Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 478

The baby ran away. In the big living room, only le Tong and Ji Laozi were left. The atmosphere suddenly became strange.

If the number of times to meet to calculate the degree of familiarity, these two people are absolutely not strangers. But between the two people, each time they met, they either choked or sneered at each other, which made them feel uncomfortable in private.

In principle, Letong is a younger generation and should take the initiative to say something to break the silence. However, thinking of the hostility and dissatisfaction of old Ji, Letong doesn't think it's necessary to be polite. After all, she just accompanies her baby and doesn't really want to set foot in the mansion.

With this in mind, Letong is unwilling to worry about whether she will appear too impolite. She takes out her mobile phone and lowers her head to brush the news.

Mr. Ji thinks a lot these days. First of all, although Ji Rui is very impatient on the surface, he still accompanies him in the hospital for a few nights. All he says is that his wife has done a lot of excessive things recently, which makes him cold.

A person's heart is about that big. Because of his wife and two little sons feel cold, just began to make some space to think about the eldest son.

This thought is out of control. From the eldest son or soft Nuo Nuo's baby, I always think that he has become a business tycoon in the business world. The more I think about it, the more I feel guilty for my eldest son.

The guilt for Ji Rui also makes him reexamine Letong, a woman he used to hate.

For example, at present, Letong brushes the web page as if no one else is there, and he looks at her carefully.

Sitting at the other end of the sofa, Letong is wearing a simple light green turtleneck sweater and black jeans. Her face is simple and elegant. When you look at it carefully, she has no powder. Her facial features are exquisite and unforgettable. She is extremely beautiful but does not contain any charm.

In a flash, he seemed to understand why his son fell in love with her, but he had no affection for coco.

I vaguely remember that the unbearable she I saw in my eyes before was probably not the real one, but the imaginary one after I put on colored glasses.

The real she, should be in front of such, quiet calm, beautiful but not publicity.


Ji doesn't blame her for neglecting herself. After all, she seems to have been extremely excessive to her in the past. She doesn't have a cold face, so she is generous.

Yue Tong is slightly frightened, and raises her head to meet the sight of master Ji.

"Chairman, what's wrong?"

According to le Tong's inherent impression of Mr. Ji, she doesn't think that Mr. Ji will lower his status and take the initiative to say something to her, so she takes it for granted that he has to ask for help because he is not feeling well.

"No!" Ji shook his head, trying to squeeze out a silk smile on Letong, but he was not used to it after all. The corners of his mouth pulled, and his face was still serious and stiff.

"That..." Letong looked at him uncertainly.

"The baby is very skinny, isn't it?"

Ji Laozi thinks that the topic about baby should be the most resonant and safe topic between them.

Yue Tong was stunned. Soon, he reflected that master Ji was playing with himself.

"Well, it's pretty skinny, but he should be skinny at his age."

Letong is also the master of protecting the calf. Even though she knows that father Ji loves the baby very much, she still protects the baby tightly. She doesn't want to say that her son is not good.

"Yes, it's good for the baby. If he's like his father, he'll be in trouble."

Ji sighed softly. In fact, he knew that this was not all right. Before he brought Ji Wen and Ji Wu back home, the eldest son's character was lively and mischievous. Until the two younger brothers appeared, the eldest son's character became more and more strange and gloomy, and more and more elusive. The relationship between father and son began to grow estrangement and distance from then on.

When I think about it in detail, I owe my eldest son nothing.

Letong doesn't know the real intention of Ji's words. Does he really want to communicate with her? Or just trying to test her for something?

Seeing that Letong doesn't say a word, Ji knows that she is still on guard and doesn't care. He looks at the front with deep eyes and seems to fall into a long memory.

"In fact, a Rui was very naughty when he was a child. At that time, our house was smaller than it is now. A longan tree was planted in the yard. On the second floor, he saw a bird's nest on the tree. There were several birds in the nest. He secretly climbed to the tree to amuse the birds. Later, his mother pecked him in the face..."

Letong once imagined Ji Rui's childhood appearance, but after thinking about it, she was a little old-fashioned adult.

The little Ji Rui depicted by master Ji himself is so different from what she imagined.

The appearance of Letong's surprised face makes master Ji feel better for no reason.

"Haven't you seen a picture of a Rui when he was a child?"

As he expected, Letong shook his head.

Not to mention Ji Rui's childhood photos, even now, Letong has never seen them.

"I'll let Lao Li show it to you later. It's really like the baby." Ji old son's face inadvertently floats a smile from the heart.


In front of this inexplicably familiar with his old man Ji, Letong is a little at a loss, and can't decide what attitude should be used to face him.

"The photos of Baobao Bairi and areI Bairi are taken by the same person."

Old Ji seems to have inadvertently opened the mode of talking. Seeing that Letong's eyes are bright, it's very interesting to hear, and then he goes on.

"The baby was very good when he was a child. No matter who teased him, he would giggle. A Rui was busy at that time, and he didn't have much time to accompany him. However, he has been very attached to a Rui since he was a child. As long as a Rui is there, he doesn't want anyone. He always goes to a Rui's arms. "

These things, Letong never heard Ji Rui mention, now listen, heart is warm and sad, "maybe, this is the nature of father and son!"

Letong can't help but answer. At the same time, she also remembers that when she first saw her baby in the Luojia garden, it seemed that the baby at that time was particularly clinging to her. It is estimated that this is the physical instinct of blood relatives.

Ji Laozi carefully recalled the little things about Baobao in the past, "yes, Baobao is a little smart. Ordinary adults will be bullied by him if they don't pay attention, but he is very obedient to a Rui."

Letong has seen this for a long time.

Baobao has a lot of heart, but it's easy to be soft hearted. He is not willing to bully the people he cares about.

"He should listen to you, too?"

This question is a bit superfluous, because father Ji has already realized that Letong's position in the baby's mind is more important than that of his grandfather, or even Ji Rui's father.