Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 468

Ji Rui hands over Huang Sheng's information to lawyer fan. Two days later, lawyer fan has the following information.

When lawyer fan called, Ji Rui was in a meeting room with several senior members of Ji's family.

Letong sits next to him. Ji Rui's mouth doesn't stop when the phone rings, and Letong's eyes fall on the mobile phone screen at the same time.

Ji Rui made a pause gesture, did not leave the seat, directly connected to the phone, "Hello!"

"Mr. Ji, there's something about Tong."

The psychopath who stabbed Ji Rui is Tong.

"Say it Ji Rui stood up and went into the small rest room in the conference room.

"The one surnamed Tong has told me all about it. He said that he took the money from the model and promised that she would take your life."

"Cash transactions on both sides?"

"The model helped him repay more than half a million usury loans and bribed the people over there, so we couldn't find them."

Of course, the members of lawyer fan's team didn't expect to expand the scope of suspicion to Ji Wen's wife's family. If Ji Rui didn't go to dinner that day and occasionally get information to follow suit, up to now, maybe lawyer fan is still looking for suspicious points on the suspects.

"OK, next you keep an eye on it, and make sure you find the most important person behind the scenes."

At this point, the people behind the scenes are Mr. and Mrs. Ji Wen, Mrs. Ji, or Mr. Ji.

No matter who this person is, Ji Rui doesn't intend to let it go, but at the bottom of his heart, he doesn't want this person to be Ji Laozi.

Although what lawyer fan reported was basically within Ji Rui's expectation, when he came out of the small lounge, Letong still noticed that his mood had changed subtly because of the phone call.

Naturally, the elite executives in the meeting room can't see any difference between the president and the usual. But Letong can see from his tight lipline when he is silent and his thoughtful manner when he drinks coffee that Ji Rui is entangled in this phone call.

After the meeting, the high-level people packed up the information and left one after another. Only Letong and Ji Rui were left in the meeting room.

The performance report is constantly rotating on the projection screen, while Letong is sorting out a pile of information spread out during the meeting, but her eyes are looking at Ji Rui.

"Was it lawyer fan just now? Is it about that case? "

"Well." Ji Rui answers two questions simply.

"Not going well?" Ji Rui's reaction makes Letong have to come to such a conclusion.

"No, it went well."

Ji Rui at this time, in fact, is very contradictory.

If he had to choose, he would rather be stabbed just for the sake of stabbing him than at the instigation of Ji's family.

Although Ji Rui didn't mix himself with those people in the Ji family for a long time, subconsciously, he still has a little expectation of father Ji, who has the kindness of giving birth to him.

Even if, every time will be frustrated, still can't control oneself again and again to look forward to.

"That your mood..." Yue Tong glanced at him again, hesitated for a moment, "how seems not very good?"

Ji Rui rubbed her head, raised her lips and laughed, "no, you think too much."

Ji Rui is embarrassed to tell Letong that he will expect such a thing from Ji Laozi who has done so much to himself.

He is afraid, such oneself, can let Letong feel indecisive, and cowardly.

Letong takes a serious look at him and sees that he doesn't mean to tell the truth. It's hard for her to ask again. She just grabs Ji Rui, picks up the cup of coffee and goes to one side to pour it out.

"It's cold. Don't drink it."

After they become lovers, Letong occasionally shows a domineering face to Ji Rui.

For example, when it's time to leave work, regardless of whether President Ji would like to or not, he turns off the computer and drives president Ji out of the office

On the contrary, Ji Rui also enjoys the feeling of being pushed and controlled by others.

Of course, this kind of hegemony is only limited to two people in private, in public or other people in the workplace, Letong is the humble and polite Secretary of the president.

"Letong, you are more and more like my mother!"

Ji Rui is a little bit gloomy. Because of the sunshine of Letong, he starts to clear up slowly.

Yue Tong doesn't retort. When she turns back, she puts her palm on his head and touches it a few times.

"Good boy

Ji Rui can't laugh or cry.

"Don't you think it's weird to have such a tall son?"

The big hand reaches over, pulls out the person, lets her side sit on own thigh.

Yue Tong pinched his face with a smile, "what's strange? I'm just previewing the scene more than ten years in advance. In ten years and eight years, the baby will be as tall as you. "

Ji Rui dismissively hit her, "in ten years and eight years, the baby will have his little girlfriend, so he won't listen to your mother's endless nagging."

Le Tong does not care about the pie pie pie pie mouth, "that I go to long winded little grandson."

Ji Rui was amused by her and laughed, "you think it's Hemei. Ten years later, you're only 35 years old, so you want to amuse your grandson?"

Le Tong broke away from his arms, piled up the pile of documents on the desk, got up and walked out, "don't tell me you don't want to!"

Ji Rui with a smile to catch up, "this is not you I want to question, but, you think that baby boy, 16 years old can be willing to be trapped?"

Two people talk and laugh to walk out from the meeting room, Ji Rui heart haze, has completely disappeared.

In the afternoon, accompanied by Xiao Li, Letong inspected the theme park.

Since the opening of the theme park, the number of tourists is steadily increasing day by day, thanks to the excellent marketing promotion of the marketing and advertising department. Compared with Ji's other industries, the theme park business is very prosperous and quite successful due to the decline of performance caused by the stock price turbulence some time ago.

In this boom, the little baby actually has a lot of credit.

The main consumer groups of all kinds of theme park projects are minors. Therefore, children's impression after playing has become a very valuable feedback.

On the day when the park opened, Letong and Ji Rui played with the baby for a day. Ji Rui was a pure companion, but Letong asked the baby a lot of questions.

When she got home that night, Letong summed up and analyzed the baby's words, held a video conference with several elites of the marketing department for several hours, and came up with a supplementary business plan, which quickly revised the original business model.

The revised plan was submitted to Ji Rui the next day. Within a few days, the theme park began to operate according to the new marketing plan.