Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 485

A man with a fortune of more than 10 billion has a price of one cent and a lifetime of service life. If this is said by a playboy, it may only be a love word to make his lover happy.

But Ji Rui's words are not just love words.

Is he proposing in disguise?

Thinking of this possibility, Letong's hand holding the microphone can't help tightening, her arched knuckles are white, and her palms are sweating.

"How, do you want to buy it?" The man who said this was thousands of kilometers away, but Letong seemed to feel that he was standing beside her, and the hot air was blowing around her ears, which made her heart beat faster.

After the man drops the torpedo in Letong's heart lake, he quietly waits for Letong's answer.

It's not easy for Letong to adjust her breath and mood. The big hole bombed by the super powerful torpedo can't be recovered for a long time.

In the big hole in Letong's heart, a lot of well-known and unknown things came in one after another. Some were moved, some were sweet, some were flustered, some were confused, and some were in a mess. What's more, a lot of things she couldn't manage were slowly filling into the big hole.

Le Tong curled up in the big chair, holding the microphone and muttering in a low voice, "Ji Rui, don't you force me?"

In the microphone, there was a long exhalation sound. It seemed that the tension was more than Le Tong who was nestled in the chair.

"I didn't force you, I just want to tell you that you have paid for the purchase capital, and I am ready to deliver it to your door at any time. When do you figure it out and accept it, please let me know!"

It seems that the man who has always been vigorous and resolute has reserved enough patience to spend time with Letong.

If the person who said this is someone else, Letong will cut the mess quickly and tell the other party not to expect too much from her.

But these words by Ji Rui said, Letong was reluctant to cut this knife.

The fact that Ji Rui is waiting for her at a certain destination not only doesn't make her feel pressure, but also gives her a sense of joy and peace of mind.

She felt that she was like a toddler now, and Ji Rui, just like her parents holding out their hands to her with a smile not far away, let her step forward with ease, steady and firm step by step towards him.

"Well... I know..." the big hole in Letong's heart was filled with different emotions at last. The tension and confusion just now were gradually replaced by peace of mind.

"Did the inspection go well?" The man finally put the topic aside, probably understand, this kind of thing can't force, more urgent don't come.

"Well, it's very smooth. There are still a few doubts. The inspector asked Minister Yu to go to the tax bureau tomorrow to explain the situation. There should be no problem."

Letong's role quickly changes to the mode of special assistance. Even people sit up, straighten up, and their eyes fall on the computer screen.

"Do you want me to call to find out?"

"I don't need it for the time being. I'll call tomorrow morning first. If I need to, I'll go with the minister. If I can't solve it, I'll call again."

From a private standpoint, Ji Rui will worry that Letong will accept it. However, from the standpoint of public affairs, Ji Rui's worries hurt Letong's self-esteem.

As his lover, she can occasionally hide in his arms to show weakness. But as his working partner, if she has been like a child without weaning, and wants him to pull everything to the critical moment, she is not qualified to stand beside him and fight with him.

"Well." Men seem to understand this truth, and did not force.

"What's going on over there?"

Compared with what happened in country y, this case is a trivial matter.

"It's still around. There's not much progress for the time being." Man pour also honest, did not say some flashy words to cheat Le Tong.

Although his answer made her feel congested, his unreserved attitude warmed Letong's heart. It's nice to be trusted by him!

"You've worked hard. Don't worry. There's still time!" He was comforted in a soft voice.

The man's tone is gentle. I can hear it. I'm optimistic for the time being. They talked about it for a while, and the topic shifted from work to baby.

"The baby has been with his grandfather since childhood. He is more dependent on his grandfather. You can be tough and don't have to be so accommodating to him."

Even if Le Tong shows that he doesn't mind, the man doesn't seem to want the baby to have more contact with Ji.

After a few more words, the voice of urging came from the microphone. The man told Letong to remember to drink medicine on time, and then hung up in a hurry.

The next day, as soon as Le Tong returned to Ji, she called the tax bureau. The other side had a good attitude. After a chat, the other side said politely that it was just routine work for Minister Yu to go this trip, so they didn't have to care.

Letong is relieved that minister Yu brings the documents to the tax bureau, while she calls her teacher Professor Liu.

"Tong Tong, when will you come to see your teacher's mother?" As soon as the phone was connected, he was robbed by his teacher's mother, and the whole thing was a question.

"Teacher's mother, sorry, recently quite busy..." mention this, Yue Tong really guilty.

Since we met on her birthday last year, she hasn't visited her teacher and mother for more than a year.

"OK, if you find your baby son, you don't want the old lady, do you? When you are free, bring your baby to see us. "

About the baby, Letong told her teacher and mother a few days ago. Of course, the details of the baby's birth are omitted. She only said that she had a short relationship with Ji Rui.

Professor Liu and his teacher's mother only gritted their teeth and scolded him, but they didn't have the heart to really scold him too hard. In particular, when they saw the handsome, lovely and smart baby in the video and learned about the baby's condition from Yang Sheng, the two old people completely forgave Le Tong.

"Later, baby, it's not suitable to go far now." In addition to busy this reason, the baby really can not be too tired.

"Well... When I'm healthy, Lao Liu and I will go back to see you and the baby." The teacher's mother was also ill for a while, so she always said that when she came back to see Letong, she couldn't make it.

"Teacher's mother, is the professor there? I have something to ask the professor

The main purpose of Letong's phone call, of course, is not to play a family routine, but to find Professor Liu on business.

"He was driven out by me. You wait and I'll call him." While talking to Letong, the teacher's mother opened the door. After the sound of the door, Professor Liu's voice came from the microphone.

"Tong Tong, what can I do for you?"

"Professor, I want you to introduce some people, OK?"