Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 479

"Grandfather, don't speak ill of the baby!"

Baby's crisp voice comes in. Obviously, he hears the words that Ji Laozi says to Letong.

"Oh, baby, there are bad things for grandfather to say?" Mr. Ji smiles and looks at the baby who comes carefully with the tray.

"Well, of course not!"

Baby white Ji old man a look, put the tray on the tea table, the tray of orange juice to carry up in front of Letong, "Mommy, your orange juice."

"Thank you, baby!" Letong takes the orange juice and kisses the little guy on the face.

"Here's your grape juice, grandfather."

"This is the baby's own squeeze?" Ji took the juice with a smile and took a sip.

"Of course, the baby squeezed it. Grandfather Li can prove it."

The baby turned and pointed to the housekeeper Li, who followed him. Housekeeper Li nodded, "yes, it's the young master who squeezed it himself!"

"When did the baby become so powerful? Why doesn't grandfather know? " Ji old son pinches the face of the small fellow, Piao Yue Tong one eye.

Baobao has always lived in the mansion as a young master. I heard that he would make wonton, but Mr. Ji only took it as a joke. Now the juice is squeezed under the housekeeper's eyes. It seems that the little guy has changed a lot in the past few months.

"The baby is not a child, the baby can also take care of daddy, Mommy, and grandfather." The baby bit the straw and replied solemnly.

In recent months, with Letong, the baby has learned a lot about housework under the guidance of Letong. Letong is also willing to ask him to help with such small labor-intensive things as playing in the kitchen and folding clothes.

Although the baby is still young, he saw his parents busy day and night with his own eyes. When he saw Letong coming home, he made a fuss about it. It was hard for him to be free. He was very distressed for his mother, and gradually learned to take the initiative to share some of the things he could do.

Father Ji is very pleased to see the baby, but in a few months, the little guy's perverse and violent breath has basically disappeared, the rest, in addition to his age should be naive and straightforward, but also caring for his family and warm heart, to use the fashionable words now, is a little warm man.

Mr. Ji occasionally sees those warm-hearted children on reality TV, and he will envy them very much. He only thinks that his Ji family's genetic gene doesn't have this one. Therefore, such a sweet and lovely child, Mr. Ji never thought that he would appear in the Ji family. Because Ji Rui, who is cold-blooded and speechless, and Ji Wen, who is selfish and greedy, are not. Before the baby, he was also very willful. Although the other two grandchildren are still young, they are also very arrogant and indulgent.

Baobao, however, has lived with Letong for a few months, and her temperament has become very different from before. It seems that it is not the gene of Ji family that doesn't have this one, but the problem of her own way of education.

"Yes? How does the baby take care of her grandfather? "

Mr. Ji is very curious about what the little guy will do besides squeezing juice and making wonton.

The baby sucks the juice and looks at Mr. Ji without blinking.

Ji waited expectantly until the little guy drank half a glass of juice and belched contentedly. Then he put down the glass and climbed to him.

"Grandfather, can the baby massage for you? How comfortable

Ji Laozi thought, this is not bad, so he nodded with a smile.

Letong, who didn't pay much attention to the interaction between ye and sun, suddenly looks up and nervously wants to stop the baby's recklessness.

"Baby, my grandfather's leg is hurt, so I can't press it casually."

Le Tong is really afraid that the baby will not know what to do. The little guy meant well, but he did something bad. Take Ji Laozi's indulgence of the baby's personality as an example. Even if the baby's behavior is too much, he will not stop it, but will probably put on a look of enjoyment.

Baby hands in the air, turn to see Letong, and turn to see Ji, hesitant to press or not.

Ji Laozi smiles at Letong as if he is pacifying her and saying that he is OK.

He raised his hand and patted his shoulder and said with a smile to the baby, "grandfather's shoulder is very sour. Can the baby help grandfather pinch it?"

The baby immediately smiles and moves to the back of master Ji. His fat hands open and press on his shoulders.

"Grandfather, when can your leg be cast?"

The little guy's hands didn't stop, but his eyes were always aiming at Mr. Ji's leg in plaster cast.

"It's going to be a long time!" Ji doesn't remember the date the doctor said. Anyway, when the time comes, someone will remind him.

"Does it hurt?" The baby looks worried.

"Grandfather doesn't hurt... Baby is so good!" At his age, Mr. Ji is not used to winning sympathy and care with his own pain.

In particular, seeing the worry in his baby grandson's eyes, he is not willing to let the little guy suffer.

"If you think more about happy things, it won't hurt." Smart baby obviously doesn't believe it, but he himself suffered from illness a few months ago, so this is a kind of teaching experience.

"Well, Grandpa knows." Ji Laozi was very helpful and nodded with a smile.

After Baobao mentions it, Ji remembers what he just mentioned to Letong and shouts to the housekeeper who tells the servant to work not far away.

"Lao Li!"

"What's the matter, sir?" Housekeeper Li immediately trotted over.

"Go to my study and take down the photo albums of ah he and Baobao when they were young. By the way, take down the awards and trophies that Baobao got in kindergarten."

The baby was brought up by Mr. Ji with one hand and one foot. Many items recording the growth process of the baby were carefully kept by him.

Le Tong, who had always been an outsider, was moved by his words.

She may have ignored the old man Ji's previous words as a courtesy, but she can hardly remain indifferent to the old man's flattering behavior.

Housekeeper Li's eyes flashed a trace of surprise. He glanced at Letong, but he didn't ask anything. He answered in a hurry, turned around and ran up the stairs.

Yue Tong, who clearly receives the signal of Ji's seeking peace, naturally doesn't want to put on a high cold appearance of staying out of the business. To Shangji's kind eyes, Yue Tong sincerely says, "thank you, chairman!"

Ji Laozi raised his hand and patted the little guy's hand. Looking at Letong, he said, "thank me for what happened before. I'm sorry! Baby and a Rui have been taken care of by you in recent months. It's hard for you! "

So far, in the relationship between Ji Rui and Letong, Ji Laozi is completely relieved.

Letong didn't expect that the serious and harsh old man would make such a solemn apology. He was stunned. Although he hadn't completely turned the corner in his heart, he still politely shook his head and said, "it's not hard. This is what I should do."