Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 462

"Niu, you have to be moral. If you light a fire, you have to put it out! "

Letong opens her mouth slightly. She can't find a suitable reason to refute him for a moment.


"But what?"

Ji Rui laughingly looks at her and talks with her, but his feet and hands are not free at all. Holding Le Tong, he is standing at the door of the rest room, holding her Tun department in one hand, holding the door handle in the other hand, gently swiveling, "click", and the door opens.

Yue Tong's eye sees being carried into the rest room, in the heart one is anxious, say urgently.

"But I want you to follow me, not me to follow you!"

Ji Rui's lips are very high. Obviously, Letong's words make him extremely happy.

"Oh? What's the difference between you and me? "

He only knows that he is a man, she is a woman, and the most effective way to extinguish a man's fire is always one!

"Of course not!"

Le Tong yells, his brain turns rapidly, racking his brains to find a strong reason to persuade him to give up the dangerous behavior at present.

Ji Rui is not in a hurry to ask. He kicks the door, shakes off his shoes, holds her, steps on the soft carpet, walks to the big soft bed, bends over and puts her down gently.

Letong's hands are on the bed, and she is trying to move back. Ji Rui, who used to hold her hands beside her, suddenly retreats. Letong thinks that he has finally figured it out and is ready to let go of himself, but he bends down and grabs her ankles. Under her astonished gaze, she calmly helps her take off her shoes and put them in front of the bed.

Letong opens her mouth slightly and looks at Ji Rui blankly. She takes off her shoes and puts them away.

Since Ji Rui confessed to her, he has been really good to her, but no matter how good he is, there is a limit. People like him, who have lived for 30 years and been held aloof by others, will not do anything against his personality even if they like her.

But Ji Rui is like a stranger in front of him. His behavior just now is too gentle to speak. His image of cold and self-supporting in Letong's mind is smashed.

So that Le Tong completely forgot to escape, just with both hands to support the bed, half lift the body, staring at him.

"What? Are you stupid

Ji Rui picks his eyes from the corner of his lips and bullies him with a smile. He holds his hands beside her and covers her with the whole person.

Letong's eyes are a little confused. She looks at him as if she can't find the focus. Like a lamb to be slaughtered, Ji Rui can't help but peck her eyelids.

His heart was filled with strange feelings, which made his heart ache,

"Baby..." Ji Rui gently kisses her and mumbles to her.

Letong was excited and trembled.

Reason seems to reply a little, blink, eyes color recovered a little clear, to Ji Rui's burning eyes, Letong's heart began to jump uncontrollably, subconsciously drop his eyes, the hand behind him slightly hard, want to move himself out of his control.

Ji Rui is still intoxicated with his body temperature on her eyebrows and forehead. Sensing that the woman under him wants to escape, he moves his body slowly according to her rhythm.

Le Tong has been back, he has been moving forward.

Letong unconsciously has retreated to the corner of the wall. Ji Rui supports the wall with one hand and embraces her waist with the other. He straightens up slightly and pulls away the distance between them.

"Honey, are you afraid of me?"

This is not the first time Ji Rui has asked this question.

But le Tong never gave him an official answer.

Even, every time he asked her if she was afraid of him, she directly chose to ignore him.

Originally, Ji Rui was a little lucky, thinking that she refused to have closer physical contact with him all the time just because she was shy, or because she felt that the time had not come.

But now it seems that her resistance is not rational, but subconscious resistance.

Letong don't look at him, so obviously ignore move, seems to confirm Ji Rui's conjecture.

Ji Rui holds the back of her head and forces her to look at herself.


Letong still droops her eyes, as if to ignore him in the end.

"Letong, look at me!" Ji Rui's voice is very gentle, but with a strong force that people can't resist.

Letong struggles with her eyes for a while, bites her lips, raises her eyes and looks at him.

"Letong, tell me the truth, are you afraid of me?"

Ji Rui's fire has been extinguished by this idea. At this time, a cold feeling slowly seeps into his bones from his skin.

Letong eyes bone Lu Lu to turn a circle, meaning unknown line of sight in Ji Rui face to turn a circle..

"I don't know..." Letong answered very wrongly.

If Ji Rui doesn't insist, she just thinks that she doesn't want to have deeper contact with him because the time is not coming.

However, under his aggressive interrogation, she also began to waver.

She has never been in love, so she doesn't know if other people will refuse to make too close contact with each other when they are in love to this extent.

Before that, she thought it was normal.

But now listening to Ji Rui's question, she seems to be really a little afraid of him.

In fact, since her relationship with Ji Rui has changed, it's rare to be afraid of Ji Rui. But every time Ji Rui can't help but want to do something intimate to her, she will unconsciously want to escape.

Moreover, at that time, I was really scared to death!

"Letong, tell me, what was on your mind just now?" Ji Rui is good at persuasion with a gentle voice.

For people in love, kissing or deeper physical contact is a natural thing, there is no compulsion, only can't help it!

Letong bit her lip and struggled for a long time before she honestly replied, "I want to escape!"

Ji Rui's eyes darkened in an instant!

Sure enough, she was afraid!

"Why do you want to escape?" Ji Rui didn't notice, his voice, slightly with some tremor.

He vaguely understood that the drunkenness of that night, probably, carved an indelible wound in her heart.

She once said that she didn't remember that night at all. Maybe, optimistic, she habitually chose to ignore it, but the human body is honest. Even if the host deliberately forgets it, the sensory cells arbitrarily record the pain and suffering at that time.

Yue Tong shook his head blankly and said, "I don't know, I'm afraid..."

Ji Rui's heart is pulled into a group!

Originally, come out to mix, sooner or later, is to return!

Closed his eyes, hand slowly tightened, gently brought her into his arms, "don't be afraid, rest assured, I will never do this kind of thing you don't like, let's take our time, OK?"