Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 470

In this world, nothing is immutable, and people are no exception.

Ji Rui's change, needless to say, is because of Baobao, but more of it is because of Letong.

This kind of change, not suddenly, but imperceptibly a little bit slowly change.

Lawyer fan was so surprised because he just saw the result of the change, not the process.

At first, it was Letong who said it was not good to drink too much coffee.

Then, Letong tries to make Ji Rui all kinds of tea or scented tea that can either refresh her mind, help her sleep or nourish her stomach. She slowly corrects Ji Rui's habit of drinking coffee for many years.

In the past, his mind would think about Ji's future, but he seldom thought about his own future, or even didn't think about it.

But now, when he is busy, he often looks at the blue sky outside the window and thinks that when he is old, he will put down everything of Ji and travel around the world with Letong.

She loves to eat, so he takes her to eat all the delicious food in the world. She likes beautiful scenery, so he takes her to climb the highest mountain and see the most beautiful scenery

To put these ideas into action, the most important factor is that he can still have a strong body when he is old.

He is older than Letong. To keep healthy and stronger than Letong in 20 or 30 years, proper health maintenance has become an indispensable means.

With such self-consciousness, Ji Rui began to deliberately correct many bad living habits.

Of course, these reasons, he is not interested in telling others.

"Yes? Or else

Even though he is aware of his change, Ji Rui still gives an ambiguous answer.

After all, Ji Rui is different from all the people he cooperates with. Many successful men he cooperates with like to publicize their own successful history or emotional history. However, Ji Rui does not like others to pry into his privacy. He used to be Baobao, but now he is Letong.

"The little model has done everything to herself. First, she may think that you are not seriously injured, and even if you are sentenced, you will not be sentenced for many years. If she thinks that she will perform well, she will be able to come out after a year and a half. Second, it's probably the people behind. She doesn't dare and can't afford to offend them. "

Lawyer fan gave a brief report on the progress of the case and bent over to add tea to President Ji.

"Is there any abnormality in the couple's account?"

Ji Ruizhe took a sip of tea and put his hand on the back of the sofa. He was lazy and looked very happy. It seemed that the taste of tea was good. What lawyer Fan said, maybe he didn't care. Otherwise, he was not surprised when he heard it.

Lawyer fan shook his head. "For the time being, the income of the couple is basically the income of chain hotels. It seems that they should make a lot of money."

Ji Rui did not say a word, drank all the tea in the cup slowly, leaned over and put down the cup, "the so-called benefits may not be all direct money."

Lawyer fan soon understood Ji Rui's meaning, "Mr. Ji, what you mean is that Ji er's younger brother-in-law's hotel business is booming, which is supported by others?"

"Don't you just check it out?"

Lawyer fan thought again and frowned slightly.

"However, even if the hotel's business in recent months is really better than before, it can not be used as evidence to accuse the behind the scenes emissary..."

Ji Rui "eh" expresses his approval and takes another sip of the newly filled tea.

"Now that the little model has taken care of everything, the case will probably be settled like this. However, even if the evidence is insufficient, I still want to confirm who this person is. You can find out in private! "

In fact, there are only three people behind the scenes: Ji Wen, Mrs. Ji and Mr. Ji.

Ji Rui asks lawyer fan to continue the investigation. Subconsciously, he still hopes to find evidence to prove that this is not done by Ji Laozi.

It's not one or two of the things that master Ji has done to him, but it's the first time that he's directly let people take his life.

If it is found out that master Ji is really the one behind his back, Ji Rui thinks that his father son relationship with master Ji is completely over!

No longer just feel cold heart plug, but, the heart completely dead!

"OK, I'll arrange it right away."

"Well." Ji Rui handed those documents back to lawyer fan, "in addition, do you have a familiar barrister in Y country?"

Yang Sheng had been following up the affairs of country y before. Now he was "escorted" back to the Yang family by the old man of the Yang family. He was waiting for him to clean up a mess. Naturally, he could not deal with Ji's affairs in country y separately.

Although the situation in China seems to be calm on the surface, there are still waves at the bottom. If you don't pay attention to one of them, there may be several huge waves that will make Ji Rui's family destroyed. Therefore, Ji Rui has to stay in China to guard his headquarters. In terms of work, Letong can really help him, but on foreign affairs and diplomatic issues, Letong's contacts and ability are still very weak. For the time being, they are not enough to support the overall situation.

"Are you looking for someone to deal with the monopoly case?" Lawyer fan asked uncertainly. After all, Yang Sheng had been following up the matter before. He had never been in touch with the affairs over there.

"Well, there's nothing to hide about it, and you can't hide it. If you have a suitable person, please contact me, and I'll get in touch with the other party directly."

"OK, I'll contact the alumni over there as soon as possible."

Lawyer fan agreed to Ji Rui's explanation one by one. He packed up his things and was ready to leave. He had already stood up, but suddenly remembered something. He stood on the edge of the sofa and hesitated.

"Anything else?"

Ji Rui also stood up. After taking a rest for more than half an hour, his tense nerves have relaxed. It's time to put in the tense work again.

Lawyer fan hesitated for a moment, but he opened his mouth.

"Mr. Ji, it's about Miss le..." some things, he would rather not know, but he just knows, knowing but not reporting is more serious than not knowing, he knows.

Ji Rui glances at him and sees his insecurity in his eyes. It seems that it's very important?

"Say it!" Ji Rui is also curious.

"Mr. Ji, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to look it up. Last time I asked someone to look up Miss Le's information, I saw it by accident."

Even with Ji Rui's permission, lawyer fan still had a preventive injection in advance.

"It's OK, go ahead."

"Miss Le's mother, in the column of marital status, says that she is unmarried."

Lawyer fan looks at Ji Rui with some trepidation. After all, although Ji Rui has not registered to marry Letong, he has even made a will. Letong is now the real lady of Ji's family.

He doesn't know if Ji Rui will mind that his other half is actually an illegitimate daughter.

"Well... I see!" Ji ruiruo looked at him thoughtfully and said, "don't tell Letong about this!"