Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 463

Ji Rui's tone gently coaxes her, and his big hand gently pats her on the back to comfort her.

Two people with extremely ambiguous posture embrace and lie down, but strange is, at this time Ji Rui, heart no longer before those messy ideas, he just want to, quietly hold her, quietly, feel her in his arms, calm breathing, see her close eyes nestled in his body to rest.

Letong's fear and uneasiness in the deep of Xinhu Lake finally subsided under his comfort, and the lake, gradually, regained calm.

Letong quietly closed her eyes. The light mint fragrance of the man was curling around her nose, and the powerful heart beat was roaring in her eardrum. It was clear that this time was not lunch break, but Letong, nestled in Ji Rui's arms, had a warm embrace, and was listening to the rhythmic sound and fell asleep.

Ji Rui feels that the woman in his arms is completely relaxed. Her hands are soft on his chest, and her slight breathing is slightly shaking on his neck.

Ji Rui looks down at her seriously. Her eyes are closed, her black eyelashes are drooping, and she casts two rows of dense shadows on her white face. Her delicate nose vibrates with her breath, and her lips are red like blood. It seems that she wants to tell him something.

Ji Rui lowers his head and kisses her lips carefully. He gently caresses her lips, her face and her eyebrows with a little rough finger pulp.

The light sunlight penetrated through the curtain and fell on her beautiful face.

Looking at her sleeping face from such a close distance, Ji Rui was surprised at her beauty again.

This kind of beauty is different from those charming and gorgeous, which is a kind of natural and pure beauty. The more you look at this kind of beauty, the more pleasing it is, the more fascinated it is. As long as you look at it, it will be more and more difficult to move away, and more and more difficult to extricate yourself.

Letong suddenly moved a few times, Ji Rui thought she was going to wake up, but she just slightly frowned, put on his chest hand tightly grasped his clothes, probably, had a bad dream.

Ji Rui kisses her frown. He takes out the remote control from the bedside table and pulls down another heavy curtain. The rest room suddenly changed from day to night. In the dark room, I could only vaguely see the uplifted figure on the bed.

The woman in her arms moves a few more times. Ji Rui thinks she can't sleep well and wants to leave her arms. Unexpectedly, she took away the clothes on his chest and put them on his back. Then she grabbed the clothes on his back and leaned back to his arms.

Ji Rui is relieved. She's sleeping so fast that she's not on guard. This cognition makes him feel so good that he can't.

For the first time since their relationship was established, they hugged each other so intimately and fell asleep.

Vaguely remember who said, a man and a woman in bed simply can't cover quilt pure chat, since in bed, must do some since intense and exciting movement is normal.

But now, holding her quietly and listening to her tiny breath, his heart was unexpectedly calm and steady, and very satisfied.

Letong had a deep sleep. If she was not hungry, she would have been able to sleep till the end of time.

Hungry, she opened her eyes reluctantly, and her brain full of oars began to turn slowly, trying to find out where she was in the dark environment.

"What's wrong?" Magnetic sound sounded in the ear, hot, familiar breath spray over, lips were gently kiss.

"Well... What's here?" Still with to cent confused music Tong, so far did not guess where this is.

"The lounge in the office." The man touched her face, slender fingers very natural to help her straighten the hair on the forehead and face.

"Oh..." Letong's voice also has a strong nasal sound. After a sleep, she seems to have a lot of dependence and trust on Ji Rui. Although she has woken up, she still hugs his waist and rubs against him a few times, lazily unwilling to move.

Although she was very hungry at this time, she was very greedy for his warm embrace.

"Still sleeping? Or are you going to get up? " Big palm holds her face, matchless doting ground asks a way.

Fortunately, the president's office is on an independent floor. Except for special things, Ji's employees seldom come up to disturb Ji Rui.

If Ji's employees see that he is a workaholic like a perpetual motion machine, the president is sleeping in the lounge with his secretary in his arms, he will surely turn his mouth and scold "HunJun"!

Even Ji Rui himself did not expect that he would have such a fatuous day.

Unexpectedly, in the daytime, when there are still a lot of affairs outside, I sleep with her in my arms.

It seems that even if the sky falls down, it's not as important as letting her sleep safely and comfortably.

Le Tong fan raised his face in bewilderment, and his blurred vision fell on his face, "I'm so hungry..."

Obviously hungry, she raised her face and nibbled on his chin.

Her bite strength is not big, numb, but should not leave a mark“ If you're hungry, get up and eat. I don't want to eat. "

Ji Rui said with a smile, the hand on her waist supported her, and wanted to hold her up.

Letong does not resist, but does not take the initiative to cooperate. Ren youjirui holds her waist and sits up. Then, the whole person leans on him face to face like a boneless man.

"I don't want to get up..." chin against his shoulder, coquetry means more and more obvious.

Ji Rui can't help but slant to kiss to kiss her lip Cape, indulgence ground smile way.

"Then you'll lie down for a while? I'll order takeout. "

Letong nodded, and lay down again with Ji Rui, and covered her with a thin quilt.

Ji Rui has known Letong for such a long time, and has never seen her so dependent on others, so coquettish to a person.

Think of this let her rest assured to rely on, indulge in coquetry person is oneself, Ji Rui's voice unconsciously put soft a few minutes.

"What would you like to eat?"

Letong's mood continues to be low these days. She can't sleep soundly at night. It's rare that she can sleep so soundly today. Now, she just wants to hold the quilt and savor the comfort of her sleep. As for what she eats, it becomes extremely unimportant.

"Whatever you want, just fill your stomach."

Le Tong holds the pillow to mumble, smelling the light mint fragrance above, unconsciously closed her eyes again.

Looking at Letong who seems to be sleepy, Ji Rui shakes his head with a smile and goes out with light hands and feet.

"Xiao Chen, send some food according to Letong's taste."

Although the sleepy one inside said it was ok, Ji Rui still wanted her to eat better. Because, when Letong eats good things, he always makes Ji Rui happy and has a good appetite.

"All right, I'll be right there."

Ji Rui puts down the phone and looks at his watch.

At this time, it was more than one o'clock. It was past lunch time. No wonder she said she was hungry.

Ji Rui, who originally wanted to take advantage of the fact that the meal had not been sent to him to deal with several documents, was upset. He turned two pages and couldn't read them.

With a sigh, he got up and went out. He took a bottle of milk from the refrigerator in the tea room and heated it in the microwave oven.

"Letong, drink the milk." Ji Rui passes the milk with a straw to Letong, who leans on the back of the bed and closes her eyes.

Letong opens her mouth obediently, holds a straw in her mouth, and gulps all the milk in the bottle. It seems that she is really hungry.

"What time is it?"

After drinking the milk, Letong finally regains a little clarity. She squints slightly and looks at Ji Rui in the light of the bedside lamp.

"It's almost half past one. No sleep?"

"Well, I won't sleep. I have to run to the patent office this afternoon."

Letong finally returns to normal from the mode of sleepiness. Even her voice becomes crisp and clean. She can't find the image of the soft and lazy person before.

Ji Rui touched the remote control, opened the curtain, and immediately filled the room with sunlight.

Letong had already stood in front of the bed, put on her shoes and walked into the bathroom. She took out the new washing utensils from the cupboard above, finished washing cleanly, and came out with a fresh face.

"Why don't you call me?"

Letong had a good sleep, but now it's working time after all. As the Secretary of the president, she actually slept with the president in the lounge all morning. If it gets out, I don't know what other people think.

"You can't sleep well these days, can you? It's rare for you to sleep so deeply. Where can I wake you up? " Ji Rui tells the truth.

Letong walks by, hugs Ji Rui's waist from behind, sticks his face on his back, and mutters, "Ji Rui, thank you."

He indulged her more and more.

That degree, almost catch up with his indulgence to the baby.

"Fool, just let you sleep for a few hours, and you are grateful to me?" Ji Rui grabs her hand, pulls people over and hugs her face to face.

There was a faint blush on Letong's face, because she remembered all kinds of things before she fell asleep.

Including Ji Rui's predatory and aggressive actions.

It is said that the arrow had to be fired on the string, but the man pulled it out when the arrow was half fired.

This kind of behavior should be very harmful to a man, but he is willing to respect her, and does not act beyond the distance when she does not want to.

Yue Tong shook his head. "It's not about these hours, it's about..."

Ji Rui looks at her with a smile, and her face turns red gradually under his eyes.

"Come on, let's go out. The meal should be coming soon."

Ji Rui probably knows what she wants to express, but she is thin skinned and has a lot of words, so it's hard for her to say it calmly.

At ordinary times, Ji Rui may tease her, but it's rare for them to be so tender at the moment. If he forces her to tell the truth, it will only embarrass her.


"By the way, doesn't baby like dogs? I've got two to come back and put them in the pet store for the time being. After dinner in the evening, I'll take my baby to have a look, OK? "

Ji Rui takes the initiative to get off the subject.

He knows very well that the best way for Letong to accept him from her heart is to let her get used to his existence.

Used to rely on him, used to always have him in sight!