Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 483

Although it's a routine inspection, people in the finance department still have a lot of work to do. Although Letong can't help, she takes the initiative to stay and work overtime.

In the afternoon, she called Xiao Li and asked him to pick up the baby.

Soon, Xiao Li called, "Miss Le, I came to the kindergarten and met the master to see the baby. Look..."

The relationship between father Ji and Letong is not very good. The drivers and bodyguards of the Ji family basically know about it. Therefore, Xiao Li is not sure whether Letong will let father Ji go to see the baby alone.

"Brother Li, please ask the baby's opinion. If he wants to go back to the mansion to accompany his grandfather, let him stay with the chairman for one night tonight. I just have something to do here. Let him go back to the mansion and I can rest assured."

Baby independent ability is very strong, only close aunt a person, also can take good care of him. Letong said that, but she wanted to let the baby accompany Mr. Ji.

If she reaches the age of master Ji, she will surely want her grandchildren to accompany her occasionally.

She can really feel the old man's love for the baby. Although there are still great differences and contradictions between her and Mr. Ji, those things are always adult's business, which should not be used to restrain or control the baby.

"You wait, I'll let the baby tell you by himself." Naturally, Xiao Li did not dare to make his own decision.

After a little while, the baby came from the microphone with a slight wheezing cry, "Mommy!"

"Baby, mommy has to work overtime tonight, so she can go home very late. Does baby want to go home and let aunt Guan accompany you, or go back to the mansion and let grandfather accompany you?"

"Grandfather is sitting beside the baby. Mommy, are you going to work overtime again? Aren't you tired? "

The little guy didn't answer Letong's question directly. It seems that he cares more about Letong's overtime work than which home he went back to.

Baby son so concerned about himself, Letong heart sweet, "Mommy is not tired, should be around nine o'clock can go home, baby to go back to accompany grandfather?"

Letong thinks that Ji is very poor. At this age, there are many children and grandchildren, but no one is with him. Even if he is injured, he is still alone.

The little guy on the other side of the phone hesitated and thought for a while before he said, "baby wants to go back to accompany grandfather, but he also thinks about Mommy. Mommy, will you come back to the mansion after work to accompany baby?"

Baby this request, let Letong is very difficult.

Her relationship with Mr. Ji has improved, but it has not completely cleared up the past.

"The baby will go back to accompany his grandfather tonight. Mommy has a lot of things to do. I'm afraid she can't accompany him. After mommy's busy time, daddy and Mommy will accompany him to camp, OK?"

"Well, Mommy can't go to bed too late..." the little guy's voice was deeply helpless and disappointed.

Settle the baby's whereabouts, Letong will go to work at ease.

Accompanied the staff of the finance department to work overtime until more than nine o'clock, Letong came home.

After taking a bath, she sits in the living room with the noodles that Aunt Guan cooked for her. She turns on the TV. Aunt Guan takes back the clothes on the balcony and sits beside folding clothes while watching TV with Letong.

There's a family ethics play on TV, and it's also a vulgar plot of the original couple's fighting with Xiao San.

"This original match is very pitiful..." aunt Guan was busy, but her eyes were staring at the TV all the time.

"There is something hateful about the poor man. Xiao San must be wrong. There is something wrong with his original match."

Letong has never been interested in these dramas. After a few casual glances, she only feels that she is cowardly and humble, like a slave. Even in front of Xiaosan, she still can't look up.

But aunt Guan was not influenced by Letong at all, and she watched it with relish.

Letong ate the lunch box for dinner, but she was not hungry. She picked some noodles to eat, then put down her bowl and went to the study to finish the work.

Just sit down, the phone rings, a look, is Ji Rui.

"Just home?" Ji Rui called Letong in the evening. Letong was so busy at that time that she just said, "I'm very busy. If you're OK, I'll call you when I get home in the evening." He hung up.

"No, after the bath, after supper."

While turning on the computer, Letong answers truthfully.

"Where's Bao, sleeping?" Ji Rui's voice, slightly with a smile.

"Maybe, he went back to the mansion to accompany his grandfather today." Letong does not hide.

Ji Rui stopped for a while. Maybe it was some accident.

"Is he clamoring to go back? This stinky boy Tone is a little hate iron not steel meaning.

"No, he didn't. His grandfather went to see him at school today. Am I not busy? He asked if he wanted to go back with his grandfather, and he said yes, so I let him go back. "

Afraid of Ji Rui's thoughts, Letong consciously tells the whole story.

"Letong, if you don't like it, you can let the baby refuse."

For the time being, Ji Rui doesn't want to help mend the relationship between Ji Laozi and Letong. Because he always thinks that Letong is not worth it. He thinks that she has suffered so many grievances and accusations from master Ji. Even if she does not forgive him, he will support her and understand her.

"Ji Rui, Baobao has the right and ability to decide his own affairs."

Letong is not willing to kidnap her grudges and feelings to her baby. As a mommy, she hopes her baby can have a complete life, including a complete family and a complete love.

"OK..." Ji Rui is reluctant, but obviously, he will respect Letong's decision.

"Ji Rui, I found some interesting things today!" Letong doesn't want to talk about Baobao and Ji. As soon as the conversation changes, she turns to another thing that makes her want to laugh.

"Well?! What's interesting? "

The man on the other side of the microphone is completely confused.

Le Tong's lips can't help but stand high. Originally, she intended to pretend that she didn't know anything. After all, the man was so narcissistic and arrogant that he would be embarrassed if she discovered those secrets.

But all of a sudden, she wanted to make fun of him.

"Didn't I open your drawer today? Guess what I saw? "

Letong smiles to remind Ji Rui that his body is so soft that he nests in the chair and is very relaxed.

"What? Aren't there just some papers in the drawer? What's interesting about those files? Can't someone put a love letter in it? "


Letong did not expect Ji Rui to have such a humorous cell, "you are honest, usually always receive love letters in the file?"

"Not really, but you can write me a surprise!"

"Come on, I'll write you a love letter. You think it's beautiful!" Le Tong is so big that he has received many love letters. He has never tried to write love letters to others.

Don't say she hasn't written a love letter to anyone, even the experience of the girl's spring heart sprouting, she doesn't seem to have!

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't write it for me. I'll write it for you. That's it!" The smile in Ji Rui's words is more and more strong.