Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 489

Is this man still the president of Jida with a stiff face that she knows?

Once upon a time, she blocked one harassing call after another for this man. At that time, she thought that this man was a heartless man.

No matter how good others are to him, he will not pay a little bit of affection and tenderness.

But now, this man, who is like an iceberg to other women, is extremely gentle and considerate to her.

Letong reaches for the man's arm. The man raises his eyelids and looks at her in surprise.

After all, she rarely takes the initiative to be close to him.

"Are you happy now?" Letong gently pinches the muscle of his arm and looks at him tenderly.

Ji Rui came to kiss her, and put his other arm around the kid who was lying on him.

"Of course, unprecedented happiness."

Le Tong stares at him speechless, Ji Rui asks again, "how about you? Are you happy? "

Letong nodded without hesitation, "I'm very happy!"

A year ago, she thought that she would be alone in her life.

Unexpectedly, in just a few months, she not only recovered her baby son, but also became a lover with her son's father.

Now she is used to having her baby and Ji Rui accompany her every day. Although, from the legal level, she and Ji Rui are not a family for the time being, from the spiritual level, she feels that now she and he, together with the baby, are a complete family.

Like this, someone accompany you to fight for the common future, but also patiently and gently accompany you to watch your child grow up slowly. If you are not happy, then she is too unsatisfied!

Lying on Ji Rui's body, the baby, hearing the conversation between his parents, holds Ji Rui's chest and pours on Letong. With one hand around her neck, she rubs her nose and says, "the baby is also very happy!"

Hearing Ji Rui say happiness, Letong feels her heart is warm. When she says happiness, she feels her heart is steadfast. When she hears Baobao say happiness, Letong feels sad!

Letong rubs her baby's forehead and nose for a while, until Ji Rui's long arm holds them both in his arms.

"Well, the happy family of three is going to bed!"

Baby is really tired, let Ji Rui and Letong lie on his left and right sides respectively. After listening to the story for only a little half, he has closed his eyes and gone to sleep.

Not long after the baby fell asleep, Ji Rui lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Letong is so busy these days that she is too tired to move. She thinks Ji Rui wants to go back to her room to sleep, so she doesn't want to move any more. She just closes her eyes. In the blink of an eye, she is already drowsy.

Seeing that she was about to hold hands with Duke Zhou, the mattress around her suddenly sank, and the familiar breath quickly approached.

Letong has not yet had time to respond, people have been cuddled into the warm chest.

Letong opens her eyes vaguely, looks at the man for a long time, and then focuses her blurred eyes on the focus, "isn't it jet lag? Why don't you go to bed? "

The man didn't say a word. His face got closer and closer. He put his lips on her face and eyelids and gently kissed her again. Then he moved the woman in his arms to make her sleep more comfortable.

"Big bed, sleep together."

Letong seems to have been needled for a while, sleepy moment all run.


The body, uncontrollably stiff.

"Darling, I'll hold it. I won't do anything." Ji Rui murmured in her ear, hot lips, in her neck gently rub, as if to appease her nervous tension.

Even if Ji Rui makes such a promise, Letong still can't relax and lies in his arms. Behind his ear, tail and neck, he is covered with a layer of heat by the man's breath.

In fact, her psychology, has accepted Ji Rui, otherwise, she will not allow him to move over to live together.

But her physiology is always on high alert to him.

At first, she didn't think there was any big problem. She just thought it would be better if she got used to it. But now, the warm and lingering atmosphere was completely destroyed by her physiological instinct.

Such a sense of self-defense, let her very helpless.

At the same time, I feel guilty for Ji Rui.

She knows very well that if she can't find a way to get rid of her inner fear, she and Ji Rui will find it difficult to go on.

After thinking about it, Letong tries to suppress her physical discomfort and turns around to face Ji Rui.

"Ji Rui, I..."

Ji Rui's pain in his eyes is quickly covered up by gentleness. He kisses her carefully on her forehead and coaxes her like a baby.

"Good, sleep. I'll move away." Say, the arm loosens, automatically and consciously move the body to the side of the bed, until keeping close to a person's position with Letong, just reach out to rub Letong's head.

"Good night, baby!"

Letong looks at the man who is extremely restrained, confused, and filled with remorse and guilt.

The man has already closed his eyes. Looking at his appearance, he is really tired. Letong can't bear it. She props up and kisses him on his thin lips. She says "good night" in a soft voice!

The man snorted, with a strong nasal response, indicating that others have entered a half asleep state.

Originally very sleepy Letong, this time, lying in bed, but how also can't sleep.

The man said move some, really move very open, hands and feet very restrained together, seems to avoid to touch her.

In fact, the baby's bed is very big, not to mention sleeping two big and one small, sleeping two big and two small, even two big and three small are more than enough.

Yue Tong make complaints about the huge bed when he saw it. "Is this a bed or a football field?"

Ji Rui said calmly, "when the baby has a younger brother and sister, how many kids want to toss and play on it is OK!"

At that time, Ji Rui and Letong did not expect that the baby would have a younger brother and sister in the future.

Now Letong really feels very happy.

But if someone insists on asking her what else she regrets, it's that she can't make her baby's wish to be a brother come true, and she can't satisfy Ji Rui's wish to see her child grow from birth to a handsome young man.

Letong looks at her baby's sleeping face. She is very sad. She turns over and sleeps quietly in front of Ji Rui. In her heart, she is also very uncomfortable. Although Ji Rui and Baobao will never mention it in front of her again, she can't help the occasional surge of sadness.

Letong tossed and turned in the dark for a long time, then sighed a long time.

These years of suffering, let her understand, a person can have, in fact, not much, two palms so big, can grasp, after all, limited.

If we grasp this, we often have to discard that. Therefore, we should not be too greedy.

She has a baby, with Ji Rui, fate to her, is not thin!