Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 480

No matter Ji Rui or Baobao, in Letong's opinion, they are all her own. Therefore, it is her instinct and responsibility to take care of them.

Strictly speaking, it's Yue Tong's willingness to do everything for the two of you, which has nothing to do with Ji.

As a result, the hard work of master Ji seems to be superfluous to Letong. At the same time, he is inexplicable.

However, an old man of such a low profile thanks, even if Letong has not turned the corner, she can never say "it's my business to take care of them, it's your business!" Such provocative words.

"Chairman, it's my duty to take care of my baby. I'm willing to take care of Ji Rui. You don't have to worry about it." Yue Tong then emphasized a sentence, and Ji old man's eyes cold, calm face.

As soon as she said that, Ji could not say any polite words.

The baby, half leaning on the back of the sofa, pinches his shoulder for Mr. Ji. It seems that he can find some clues from the dialogue and atmosphere between his grandfather and Mommy. He raises his eyebrow and glances at Letong secretly. His mouth opens, but he is afraid of saying something wrong. He has to help his grandfather pinch his shoulder carefully and observe mommy's face carefully.

In the end, it was Mr. Ji who broke the silence.

"Baby, uncle chef, I heard that you've come back and made a lot of snacks and cakes that you like to eat. Go and bring some to your mother."

Ji Baobao Oh a, loach general slippery down, Ji Laozi patted his ass, "take mommy to the kitchen to see, want to eat what let mommy help you hot."

Letong then stood up and took the baby's hand into the kitchen.

"Mommy, is it beautiful?"

On the way, the baby told Letong that the garden was very big and the house was very beautiful.

"Well, beautiful!"

"Mommy, can baby take Xiaohei and Xiaohui back here?"

Baby raised his face and watched Letong put the snacks he had just taken out of the refrigerator into the microwave oven.

"This Mommy can't decide. Ask your daddy."

What's the idea of little guy? Doesn't Letong know?

The ghost spirit probably sensed that the magnetic field of her and Mr. Ji didn't match very well, so he wanted to send the two dogs back, so that he could create more opportunities for her to get along with Mr. Ji from time to time under the excuse of looking at the dog.

It's just that I can't come in a hurry, and I can't help it.

"Oh..." the baby's face full of expectation just now collapsed.

Until he followed Letong back to the living room, the baby still had a depressed expression.

"Baby, what's the matter?"

Mr. Ji can't see the baby's grandson is a little unhappy, and he can't tolerate his grievance. The handsome boy who was playing chess just now looks like a seedling with withered leaves. It's false to say that he's not nervous.

Baobao shakes his head, grabs a tiramisu, sits on the sofa and gnaws at it silently.

Ji looks at Letong who pushes the tray in front of him, but Letong doesn't know how to answer him. He can't say, "baby wants her to run to the mansion, but she doesn't want to."?

"Baby, tell grandfather, why not happy?" Ji old son sees Yue Tong to refuse to tell oneself, knead the head of the small fellow to ask softly.

The baby looked up at Letong, bit her lip, shook her head and said, "no..."

The mouth clearly denies, but still a pair of sullen appearance.

The atmosphere was embarrassed again, until housekeeper Li appeared with several thick albums, "Miss Le, these are the photos of the young master when he was a child, and these are the photos of the young master."

Letong has already downloaded the photos and videos saved in the Internet disk of her baby, and has a look at them from time to time. Therefore, she doesn't have much curiosity about the photos of her baby.

But Ji Rui, when Le Tong met him, he was already a mature, introverted and stable adult man. Originally, she thought he had been very stable and reliable since childhood, but after listening to what Ji said just now, it was hard for her to imagine what kind of child Ji Rui was when she was a child.

Open the yellow cover of the album, and you can see that the album of some years is a big black and white head photo.

Baby and Ji Rui, in addition to the character is very different, in appearance is the pupil color difference.

Ji Rui has a pair of dark green eyes, and the baby's pupils are always dark and bright.

Because it's black and white, and because it's so similar to the baby when he was a child, although the housekeeper clearly said that this is Ji Rui's album, Letong is still not sure that the person in the photo is really Ji Rui.

"Uncle Li, this is really... Ji Rui?"

"As like as two peas," the Lee steward nodded. "Yes, the photos with the baby were almost the same. Well, look at this one. This is a picture of the baby in the same period. "

Letong took the photo album from housekeeper Li, and made a careful study of the two photos together. She found that the similarity between them was at least 90%.

Letong is surprised. No matter what, she can't associate the soft baby with the tough and serious Ji Rui.

"Tut, it does."

Even the smile as like as two peas in the eye is slightly the same.

Not far away Ji Laozi saw that Letong's face had a little smile. He couldn't help saying, "if you like it, scan it. Ah Rui never looks at it himself."

"Men are like this. They go to see their photos when they are very young."

Letong forgets embarrassment, turns her hands, and her eyes move with the photo. She gradually forgets the warning of keeping a distance from Mr. Ji, and naturally responds to each other.

Hearing this, Ji pulled his lips and laughed helplessly. "That's because he's still young and has other sustenance. At my age, I have nothing else to ask for. I just want to enjoy my family once in a while. When my children and grandchildren are not in front of me, I can only take these albums out and look at them slowly. Although people can't see them, looking at these photos is better than nothing... "

Letong originally looked at the photo very seriously. Hearing the old man say so, she couldn't help looking up and looking down on the old man's lonely face.

This man should be proud.

In other words, the men of the Ji family are very proud. Ji Rui, Baobao and the old man are also proud.

She was surprised and moved by the fact that such a proud person actually revealed his helpless mood in front of her.

She has always been a kind person. If others treat her well, she will only treat others better.

This time the old man again and again to take the initiative to show weakness, she again with a shelf, can't say.

"Ji Rui is busy. It may be difficult for him to come back and walk often, but the baby can come back more often."

The baby's body now, can walk frequently indeed some.