Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 469

The revised plan was submitted to Ji Rui the next day. Within a few days, the theme park began to operate according to the new marketing plan.

Ji's group has evolved from a brilliant group with a history of 100 years. In recent years, Ji's group has grown stronger and stronger in Ji Rui's hands. He has been involved in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, retail and even the film and television industry, which has been popular in recent years. However, it is the first time for Ji to set foot in the theme park of leisure entertainment.

At first, Ji Rui was just a special gift for his baby. Therefore, he didn't want to create much economic benefits here. He even prepared for a loss. It is a failure for a businessman to do it even though he knows there is no profit. But for a father, because of his son's love, regardless of gain and loss, is undoubtedly a great success.

To his surprise, the theme park has not only not become a burden for Ji, but also become a new force for Ji in a short time. Its performance has been good all the way. The planning department has even started to draft a plan to regard the theme park as a major feature of Ji and set up camp in major cities across the country.

At the dinner table with Letong mentioned planning minister today to mention this with his face, Ji Rui can't help but pinch the baby's face.

"Baby, you are daddy's lucky star!"

At this time, the baby was standing on the chair, standing on tiptoe, sticking his neck and bowing his body, trying to reach his chopsticks to the dish of Qingping chicken, which was a little far away. After listening to his father's praise, he raised his chin slightly and hummed, "hum, of course, I don't want to see who I am!"

These days, the baby does not know in that TV play, it seems that the word "little master" is very powerful, so he talks about it all day.

Le Tong was amused by his appearance, patted his ass and teased him, "yo! Let me see who this young man is? "

With a smile, he put his face together and rubbed the baby's face with two claws.

"Tut, who do I think it is? It turns out it's Ji Yu, the stinky and arrogant kid in the Ji family!"

The baby kneaded and kneaded by Letong. With a smile, he put a chicken leg in front of Letong and said, "Mommy, chicken leg for you!"

Letong crumpled his chopsticks and put the chicken leg into his own bowl.

"Baby, eat it. Mommy is losing weight."

The baby's diet has been strictly controlled since he was discharged from the hospital. He didn't dare to touch the fat food. Since yesterday, when he went for an examination, Dr. Dong opened his mouth to lift the ban on him, and then fatty food began to appear on the table.

The little cat was greedy for a few months. When she saw the meat, her eyes were shining. She sat back on the chair, grabbed the chicken leg and tore it up.

"Eat slowly, be careful to choke..." Letong shook his head helplessly, took a tissue to help him clean his chin and the fat oil on it.

"What do you think?"

Letong is waiting on the baby in her hand. She glances at the man smiling at her son.

"I think his idea is quite good. We will evaluate and make a decision when his plan is submitted."

"Otherwise, if you think it's valuable, you can ask the planning department to set up a team of two or three people for the time being. First go to each city to investigate, and then work out a feasible plan. What do you think?"

Le Tong's proposal, Ji Rui think good, so let her do it as soon as possible.

For this matter, Letong returned to Ji's Department early the next morning and went directly to the planning department. Lawyer fan sat down in Ji Rui and soon visited. Seeing that Ji Rui was the only one in the big office, lawyer fan couldn't help being curious.

"Mr. Ji, Miss Le, what's this

"Huh?" Ji Rui picks an eyebrow to see him, don't quite understand his meaning.

"Is Miss Le going home to teach her husband and children?"

He's been here several times these days, but he hasn't met Letong. He can't help thinking that it's the beloved Letong who has gone home to be a little grandmother.

"I think so! It's a pity that she won't! She's in the planning department for a meeting. Are you looking for her? "

For Letong's work enthusiasm, which is no less than his own, Ji Rui is now both in love and hate, extremely entangled.

Of course, he enjoys playing side by side with Letong, but when he sees Letong's thin back, he can't help feeling distressed.

"No, I'm just curious."

Ji Rui's expression of entanglement and loss falls into lawyer fan's eyes, which is just like the surprise of seeing UFO with his own eyes.

This man, who is extremely powerful in the eyes of the public, turns his hands over to cloud and covers his hands with rain, will one day be entangled and lost for a woman. Moreover, the opponent who makes him entangled and lost is not human but work.

"What's going on?"

Obviously, Ji Rui is not interested in satisfying his curiosity. He closes the papers on his hand, stands up and leads him into the reception hall and sits down.

"Would you like some water?" Ji Rui himself wants to drink water, but le Tong is not there. He has to work on his own, pick up the cup and greet lawyer fan by the way.

Lawyer fan was so frightened that he quickly stood up and grabbed his cup. "Mr. Ji, just sit down. I'll take care of such a small matter."

Lawyer fan has a good relationship with Ji Rui. He is familiar with the furnishings of his office. He goes to the locker and is about to help Ji Rui pour water, but Ji Rui suddenly says.

"Lawyer fan, can you make tea?"

Lawyer fan was a little surprised, but he replied honestly, "ah? Yes, but only amateur. "

"On the top floor of the display shelf, there is a box of top-quality Dahongpao. Take it and soak it in a pot."

Lawyer fan is more and more surprised. Many people know that Ji Rui always likes coffee rather than tea. However, from his standpoint, he didn't ask much. He obediently took the tea set and brought it over according to Ji Rui's instructions.

Ji Rui is leaning on the sofa, looking at the information he brought, "you are responsible for the bubble, I'll see for myself first."

Ji Rui didn't raise his head and give orders to him. Naturally, lawyer fan didn't dare to neglect him. Although he didn't try to be someone's tea making younger brother, if he was Ji Rui, it didn't seem too much to labor him.

"Well, but Ji always has to bear with me. I'm not good at making tea."

Lawyer fan had a preventive injection in advance, so as not to disappoint president Ji.

"It's OK. Just like wine tasting, tea tasting is about mood. If mood is good, tea will be good." Ji Rui doesn't know where to hear the wrong reason, or, it's not necessarily his own awareness of nonsense.

Lawyer fan looked at him for a long time. Ji Rui seemed to notice his sight. He raised his eyelids and gave him a light glance. "How?"

Lawyer fan shook his head. "No, I just..."

After a pause, I don't know whether to say it or not.

"Just what?" Ji Rui glances at him curiously.

"Just... Mr. Ji, do you think you have changed?"