Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 465

Ji Rui asks Xiao Li to hand over the information Huang Sheng gave him to lawyer fan overnight, so that the other party can follow up as soon as possible. As long as there is evidence that the assassin has accepted money and interests, the case will have a breakthrough.

Letong listened to Ji Rui's three sentences and said something about it. She looked relaxed immediately.

However, Letong's relaxation didn't last long. She turned back to the kitchen to make flower tea for Ji Rui. Listening to the water gurgling on the stove, her mind turned away unconsciously.

Ji Rui said that the person who negotiated with the gangster was Ji Wen '.

Think of Ji Rui and Ji's old relationship, plus this, father and son want to make up, I'm afraid it's completely out of the question.

Yue Tong, who would be so worried, naturally didn't have the heart of Virgin Mary to make trouble. She felt pity for father Ji.

However, she is worried about the baby and Ji Rui. In fact, both of them lack love. They have been eager to get family affection from master Ji, but they have been hurt mercilessly.

Baobao is still a child, and his love for Ji is never adulterated. After all, it was his father who brought him up from childhood.

If the real murderer behind this time is Mrs. Ji, it's almost impossible for Baobao and Mr. Ji to keep their relationship intact.

And Ji Rui sitting in the living room at this time, maybe his heart is extremely cold? Although Ji Rui says he hates him, in fact, he is still waiting for him, isn't he? Like a baby, he was full of expectations for master Ji from the beginning to the end, which was gradually eroded by the merciless reality, and the rest was only the competition and tearing again and again.

What blood is thicker than water, and what affection is it, finally, it turns into foam in this tear, and all the rest is hatred.


Letong sighed helplessly, picked up the boiling water and poured it into the teapot. The golden flower tea poured out of the teapot and added a little honey.

Ji Rui took the cup and said thank you. He took a sip of it and glanced over the open book on the sofa.

"Not tired? Look at this

To let her study is clearly what he means.

But now, he wants to go back more than a month ago and strangle herself, who let her study hard.

If he knew that she was in such a hopeless state of learning, if he knew that she was in such a poor condition, he would not give her such a suggestion.

Now it's good. The night fighting not only hurt her, but also took up the precious time he and she could spend.

It is not long since he established a love relationship with her. It should be a period of intense love. They will not be bored with each other.

But look at Ji Rui and Le Tong. They meet for a lot of time. Apart from seeing Duke Zhou when they close their eyes and fall asleep, they can always see each other for at least ten hours when Ji is at home.

But this kind of seeing, also is only seeing, namely literally meaning, can only be a face-to-face seeing.

In Ji's, they have a lot of work to do. Even when they have dinner, they talk about the decline of a subsidiary's performance last month, or they talk about the fact that manufacturers in other countries can't keep up with their output last month.

At home, with Baobao, the super dog skin cream, Ji Rui, in Letong's eyes, can only be regarded as a second-class citizen. It's natural that young master Ji gives priority to everything, and then it's his turn.

It's not easy to wait for Letong to wait for the young master to sleep. Normally, it's the golden time for them to get along.

However, he is busy, often busy in the study until late at night, and she, is also a free to hold the book gnawing, there is no free time to love with him.

Listen to oneself that the sour meaning that peeps out faintly in interrogative words, Ji Rui Leng Leng.

Before he was attracted to Letong, he always thought that falling in love was a time-consuming, laborious and boring thing. Clearly a person can live a more natural and unrestrained more comfortable, why so hard to find a person to come back to take care of their own, annoyed with their own set of their own?

After being moved, he realized that no matter what he did with her, he would not feel time-consuming and laborious, and would not feel bored.

For example, after work, he leans on the kitchen door to watch her cook quickly. When he looks at it, it takes him more than half an hour, but he doesn't think it's time-consuming at all.

For example, in order to let her eat the baked sweet potato she wanted to eat, she got up in the middle of the night and drove her all over the city, but didn't feel any effort at all.

For example, once in a blue moon, after dinner, he watched the 8:00 soap opera while drinking tea with her, but he didn't feel bored at all.

Falling in love with someone is almost like getting masochism, isn't it?

Even if she is in charge of herself and bothers herself, he doesn't feel bored at all. On the contrary, he will think that this is because she cares about herself.

Letong, on the other hand, devotes all her energy to her work. After work, she takes care of her baby most of the time, and most of the time she has left is spent on her study. Therefore, she doesn't care much about him, and has little time to annoy him. What's more, she doesn't like to play and doesn't play the trick of changing all kinds of means to trap her boyfriend.

This, Ji Rui more think more depressed, in the heart of all kinds of imbalance, originally thought in Letong heart, baby this baby son first throne oneself shake not move, second position, total did not run!

But in this world, if you don't think about anything, it really can't help the little hammer to knock, but after a few times, it collapsed.

Ji Rui's mood is inexplicably drowsy. He doesn't drink any more tea. He leans over the coffee table and leans back on the sofa. He raises his eyebrows and looks at her, waiting for her reply.

Letong originally took his cup of red jujube longan tea, because it was hot, she slowly breathed and drank it in small mouthfuls.

Listen to Ji Rui so ask, at first only think that he is simply concerned about himself, can listen to the language gas mouth kiss, not right! It's a sour and aggrieved tone when it's uncomfortable!

Letong raised her eyelids and carefully observed president Ji for a while. Then, she lifted her lips and smilingly handed her red date tea to Ji Rui.

"Have a drink!"

Smile with a spoiled tone, with coax the baby's tone almost.

Ji Rui pursed her lips and looked at her calmly“ It's for women. "

Le Tong chuckled and handed the cup to his lips.

"Look at you! Drink this, it's sweet! "