Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 484

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't write it for me. I'll write it for you. That's it!"

The smile in Ji Rui's words is more and more strong. In addition to the smile, it seems that he is still a little spoiled and gentle.

Letong's heart trembles. She has not tasted the feeling of being held in the palm of her hand carefully.

"Do you really write?"

Although, don't rule out men just joking, but Letong still can't help looking forward to it.

When she decided to go out with this man, she was ready to accept a man with a bad temper and moody, a vicious tongue and a dull old style.

But the more she contacted and understood the man, the more she found out that the man's temper was not as bad as she thought. In this man's heart, though not romantic, he is more considerate than many men. In a word, it's wrong to say that he is old-fashioned and boring.

She didn't know that Ji Rui's good temper was only aimed at her, and his thoughtfulness and carefulness, because of her, began to sprout.

"Well... It's really good!" The man's low voice makes Letong's expectation accumulate higher and higher.

In the study, it is clear that there is no time to turn on the heating, but Letong feels that waves of warm current around her come slowly, closely, wrapping her. She is always cold. At this time, she is warm all over, and her pores are lazily open. The whole person seems to be in the warm sunlight.

"Now tell me, what interesting things have you found?" After a while, the man didn't forget it.

Letong thinks of the penny and the note, and she can't help laughing. But she is afraid that her smile will make the man angry, so she has to bite her lip and hold it.

"Did you lie to me? Huh? " Men seem to be in a good mood, obviously blame, but it sounds full of connivance.

It's like a child who has done something wrong, standing in front of her father with her head down and her clothes twisted, ready to be scolded. The father, who knows the details, not only doesn't scold her, but touches her head with his warm big palm and says "it doesn't matter".

Letong has experienced too many things in recent years. The characteristics of willfulness and indulgence, which are related to youth, are separated from her little by little because of the suffering of life.

Willfulness and indulgence are a kind of capital.

This kind of capital, vulgarity, is like holding 10000 yuan in your hand, you can casually smash the goods in the price you like, because you have enough money to compensate.

Only when someone loves you can you be indulgent and willful.

And she, over the years, has forgotten the taste of willfulness.

Now, the man over the microphone really sends her a message: Letong, it doesn't matter if you want to tease me. As long as you feel happy, I can.

Letong was biting her lips and holding her smile, but her eyes were sour. She sniffed heavily, "who lied to you? I really found something interesting

"Well, what interesting things can make you feel so good?"

"A cent..." Le Tong specially lengthens the voice to return him.

In the microphone, there was a slight breath.

Unable to get a man's response, Letong thinks he is annoyed.

After all, in addition to that penny, there was that little note that he thought was insulting.

Le Tong, who hasn't received a response for a long time, cleans her throat awkwardly.

"Cough..." in the heart secretly annoyed, began to reflect on their own is not too reckless, this joke, it seems, too much?

When she hesitated whether to take the initiative to apologize to the man, the man thousands of miles away finally opened a cavity, "in addition to that penny, nothing else?"

Yue Tong estimates whether the man is angry, but his tone is calm, and there is no sign of anger at all.

"And 880..." Letong didn't dare to mention the one that said, "the service was good that night. This is a tip!" It's a piece of paper.

"No more?" The man's tone, unexpectedly is to take the flavor of some docile.

"It seems that..." Letong hesitated and finally did not dare to mention the note.

"Isn't there a note left?" Men take the initiative.

Letong's eyelids suddenly jumped twice, which made it more difficult for her to understand the man's mind.

If he doesn't care, his long silence just now doesn't look like he doesn't care.

If he cares, she has bypassed the note, but he takes the initiative to mention it.

"Good... Seems to be..." Letong stammered hard.

"Isn't it still written? You wrote that yourself, don't you remember? "

There is a smile in the man's words, but Letong can't tell the truth of the smile. She only feels that her arms are bristling. This man is not going to settle accounts after autumn, is he?

"Eh?" Letong decided to show her own housekeeping skills and pretend to be a fool!

"Ha ha, what? When did my little secretary become so forgetful? No, I can't. can't I recite everything from my ancestors' eighteen generations? "

The man laughs directly, but Letong can't.

"You always say that it's the eighteenth generation of ancestors. Of course you remember the important things."

After all, she was not wrong. Ji Rui was so deceiving that she was forced to write such words to vent her anger and seek the advantage of oral communication. In fact, judging from the active and passive relationship, he is the one who actively enjoys the service!

"Letong, I'm very sad." The man's voice suddenly darkened.

"Are you sad?" Recalling the past, Letong can't help grinding her teeth“ You're crying for the cat and the mouse. You're being kind and sad

As for Ji Rui's depression, Letong intuitively thinks that he is pretending to play with her.

"It's really sad! It's important to me! " Ji Rui emphasized solemnly.

"Well! Do it, do it. In my opinion, you are going to settle accounts with me after autumn with that penny and that piece of paper? " Yue Tong clenches her teeth and decides that it's better to pick out the words. Anyway, this man is doting on her now!

"In fact... You're right. At the beginning, I really kept it as evidence, hoping to catch you back and teach you a good lesson."

Sure enough, that's right!

Le Tong hummed, "I knew it. Now! Are you going to peel me off? "

"I'm not willing!" The man's answer is quick and firm.

Letong's heart seems to have missed half a beat. Although they are thousands of kilometers apart at this time, she has a hallucination. She feels that she is being hugged by a man's generous and powerful arms.

Before Letong can jump out of the illusion, she hears the man say again.

"For me, it's not a cent, not a service charge, but a token of affection! Of course, if you want, you can buy me for a cent! "

"Ah?" Letong has a brain crash.

"Buy me, for life!"