Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 482

Although Letong promised Ji Rui that she would let her baby stay at home if she was really busy. But she felt that the baby had been resting at home for several months, and she still hoped that he would go back to the kindergarten to play with other children if his physical conditions allowed.

Therefore, even if Ji Rui is not in, she still gets up early in the morning, prepares breakfast and finishes eating together. She sends her baby back to kindergarten before she goes back to work.

As soon as Letong returns to Ji's family, people in the accounting department pull her away, saying that the tax bureau calls and will come to check tomorrow.

Le Tong has been in Ji's for more than a year, and knows that the tax bureau will take out some units for routine inspection every year. She asked Minister Yu of the finance and accounting department, who said that the other party didn't say it clearly and didn't know whether it was a routine inspection for the time being. Therefore, after receiving the notice, the people in the finance department immediately went into a state of full alert.

Letong communicated with Minister Yu and asked her to do the work as usual. Later, she would call the tax bureau to find someone to understand the specific situation.

Most of the people in the finance department are old employees. They are very experienced. When they get the order, they start to work in an orderly way. After Le Tong's explanation, she turns back to the top office.

Letong calls a familiar leader of the tax bureau, and after a few polite words, Letong pretends not to mention that the colleagues in the financial department are very busy these two days. The other party is also understanding, and says with a smile that the financial department of each unit should be very busy at this time of year.

After hanging up, Letong calls the finance department and tells Minister Yu to take it easy. It's just a routine inspection.

Director Yu Mingxian breathed a sigh of relief, "that's good. By the way, Tong Tong, did Mr. Ji hand over to you the monthly reports I handed in two days ago?"

"No, don't you say it's not urgent? I guess he's going to come back and give it to you. " Ji Rui was in hospital because he was injured suddenly. He was busy with both the hospital and Ji family in those days before he went abroad. He basically only dealt with the urgent part of his affairs. I'm afraid Ji Rui hasn't found the time to look at the report mentioned by the minister.

"It was not urgent, but now I'm waiting to use it. Can you give it to me, Tong Tong?"

Ji Rui didn't explain this, and the report is not in Letong's hands.

"Well, I'll ask President Ji."

Letong looks at the time. It's a little over 9:00 in the morning. Ji Rui's current country, y, should be more than 1:00 in the morning. If this time passes, he may have gone to sleep.

But the minister is in a hurry to use these statements. Letong hesitates, and finally finds out Ji Rui's number and dials it out.

The phone rings twice and is picked up, "Letong? What can I do for you

Ji Rui's voice is clear. It doesn't sound like he was woken up.

"You haven't slept, have you?" Letong is a little nervous.

"No, what's the matter?" The voice in Letong's ears is always low and powerful.

"The tax bureau will come for routine inspection tomorrow. Minister Yu said that she took several monthly reports to you a few days earlier. She is in a hurry now. Where did you put them?"

Ji Rui's documents and materials are generally placed in categories, especially important. He will put them in the safe, and a little later, they will be locked in the drawer. As for ordinary materials, they will be placed in a corner of the desk.

"Lock it in the second drawer of your right hand. The silver one is the smallest of the keys I gave you that day."

After Letong asks, she doesn't care to nag Ji Rui. She hangs up in a hurry, takes out the key Ji Rui left her from her bag, finds out the silver key, and drags open the drawer.

The big drawer is divided into four compartments. There are two compartments outside. One is filled with small things such as Keyrings and nail clippers, and the other is filled with a picture of the baby on the top.

Letong didn't see the photo. She was itching to have a look at it, but her reason made her restrain her curiosity. She dragged the drawer open again, took out the thick stack of documents, and soon found the statements mentioned by Minister Yu.

Letong sends the report to the accounting department. When she comes back, she handles the matter. She remembers the photo in Ji Rui's drawer. She can't help opening the drawer again and takes the photo to have a close look.

At first, Letong firmly believed that the chubby boy in the photo was a baby. But when she thought of Ji Rui's childhood photo in Ji's mansion, and looked at the black-and-white photo in her hand, Letong was not sure.

So, in order to find out whether the photo belongs to Ji Rui or Baobao, Letong turns over the photo below, turns over, and turns over a familiar envelope.

Letong's eyelids jump. She knows the envelope. It was sent by express when she was forced to leave a year ago?

In surprise and curiosity, Letong opens the envelope with her fingers and tilts her head. It seems that there is something in the envelope.

Letong thought that with Ji Rui's temperament, he would be furious when he saw the letter, and then he would destroy the letter!

Letong uses her fingers to clip out the paper inside and unfolds the paper. It's the resignation letter she submitted. As the paper unfolded, two small pieces of paper floated down to the desk. Letong looked down and couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that one of the ones lying on her desk was the penny she had put in her resignation letter at that time!

On the other hand, she wrote "good service that night, here's the tip!" On the signature of the note, she angrily signed the big name [Letong]!

Letong with a resignation letter in one hand and a penny and a small note in the other hand almost didn't smile. Is this man a masochist?

Or did he keep this, in fact, because he wanted to get her back and take revenge and teach her a lesson?

Thinking of this possibility, Le Tong with a smile shivered.

Originally, she just wanted to see the photos. This time, Letong, who was aroused by strong curiosity, lowered her head and looked through the items in the drawer. Then, she found a pile of money in it.

This stack of money, according to Ji Rui's income, is quite small change. It's OK to throw it here. However, to Letong's surprise, Ji Rui is a very fastidious person. He doesn't have the habit of throwing small change casually. His money is always in his wallet.

Curious Yue Tong then picked up the stack of not much money to count, 880.


How can this number seem familiar?

Wait, isn't this the first time he gave her flowers, and she was afraid that if she refused him directly, it would affect the relationship between the superior and the subordinate, so she gave her the 880 yuan to buy money?

Yue Tong remembers the surprise and shriveled look of Ji Rui when she dumped the money at that time. She can't help laughing and counting the money carefully. It's 880 yuan!

Hehe, it turns out that the private president of Ji Da is not only a rogue, but also so sullen?!