Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 487

Because of those boxes of cookies, Letong calls the mansion when she gets home. It's housekeeper Li who answers the phone.

"Oh, it's Miss le. Master is tasting tea on the terrace. You wait."

"Housekeeper Li, don't..." Letong's words haven't finished. The phone over there has been put down. Letong hears the sound of dada's footsteps and the sound of opening the door. Then, she hears housekeeper Li whispering, "master, Miss Le calls."

"Hello An old voice came.

"Chairman, cookies taste good, thank you!"

Letong is a kind woman. She is always modest and polite to her elders. Once upon a time, she had a sharp talk with Mr. Ji. The reason was that the old man was too deceiving and too cynical.

Now, it's impossible for the old man to show his kindness to her again and again, and let her get along with the old man frankly without any obstinacy, but she can still be comprehensive with her superficial politeness.

"If you like it, what else do you like to eat? I asked Lao Li to write it down and send it to you. The chef is good at making Western cakes. The baby loves his cakes and desserts."

The old man's tone was peaceful. Although he was not amiable, the arrogant arrogance of Le Tong was completely gone.

"No, it's too much trouble for you." Letong habitually refused the other party's kindness.

To tell you the truth, so far, Letong has not taken the initiative to approach, let alone the idea of getting close to Mr. Ji. She just, because he is Ji Rui's father, baby's grandfather and with him to maintain the basic etiquette.

"Don't bother. People come back to work. Only when someone likes and appreciates the food he makes, can it reflect his value. You don't have to worry about it. "

Ji doesn't know whether he really doesn't understand the meaning of Letong or pretends not to. He insists on understanding the meaning of Letong's words literally.

"Thank you for your kindness, chairman. If the baby wants to eat something, I will ask him to call back by himself! "

Letong took the phone into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator probe to see what is suitable for baby dinner ingredients.

"Baby is baby, you are you. You are welcome." Ji also said, it doesn't sound too bad.

Letong see each other so insist, had to perfunctory should way, "well, I know."

Although she answered it verbally, she knew very well in her heart that she would not open it. If she wants to eat anything, she can buy it at home. Why should she accept the favor of the other party?

Debt can be paid, owed human, but I do not know what to use to pay, especially, the other side or Ji Laozi.

"Baobao said that the dumplings you made were very delicious. That day, he was so greedy that his mouth watered. Do you have time this weekend to bring your baby back to make dumplings? I haven't eaten dumplings for a long time

Here Letong is still carefully maintaining the distance between the two sides. Over there, Mr. Ji impolitely asks for it. It sounds like the baby likes to eat, but actually, it's the drunk who doesn't want to drink.

Yue Tong obviously didn't expect that he would send himself so impolitely. He was stunned. Naturally, it's not good to refuse directly, so he had to shirk.

"Recently, Ji's work is quite busy, and I may not be able to draw money on weekends."

"Well, I'll call Ariel at the end of the week."

Le Tong naturally is to hear out, the old man's meaning, is she doesn't agree, he has to find Ji Rui to go.

Of course, Letong thinks that the old man is just talking, but on Friday, the night Ji Rui comes back, he receives a call from him.

When Letong puts the soup on the table from the kitchen, Ji Rui helps to put the soup on and asks Letong.

"The old man said he wanted to eat dumplings. Would you like to go back to the mansion with me and my baby tomorrow?"

Letong stoops to drag a chair to sit down. She doesn't know how Ji told Ji Rui, but the old man repeatedly mentions it. If she refuses again, she will be stingy.

"I have to go back to deal with some things in the morning. Otherwise, you and Baobao should go back first, and I'll finish what I'm doing in the afternoon."

Letong has made a concession. She thinks that if she goes to the mansion and the chef has prepared everything, she will be at ease. If it is not ready, she will help.

"I'm going to have jet lag. I think I can sleep till noon tomorrow. When I wake up, I'll take my baby back to the company to pick you up. Let's go back together."

"OK..." Letong knows that she can't beat Ji Rui, and only nods.

After dinner, I didn't see daddy's baby climbing around Ji Rui's neck like a koala for a few days, and asked Ji Rui to carry him to feed the goldfish.

Ji Rui looks at the fish swimming around in the aquarium, and soon finds something strangeā€œ Why are there two missing? "

"Well... Dead..." the baby was about to forget this, but Ji Rui mentioned it, and he was depressed again.

Ji Rui saw the baby's depressed face from the mirror of the fish tank. He couldn't help laughing. He pulled the little guy's face with his backhand and coaxed him.

"It's OK. On Sunday, mom and dad will go with the baby to buy some new ones."

"Oh..." the baby is still not very happy.

"He has been talking about the two goldfish for several days." Le Tong, who comes out with fruit, comes to Ji Rui's ear and explains.

It seems that they have developed feelings.

After feeding the goldfish, Letong goes to water the flowers and plants on the balcony, while Ji Rui sits on the sofa with his baby in his arms, opens his laptop, searches "the collection of raising goldfish" and clicks on it.

"Bao, let's see how to raise goldfish. We'll buy the same ones again. This time, we'll raise them for nothing."

The baby lies on his thigh, turns to point to the fish tank and laughs, "Daddy, it's not fat for nothing, it's red fat, and black fat..."

Ji Rui smiles and scrapes the tip of his nose, "yes, the baby will be fattened!"

With a smile, the baby raised his hands and pulled Ji Rui's face, "Daddy, you are black and fat raised by Mommy..."

Back in the room, Letong laughs. Ji Rui looks up at Letong, touches his face and asks her, "is it dark?"

Yue Tong smiles and shakes her head, "no, you are just like this skin color. However, sitting with the baby, you are quite black

Ji Rui holds the baby in one hand and slightly gets up to kiss on Letong's lips.

"Black spot is good. Otherwise, if I go out with you, people will say you have a white face."

Letong blushes and gets hot. She doesn't understand why her skin is so thin. It's just a common joke. What's the point of blushing?

"Ha ha, Mommy, what you raise is not a little white face, but a big black face!"

Where does the baby know that her parents are just flirting? She only understands the meaning of the conversation literally and finds it very interesting.