching Letong's skin pores, so that her whole body's sense of touch is suddenly sensitive.

She earned two uneasily, and the man carrying the baby quickly turned his head, "uncomfortable?"

Shaking his head, he squeezed out a smile.

She also felt affectation, as a lover, cuddling is nothing, she dodged so, no wonder he was so attentive. But the physical instinct to make such a response is not within her control, and she is helpless.

Ji Rui doesn't believe her. He rubs her shoulder with his big hand and feels the coolness of her body through the thin cloth.


Letong had to nod along with the situation, "a little..."

"Not taking medicine on time?" Ji Rui's eyes are full of pain and blame.

Before Letong has time to defend, Ji Rui's baby over there giggles, "Mommy is not good, Mommy is not good..."

Le Tong in that pout up of small buttocks light smoked two, fierce way, "Ji Yu, don't talk nonsense!"

Ji Rui lowered his head to kiss her face and said with a smile, "baby is right, you are really not good!"

Yue Tong raised her head slightly and cast a white eye obliquely.

Into the bedroom, Ji Rui put the baby down, patted his head, "go brush your teeth!"

"Daddy and Mommy together!"

The baby drags one with each hand and insists on his parents' company.

To the baby this kind of occasionally childish small request, Letong always quite connives. In her opinion, the baby is old enough, occasionally asked a few childish, Letong most will agree to him.

I don't know if Ji Rui had thought that there would be such a scene. The washroom is very large, and three people stand side by side in front of the mouthwash pool. It's not only not crowded, but also quite harmonious and beautiful.

Letong lowers her head to help her squeeze toothpaste, while Ji Rui helps Letong squeeze toothpaste, and the baby is not idle. After taking Ji Rui's toothbrush, she squeezed a big lump of toothpaste on it.

The little guy who has done a bad thing is holding a smile and hands the toothbrush to Ji Rui. Ji Rui takes the toothbrush and shoves it neatly into his mouth. His idle hand pinches the little guy's buttocks, then goes around and gently puts it on Letong's waist.

Letong biting toothbrush, doodle lips sticky full of bubbles, micro side head stare at him.

Ji Rui smiles at her. He glimpses two tall and one short figures in the mirror. Everyone is a bubble with his mouth covered. He doesn't feel funny, but he feels very warm and harmonious.

Ji Ruisong opened his hand, took the mobile phone on the shelf, looked in the mirror, and snapped down the picture of the three people pasting a bubble.

Le Tong picks eyebrows and stares at him again. Ji Rui also picks eyebrows and says "hmm?" A sound, over the baby leaned in the past, regardless of the mouth bubble, kiss fish general Bo in Letong face.

Letong raises her hand to wipe off the bubble and kicks Ji Rui's leg.

The baby happily brushes his teeth and shakes his head to look left and right. After weighing it, he decides not to join his parents' War and brushes his own teeth with a smile.

Ji Rui is kicked by Letong and glares at him. He finally settles down to brush his teeth. In his spare hand, he keeps holding his mobile phone and takes two pictures in the mirror from time to time.

Yue Tong has no intention of Tucao, brush his teeth and make complaints about his face.

"Honey, it's a long hair. I'll take you to a haircut tomorrow."

When the baby was in the hospital, he always shaved his head. Now, his hair has gone through his ears. No one had cut it for him before, and he didn't say a word. Letong thought he wanted to cut back the mushroom head he used to have.

The baby nodded and pointed to Ji Rui, "well, however, the baby needs to have a haircut like daddy's!"

Le Tong is stunned for a moment, don't understand why always walk lovely style of little guy, why suddenly want to walk the strong wind of model man?

"Why? Did the baby have a bad hairstyle before? It's lovely and cute! "

Letong's selfishness is more like her baby son. Even though she knows that he is mature, she looks at least naive, lively and cute.

Baby's head shakes like a drum, "no, baby is a man!"

Letong wants to laugh, but she doesn't dare to. For fear that it will hurt her son's self-esteem, she holds back her smile and lifts the hair on his forehead and kisses him.

"Well, you can cut whatever you want!"

Ji Rui put his big palm on the baby's forehead and rubbed it hard. With a smile in his eyes, he said, "the baby is so handsome. It looks good to cut any hairstyle."

Yue Tongbai glanced at him, "yes, I'll call it big Ji Rui and small Ji Rui in the future!"

Three people laughing out of the bedroom, baby rushed to bed, shouting let Ji Rui and Letong up quickly.

Letong climbs up and lies on his side, while Ji Rui leans on the back of the bed with his mobile phone. He doesn't know what he's tossing about.

The baby rubbed on Letong for a while, a little unable to resist, crawling up to him with Ji Rui's thigh, curiously putting his head close to the mobile phone screen.

"Show happiness contest..." baby read out according to the words on the screen.

Letong originally thought Ji Rui wanted to take some photos as a souvenir, but unexpectedly, the man was so sullen that he sent the photos of the three people to the competition.

Letong stares at Ji Rui with her head on her side. The light is drooping. The man's cold and hard facial features are soft and tender.

Is this man still the president of Jida with a stiff face that she knows?