Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 486

The next evening, Letong went to pick up her baby from school in Xiao Li's car.

Just from the car down, holding a big bag of I do not know what the baby ran from the duty room.

"Mommy..." soon the little guy stood panting in front of Letong.

"Baby, why are you running so fast? Mommy can't go!" Letong squatted down and pecked her red lips.

"Mommy, the baby missed you so much..." the baby threw the big bag of unidentified items aside, opened his arms, and tried to encircle the whole Letong with his short hands.

"Mommy miss her baby so much!" Yue Tong said, and in the red face on a kiss.

Her words are not perfunctory. Since the day when the baby was ill and she began to accompany her in the hospital, except for the days when the baby finished the operation and was in the isolation room, the mother and the son did not meet for more than 24 hours.

The baby hugs Letong's face, kisses and rubs, making Letong drool.

"Next time the baby goes back to the mansion, Mommy will go back with the baby, OK?"

The baby who has been sticking to Letong like dog skin cream for several months can't stand the suffering of seeing Mommy.

This question is really hard to answer.

Letong touches the baby's head, pretends not to hear the baby's request, takes his hand, opens the door and helps him get on the car.

The baby took out that big bag of goods, I don't know when it was picked up by Xiao Li, and put it on the carpet in the back seat.

"What are these, baby?"

Letong looks at a big bag of things and pokes it with her finger.

"There are a lot of things, food, play, and baby's favorite fairy tale book. Do you want to read it, Mommy?"

Baobao tilts her head and blinks at Letong. Letong nods busily.

"Sure, Mommy is curious!"

The baby giggles and pokes her fat finger on Letong's face.

"Mommy is a curious baby! Hey, hey

After identification, he knelt down on the carpet, picked up the big bag and threw it on the seat.

The baby climbed into Letong's arms, bent over and arched his head in the bag for a while, then handed the book to Letong like a treasure.

"Baby loves reading this book most!"

Yue Tong has a closer look. It's "little beans by the window.".

"Does the baby like this book very much?" Le Tong took the book and flipped it. There were no color illustrations of children's books in it, but only rigid black square characters arranged on white paper.

"Well, I like it very much!" The baby nodded heavily.

"Can you see it all?" Letong knows that the baby is smart, but there is no pinyin or picture in this book. Can a child who is just in the kindergarten really understand it? Letong is skeptical.

"Of course!" The baby's face is rusty“ When the baby is in a small class, he can see clearly. "

"Small class?" Le Tong pinches the finger to calculate, the baby reads the small class should be two years ago matter, that is to say, he is less than four years old can understand these?

"Miss Le, baby can also read fairy tale books in English, French and Portuguese." Xiao Li in the driver's seat can't help telling Letong a surprise and blow.

Surprise? It's because of the baby.

The blow is that I know nothing about French and Portuguese except my mother tongue and English. The baby, a six-year-old, knows more than she does.

"Is the baby taught by a tutor?" In kindergarten, there will be no such extraordinary education. Letong can be sure about this.

How can Xiao Li not see the confusion and doubt on Letong's face? It's self-conscious to continue to disclose“ Well, it's the tutor hired by the president. "

"Mr. Ji asked?" Letong seems to have heard Tianda's joke. Ji Rui doesn't attach so much importance to early education.

"Yes, once a three-year-old young master was tired of being in the president's arms and refused to leave. The president had no choice but to hold him. When the phone rang, he held him directly and talked about his work with the other party. So he let the baby hear the president talking with the other party in several languages. Afterwards, he pestered Ji Rui to teach him these languages. Mr. Ji didn't have the time to teach him. He directly invited several teachers to teach the baby. Now the baby can chat with the president in fluent English, French and Portuguese. "

Letong was surprised to think that such a powerful little guy was his own son. God treated her very well.

"Does that baby feel boring at school?" Letong looks down and asks her son.

It's hard for him to find the same kind of knowledge in kindergarten, and it's hard to find the children who have the same opinions and interests with him.

"It won't be boring. Baby has many interesting classmates." Baby's crooked head emphasizes a way.

"However, the headmaster asked the baby to go to primary school, but the baby didn't go. There was a lot of homework. It wasn't fun at all!"

This is like what a six-year-old boy said.

However, the key point of Letong's work is obviously not how much homework she does. Instead, the headmaster once suggested that the baby jump?

Why didn't she hear Ji Rui mention this? Or did Ji Rui forget about it?

"Mr. principal, let the baby jump?" Letong hugs her baby.

"Yes... But the baby doesn't want to go, so Daddy will follow the baby."

Letong thinks that this matter should be discussed with Ji Rui as soon as possible.

"Why not? Well

Letong can roughly predict the baby's answer, but she wants to hear it from the little guy.

"Baby's good friends will stay in the big class. Baby doesn't want to leave them." The baby seems to have a lot of feelings for the little classmates at school.

Letong hasn't talked to Ji Rui, so when she and Ji Rui don't make a choice, she doesn't want to influence the baby's thoughts and practices.

"Ah..." the baby suddenly yelled, and Sheng startled Letong.

"What's the matter with the baby? Not feeling well? " With that, he held the baby's face in his hands and looked carefully.

"No, it's the grandfather who asked the chef uncle to cook a lot now, and the baby brought several boxes back."

No wonder this bag is full of people. It turns out that there are several boxes of cookies in the snack goods.

"The baby is a little angry recently, can't eat too much, you know?" As a big eater, Letong is not willing to confiscate her baby's good things.

But the baby turned around and put a few boxes of cookies into Letong's arms. "Mommy, these cookies are brought back by grandfather. He said that mommy likes to eat, so he asked Uncle cook to make a lot of them. He also said that if Mommy finishes eating these, she can call grandfather Li and ask him to send some to him."