Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 466

"Look at you! Drink this, it's sweet! "

Letong thinks that Ji Rui is a man with super strong momentum and strong working ability. In terms of skill, ability and vision, few people in China are tough enough for him, tough enough for him and accurate enough for him.

But such a big man with excellent indicators, when he came home, he was obviously dissatisfied with some trivial things, and refused to say it directly. He just changed his tune and grunted bitterly to himself.

This man, sometimes, is quite naive!

Yue Tong's heart came to a conclusion, but she didn't dare to say it.

At best, he can only tease him as he is now. He looks at the general manager of Ji University, who is usually very powerful, suffering from being shriveled, and secretly enjoys himself.

Ji Rui is enraged by Le Tong, but the woman in front of him is smiling and has no intention. Staring at her, his eyes gradually change. There is still a little fierce anger. Some of them are helpless and helpless.

Ji Rui's heart thumped and thought that this time it was bad. Was he really eaten to death by this woman!

"Drink, eh?"

Letong smiles and winks at him. The rim of the glass presses against his lips. The cold glass becomes tight and warm because of the hot jujube tea, but Ji Rui insists that the warm temperature is the temperature left by Letong's touch.

There may be such an illusion because Letong's smile is too bright.

It may also be that Ji Rui has formed a prejudice in his heart. All the good changes he has experienced in his life are related to the woman in front of him.

Just like the prejudice against her that all the bad things are related to her before, it is also strong and stubborn.

Because of her, the baby becomes more and more happy and lovely.

Because of her, he began to look forward to family life again.

Because of her, his joys and sorrows became bright and strong, and he was no longer the workaholic who was indifferent to everything.

Think about, originally full of heart that sour will be gradually diluted by the warm breath.

She opened her mouth obediently and took a big sip of jujube tea in her posture.

Ji Rui frowned, "how sweet!"

"Are you comfortable?" Letong looks at him funny.

Ji Rui takes people over and kisses her lips.

I don't know whether it's the taste on her lips or the taste of the tea she just drank. Anyway, Ji Rui's mouth and brain are full of the sweet and greasy taste of red jujube and longan tea.

Letong leans on Ji Rui's shoulder. It's just a deep kiss, but it seems to take away all her strength. Panting slightly, she raises her face to ask the man who is satisfied.

"How comfortable is that?"

"Well!" Ji Rui smiles and pecks on her lips again.

"I'm fine!" Tone, is no longer sour tone, but calm and reassuring tone.

Ji Rui had been walking around in the circle he had drawn for himself before. He was fooled around by himself. He was very sad. But he was teased and pacified by Letong, and his mood became clear gradually.

After a little consideration, she realized that she was reading a book so late, or maybe the original intention was that the drunkard didn't really want to read. Her real purpose was to worry about him, so she waited for him here in the name of reading.

Ji Rui's self-confidence, which he had been beaten to pieces by himself before, is soaring. Let alone Letong's second position in his heart, he is sitting still. He even feels that he is getting closer to the baby quickly. With a little more effort, he can be tied for the first place with the baby.

Ji Rui is complacent in his heart. On the surface, he can't see it at all. He just speaks in a soft tone.

"You're waiting for me to come back, aren't you?" Asked, gently rubbing the corners of her lips.

Letong neither admits nor denies it, but raises her hand to touch his chin.

Ji Rui's hair is very thick. He shaved his beard early in the morning before he came out of the door. Now he has a green beard. It stabs Le Le Tong's hand, with a slight pain.

"The meat on the baby grows back little by little. Why are you thin again? Is it your meat baby? "

Letong said painfully, the soft and watery eyes turned on his face with the finger belly.

Ji Rui grabs her hand and kisses her. He is 100% sure that the real purpose of this woman sitting in the living room reading in the middle of the night is to wait for him to come back.

"I'm sorry. I'll take care of it."

She loves herself, he is very happy, but let her worry, let her worry, is his own wrong.

"Hungry? Would you like something to eat? "

Letong doesn't mean to blame him. Recently, Ji's troubles are one after another. If he doesn't take the lead and rush out of the way, Ji will fall into the trap of villains and never turn over.

Ji Rui looks up at the time. It's nearly zero. To be honest, he wants to enjoy the love supper she made for him. But considering her physical condition, it's better to have a rest earlier.

"I'm not hungry. Go to bed quickly."

Said, holding her waist to push people away, holding her body motioned her to stand up.

Letong is not in a hurry to get up, blinked at him for a few seconds, then stood up and bent over his lips.

"Then I'll go to bed, and you should take a bath too soon. Don't make it too late!"

Ji Rui holds her waist in one hand and her back brain in the other, turning her shallow kiss into a deep one.

If he can, he really wants to just pick her up and carry her directly to the bedroom. Let's go to hell with all the bad things about Ji Shi and Ji Wen's brother-in-law!

The devil in the heart is roaring, but he finally let go of Letong.

Ji Rui doesn't want to repeat the situation in the lounge.

Letong steps to the bedroom door, suddenly turned to Ji Rui said.

"I made sandwiches and put them in the fridge. If you want to eat them, take a box out and heat it in the microwave."

Ji Rui is very happy in his heart, and his face is still calm. He nods his head and waves to Letong, "well, go to sleep."

When Letong's bedroom door closes, Ji Rui sneaks into the bedroom to take a bath. He comes out in his bathrobe, turns around and goes into the kitchen. He finds the sandwich in the refrigerator, heats it in the microwave oven, takes it out, drinks flower tea and eats the sandwich.

The beauty in my heart!

I thought, this is not, I climbed to the first position!