Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 464

Ji Rui asked people to specially buy back the two puppies, which are Alaskan sled dogs. One is gray, the other is black and white.

Baobao doesn't know that Ji Rui bought two puppies for him. He just thinks that he is going to the pet store to see Dabai and Xiaobai. When he sees Dabai and Xiaobai in the cage nestling together and sleeping with their eyes covered, he is very disappointed. He wakes up the two cats, but he doesn't do it, but his little mouth is not happy.

Ji Rui feels funny and pats his head to comfort him.

"Well, daddy will show you the other animals."

If it wasn't for the excitement of hearing him mention the dog in luoyuan'er's house a few days ago, Ji Rui didn't know that the little guy liked dogs so much.

Of course, it's not the first time that baby shows his love for dogs. It's just that Ji Rui used to take a perfunctory attitude towards baby. It doesn't matter to Ji Rui what he likes or doesn't like, and he doesn't need to take special care of it. Therefore, even if the baby mentioned it to him, he usually ignores it and forgets it.

"What is it? Is it a monkey? "

The baby blinked, her dark eyes full of curiosity and expectation.

Ji Rui thought, isn't it? Does this boy like monkeys better than dogs?

I don't know, the baby will have such a guess, because the pet shop assistant once told him that there were several little monkeys in the cage in the yard, and invited him to have a look.

Ji Rui is going to the courtyard.

"Of course not!"

Ji Rui shakes his head and denies. Baby is curious and looks up at Letong.

Ji Rui's childlike innocence is rare. He wants to surprise his baby son. Naturally, Letong can't do anything bad for him, so he shakes his head and purses his lips to say that he will never be a traitor.

When the baby stepped out of the yard and saw the two dogs in the big cage in the middle, he threw away Letong's and Ji Rui's hands and rushed over without thinking.

"Wow, these two dogs are so beautiful!"

Ji Rui stepped behind him, crouched down and hugged him, "does baby like it?"

The baby's sight has been confiscated. It seems that it has been glued to two puppies with 502 glue.

"Well, of course!"

The baby answered with interest. His eyes glowed with excitement, and he stared at the two puppies for a long time. Suddenly, he didn't know what he thought of, and his eyes suddenly darkened.

"But Mommy won't let the baby have it." Tone, with a bit of grievance, but also a bit helpless.

Letong is sad and inexplicable. She is only a six-year-old, but she has to give up a lot of fun that he should enjoy at this age.

He used to like to go swimming with Ji Rui, but after he got sick, let alone swimming, even if he took a bath, he couldn't be too good. He had to take a bath within the prescribed time.

And he likes small animals like cats and dogs. Because of his physical condition, he has to give up the idea of taking these pets home.

"Baby, we can buy them first and take them home with Xiaobai later. How are you

The baby's dim eyes immediately restored their old look.

"Daddy, do you really buy it?"

Without waiting for Ji Rui to answer, he has reached out his little hand and touched the black-and-white dog.

"Just call him Xiao Hei. He's Xiao Hui!"

Letong can't help laughing, this little guy's name is really handy.

The baby takes out the little ball that Dabai and Xiaobai love to play with. Gulu throws it to Xiaohei. As soon as Xiaohei's hoof is lifted, the ball is thrown back to the baby's feet.

The baby is not angry, even more patience than usual several times, squatting on the ground, the ball again thrown in the past, this time, he threw the ball to the small ash.

Ji Rui and Letong are not bothering the baby when they see that the baby is having a good time with the two puppies. They drag the stool that they throw in the yard and sit down. Their eyes are basically glued to the baby.

"It's good to be a child!" I don't know if I think of the experience of this period of time. Letong sighs.

Ji Rui turned to look at her affectionately, "if you like, I'm willing to treat you as a child all my life."

Yue Tongsheng was excited. He put up his hand and touched his arm. He got goose bumps and climbed one arm.

This man, it is on the Internet search so disgusting words, right?

Otherwise, with his cold and smelly temperament, he would not have said such words.

"Ji Rui, wake up, this style is not suitable for you, change it!" Yue Tong rolled his eyes at him.

Here, two adults are chatting and bickering. Over there, the baby has been playing with Xiao hei and Xiao Hui. Occasionally, there is a ringing sound of laughter, mixed with the barking of the dog.

With a new love, the baby directly forgets his heart meat Dabai and Xiaobai, and runs and jumps in the yard. After a while, he is sweating.

Although Letong is chatting with Ji Rui, she has never lost sight of her baby. She is sweating all over her body, so she takes a clean towel out of her bag and goes to wipe the sweat for her baby.

"Well, baby, don't play too late!"

Although the baby recovered well, but even if good, physical condition and endurance compared with healthy people is still a little bit different, so it is easy to be tired.

Baby reluctantly bid farewell to Xiaohei Xiaohui Dabai Xiaobai, obediently followed his parents to leave the pet shop.

When they came, they walked slowly along the roadside, but on the way back, they got into the car that Xiao Li had been waiting at the door for a long time.

The car stopped at the side of the road outside the building. Ji Rui was about to get off to open the door and let his mother and son get off, but he heard Xiao Li say, "president, just now Huang Sheng called and said that he wanted to show you some information face to face. Do you want him to send it to the office tomorrow, or..."

Ji Rui looks at the time and looks up at Letong. Just as he wants to say something, he hears her say, "go ahead. Baobao and I will go back and have a rest first."

These days, Letong knows that Huang Sheng in Xiao Li's mouth is a very powerful private detective. It seems that the case of Ji Rui's assassination also asked Huang Sheng to collect information.

When I call in such a big evening, there must be an urgent report.


Ji Rui's words haven't been spoken yet. Letong has come over and kisses him on the lips. "Come on, I'll go back with Baobao first, and you'll go back soon. I won't open the door for you if you come back too late."

Yue Tong said this with a smile. Obviously, he was joking.

This room is opened by fingerprint system. As long as Ji Rui's hands are alive, there will be no embarrassing event of being rejected.

Ji Rui is also anxious to find the real murderer. Only when Tian Wei catches the real murderer can he eliminate the possibility of hurting Baobao or Letong.

"Well... OK, you go back first. I'll go there as early as possible."

Ji Rui watched Letong's mother and son enter the elevator under the escort of bodyguards, and then told Xiao Li to drive.

"Xiao Li, let him give me a place now. I'll go there immediately."

Xiao Li received the instruction, answered the call, and picked up the phone to call out.

"President, Huang Sheng said that he is at home now. If you don't mind, you can go to his home and say it."

If changed before, Ji Rui will not go to the home of a person who is not a private friend. But now, he wants to get useful information quickly, and then, go home quickly.

"Yes, his family is his family."

At this time, the traffic on the main road is very crowded. Xiao Li spent ten minutes on the crowded road, and the car only drove more than 100 meters.

The car stops at a red light. Ji Rui looks at the direction of the car and frowns, "Xiao Li, did you remember the wrong address?"

"President, there are too many cars now. There is an old road near here. It's not blocked."

Ji Rui nodded

More than half an hour later, Ji Rui has been sitting on the sofa of Huang Sheng's house and received the tea from the other party.

"Huang Sheng, don't be so polite. Let's be direct and say what we have."

Huang Sheng nodded and handed him a bulging information bag on the sofa.

"That video that day, I investigate and verify for several days, but still have no clue."

Ji Rui was holding a teacup. When he said that, his expression stagnated and he put it down.

"Then why are you in such a hurry to call me here?" Ji Rui's tone is a little strong.

Ji Rui is a little regretful now. He knew that he had no idea at all. He should have let this man personally send those useless waste materials tomorrow, and he even wanted to go home to accompany Letong and his son.

Huang Sheng smiles, as if he doesn't mind Ji Rui's bad attitude at all“ Mr. Ji, listen to me first. "

Huang Sheng has been cooperating with Ji Rui for a long time, but recently, this person has changed and become more and more human. It seems that he is more and more homesick. Ji Rui is very strange, but he is more and more like a real person.

Ji Rui turns his eyebrows and stares at him impatiently. His eyes are fierce. He seems to be saying that you'd better have reliable information to tell me. Otherwise, I'll see how to deal with you!

Huang Sheng was so fluffy that he shivered, picked up the document bag, opened it, and drew a large stack of information from it.

"Didn't you ask brother Li to let me check the restaurant two days ago?"

Ji Rui squinted, "what's the relationship?"

"Yes, it does matter!" Huang Sheng rings his fingers and takes out a few pieces from the stack of data and hands them to Ji Rui.

Ji Rui probably had some clues, took the information, "don't tell me, that person is Ji Wen's brother-in-law!"

He didn't doubt Ji Wen and Ji Wu, but he always thought the possibility was very low.

For one thing, the brothers are still squatting in the prison of country y, and their wives and children are also in country y. last time they came back, it should have been Spring Festival last year.

Huang Sheng shook his head. "Of course not."

Ji Rui is confused, "who is that?"

"It's not Ji Wen's brother-in-law, it's his wife."

Ji Rui "ah" a, only when Huang Sheng is fooling himself.

"That day, the man, in fact, was a woman disguised as a man. His wife used to be a model. She was tall and thin. It was not difficult to disguise as a man at all."