Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 461

Yue Tong leaned over to kiss his lips and said with a frivolous smile.

"Handsome guy, you just follow my sister, OK?"

Letong is in a good mood, openly molesting Ji Rui.

But I don't know that men are animals that can't be teased. Especially, the original culprit of tease is the woman who always suppresses his desire and doesn't dare to offend her.

Ji Rui's eyes narrowed suddenly with some startled green eyes, and his pupils suddenly contracted. His eyes erupted the extremely dangerous light when a large hunting animal was ready to attack its prey.

"From what, not from what?"

Ji Rui's body leans forward, and her burning eyes sweep her face and lips without concealment. Although he is at a disadvantage in terms of horizontal height, Chao Letong's resolute chin and his eyes full of provocation and conquering desire all show his shocking momentum and strong aggressiveness!

Yue Tong was stunned, but he didn't come back from the mode of the teaser. He snorted subconsciously.

"If you do, you'll go with your sister. If you don't, you'll have to go with your sister!"

Ji Rui has a smile on his lips. He raises his hand and grabs her hand holding his chin. The rest of his long hand goes around her waist. His face is very handsome. His deep eyes unconsciously gather some light and turn into an attractive smile, which makes Letong's heart beat.

Ji Rui raised his lips and leaned over to kiss her. He asked in a slightly hoarse voice, "where are you going?"

Letong's lips are numb, and her brain is blank. Her black eyes are like magnets absorbed by powerful magnets, staring at Ji Rui tightly.


Ji Rui's smile is deeper in his eyes, and the corners of his lips bend into a beautiful arc. In the case of Letong's unprepared, tengdi stands up.

Suddenly, the figure higher than half of the figure forms a huge shadow over Letong. Letong suddenly panics and faintly feels the danger approaching.

Leaning back, Ji Rui wants to break free from the confinement of one hand, but Ji Rui's hand on her waist is like a thousand year old vine winding around the tree trunk, tightly climbing around her body, making her unable to move.

If by this time, she does not know what the light in men's eyes and the posture in hunting state stand for, then she is not dull, but stupid!

Realizing that the man is in a ready state at this time, Letong screams in her heart that it's not good. Her ears are already red, but she still forces herself to calm down and deal with it.

She is a person who knows the current affairs. Danger is pressing her. If she can't fight each other, she can't fight with her eggs.

The hand that is grasped gently breaks away, the cool fingertip gently brushes his lips and nose, and traces the thick black eyebrow along his straight nose bridge.

"Ji Rui, we haven't done a lot of things yet..." just now, the ruffian elder sister, who was full of rage, opened her mouth like a balloon and begged for mercy.

Ji Rui lets her soft fingertips rub on her eyebrows, and her deep eyes stare at her without blinking.

"Well, we do have a lot of things to do!"

Ji Rui nods his head seriously to show his approval, but Letong knows that the pile of things he refers to is definitely not the same as the pile of things she said!!

Not only are they not the same things, but they are two kinds of things that have nothing in common or even run counter to each other in nature.

"Ji Zong..." Letong tries to use this name to remind men that at this time, it's working time, here, it's the office place, and he is the boss, she is the subordinate.

The things he didn't do in his mind should be done at the right time and place when both sides are willing.

Now, the time, the place, the identity and the status are not right!

In Ji Rui's opinion, all the things that are not in Letong's mind are not problems.

Did not wait for Le Tong to continue to say, he has lowered his head, lips stick to her lips, "Shh!" Warm lips pecked on her lips, "don't make a noise!"

Letong hasn't had time to complain, his lips have been firmly sucked by him. He feels that his generous body bends down to wrap her, and then his body is light, and the whole person is picked up by him in the air without warning.


The sudden sense of weightlessness and Letong, who is a little dazed by Ji Rui's kiss, glances at the place outside Ji Rui with the end of her eyes. When she sees the door of the rest room closing to her at a very fast speed, her heart almost doesn't jump out of her heart.

He's taking her to the lounge?

The rest room is not the one with a small wooden bed, but with large glass windows, soft and comfortable big bed, and all kinds of living facilities, including kitchen, bar and bathroom with jacuzzi

And he holds the purpose that she goes in, Yue Tong can think of with toes.

No, you can't go in with him!

Letong's only reason screams in her head. Letong puts her hand against Ji Rui's face and tries her best to let him let go of her lips.

"Ji Rui..."

Letong gasps for him, his eyes covered with mist are full of love for Shangji Rui. Letong shrinks his head, bites his teeth, raises his hand to his neck, raises his face and kisses him on the tip of his nose.

"Put me down, will you?" The subtext of this, put down = let go.

Ke Ketong low-profile blinks her eyes with water vapor, pitifully bargaining, but he doesn't get Ji Rui's response. He just looks at her firmly with a burning eye. It seems that he doesn't want to let her go at all.

"Ji Rui..." Yue Tong calls again in a long voice, and then kisses his lips again.

Ji Rui stares at her silently without blinking. His chest is sonorous and powerful like a drum. With his clothes, he bumps against Letong's skin.

For a long time, Ji ruicai licked his lips and hummed.


Yue Tong finally saw a little looseness in his eyes, and immediately grabbed his neck with dogleg hands. His face was close to his face. Their forehead was close to their forehead, and the tip of their nose was against the tip of their nose.

"I was just joking..."

Letong pulls her lips and tries to make herself smile sweetly and innocently.

"Joking?" Ji Rui snorted coldly, opened his mouth, and nibbled on her lips with a little force.

"Er, it hurts!" Le tong can't help exclaiming.

"Does it hurt? I'm playing too... "Ji Rui said, learning her tone.

Le Tong was blocked speechless, although it is their own fire first, but as early as now he was bullied to death, or very unwilling.

So, biting his lip, he glared at him fiercely, "fart!"

Ji Rui touched her forehead with his forehead, raised his lips, and his eyes were full of meaningful smile.

"Niu, you have to be moral. If you light a fire, you have to put it out! "