Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 460

In the end, Ji Rui played a role as a poor man, or he was more practical than his oral promise. Anyway, the next day, lawyer fan almost effortlessly let Le Tong sign his name on the assignment and will.

Of course, in some details, Ji Rui still respects Letong's wishes and makes amendments. The transfer letter adds an item on the original basis. In the case of Ji Ruijian, Letong must hold the signatures of both her and Ji Rui to use the asset.

After signing two documents, Letong calmly turns around and goes out to do her own business. It seems that Ji Rui's 30% assets are not enough to cause her even a little emotional fluctuation.

Originally, after Letong insisted on adding the conditions for the joint signature, lawyer fan had changed her attitude a lot. Seeing that she continued to do her own work without any trouble, her favor for her increased a lot.

"Mr. Ji, Miss Le is not like a woman from an ordinary family."

Lawyer fan was picking up the papers, but his eyes fell on the gently closed door.

"Well? Why

In Ji Rui's eyes, Letong is good in every way, but he has never seriously explored the specific advantages of her.

Now that lawyer Fan said this, he is interested in knowing what kind of woman Letong is in other people's eyes, and whether she looks the same as what he sees in his eyes.

"Miss Le's original economic conditions should not be very good, right?"

Because Letong was robbed, lawyer fan had a private contact with Letong. He knew a little about her.

"Well, it's really average."

According to Ji Rui's standard, Letong's economic situation is terrible. However, Ji Rui won't say that if Letong is hit like this.

"Her economic status is only average for ordinary people. She just signed those two documents and conservatively estimated that she had tens of billions of assets. She turned from ordinary people to super rich overnight, but she didn't even blink an eye. How can ordinary people have this kind of psychological quality?"

Lawyer fan's analysis is right, but Ji Rui doesn't agree with it.

"Lawyer fan, you think too much. In her opinion, although she signed those two documents, she didn't think those assets were hers at all. Therefore, she was able to be as indifferent as anyone else. "

In Ji Rui's eyes, Letong is still the simple woman who will be very happy for the overtime pay of more than 100 yuan. Lawyer fan's words inevitably sound like flattery.

Lawyer fan knew that Ji Rui didn't believe what he said. "Mr. Ji, some of his temperament was born, or brought out of the womb. This should also be reflected in the young master. You might as well think about it. Is there something similar to miss le in the young master? "

Baobao had never seen her mother before she was five years old and had been raised by father Ji. Naturally, lawyer fan knew this. Before seeing the paternity test, lawyer fan even doubted whether Letong had used any means to deceive Ji Rui into thinking that she was Baobao's own mother.

Ji Rui thinks about it carefully and has to admit that lawyer fan has a point.

"Well, baby's character and way of thinking seem to be more like Letong than me."

"It's only half a year since Miss Le lived with her baby. Therefore, it's not accurate to say that it's subtle. It's more accurate to say that it's genetic."

Fan lawyer's words, let Ji Rui can't help but think of the jade Pei that Le Tong gave to the baby.

Ordinary families can't afford to buy such a piece of expensive Yupei. Moreover, according to le Tong, Yupei was not bought by her father, but was handed down from several generations in the family.

"These are just our guesses. In fact, she is just an ordinary person of ordinary origin."

Letong doesn't want to explore her own life experience. Ji Rui naturally has to respect her wishes. Even though he is curious about her life experience.

"Maybe, I think too much."

Lawyer fan didn't argue any more. After they talked about Ji Rui's assets for a while, lawyer fan got up and left.

The advertising department pressed down the 1% price bonus. Letong was good at advocating that he shared it with several employees of the advertising department who participated in the advertising planning, and handed over the part to Ji Rui.

Ji Rui was busy and took the check. At first, he thought it was the finance department who asked him to sign it. When he saw that the name on it was Letong, he was puzzled and looked up at her with the check.

"Why do you give me this?"

"Pay for food!" Le Tong answers him seriously.

Her natural expression made Ji Rui laugh and cry.

"Didn't you give me some money the other day? Why did you give me money again?"

Ji Rui is helpless and powerless. This check gives him the illusion that he is a little white face who is kept by Letong.

"A few days ago, the money was rent, this money was food, and my medicine."

Although Ji Rui never tells her the price of those traditional Chinese medicines, Letong intuitively feels that those medicines are not cheap.

Ji Rui takes a puff from the corner of his mouth. If he can, he really wants to pull her to his thigh and give her a good puff to relieve his anger.

"Letong, do you have to be so clear with me?" Ji Rui grins at her and asks.

If it's Ji's staff, they will be trembling with fear when they see Ji Rui like this.

But now Le Tong is used to such a fierce and cold president Ji da. He doesn't even move his eyebrows and returns to him calmly.

"Mr. Ji, even husband and wife advocate property independence. What's more, we are just lovers. We should be clear. We should never pretend to be confused."

Obviously, she won't take back the check.

Ji Rui's face is a little black again. He curls his fingers and flicks the check. He looks at Le Tong coldly.

"Letong, do you know what this check reminds me of?"

Yue Tong frowned and thought, shaking her head, indicating that she didn't understand.

"Your check makes me feel like your little white face!" Ji Rui didn't say well.

Le Tong looked at him for a long time, grinning without warning.

"Ha ha, Ji Rui, when did your imagination become so rich? Sure enough, is it me and the baby? "

Letong's unbridled smile and ridicule make Ji Rui's face blacker and uglier. She stares at her fiercely and doesn't make a sound.

Letong smiles to tears. She cleans the corners of her eyes with the back of her hand. Then she sits on the desk in front of Ji Rui, reaches over and lifts Ji Rui's chin with her fingertips. Under Ji Rui's astonished eyes, she kisses his lips and says with a frivolous smile.

"Handsome guy, you just follow my sister, OK?"