Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 459

When it comes to Ji Rui and Ji Laozi, Letong is not good at talking nonsense. As an outsider, it seems that the contradiction between father and son is more due to Ji Wen and Ji Wu. It seems too arbitrary to say that Ji Rui and Baobao are not taken seriously by father Ji. But put Ji Rui and Baobao and Ji Laozi's other two sons on the scales on both sides, it is absolutely that his other two sons are much heavier.

It doesn't mean that she can accept Ji Rui's arrangement.

Ji Rui's current worry is not that Letong can't understand it, but that she can't accept his assets for no reason.

For the time being, her relationship with Ji Rui is stable. She doesn't want to let this relationship be covered with worldly dust because of money.

Letong didn't read the asset transfer agreement and will, but from Ji Rui's words, she can probably guess the specific content.

"Ji Rui, if you want to make a will, I agree. But if you want to transfer part of your assets to me, I will not accept it in any case. Well, you changed the will to make the baby inherit all your property when you have an accident, and I, you just need to attach the paternity certificate of me and the baby to the will. In case of any accident, I am willing to take full custody of and take care of the baby as a guardian, and manage all the property on his behalf. Is that ok? "

After careful consideration, Letong feels that this is the biggest concession she can accept.

But her concession is not as bad as Ji Rui wants.

It can be said that the letter of transfer and the will, about Letong, were all drafted according to the identity of the legal spouse. That's why lawyer fan made such a query.

However, lawyer fan doesn't know whether Letong is Ji Rui's wife in law. In Ji Rui's opinion, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that even if it is one in ten million, he should make sure that she can live well. Even without him, she can live well with her baby. Instead of, like a few years ago, having to sell her own dignity and flesh for her mother's sake.

But these words, he can't say to Letong.

He doesn't want to annoy Letong, and he doesn't want to expose the scars in her heart.

Ji Rui, who has nothing to do but soften his voice, "Letong...", looks at her with green eyes.

Letong pretends to be indifferent and raises her hand to cover his eyes. The lethality of his eyes can't be underestimated. If she looks more, she is really afraid that she will be soft hearted.

"You're not a baby. It's no use pretending to be poor!"

Yue Tong said, simply pushed him away and stood up.

"I'll see what aunt Guan has cooked. The chef of yuan'er's family is sour in order to accommodate yuan'er."

Letong's words touched Ji Rui's curiosity.

"When you get pregnant, the taste becomes so weird? When you used to have a baby, did you also like sour food? "

Letong ignored her and walked away. Ji Rui couldn't get the answer, so he had to stare at her back and yell, "I want to eat noodles. You can give me the next bowl."

Letong turned to stare at him and muttered discontentedly, "didn't you say that we would come back after supper? Now you're going to labor me? "

"I didn't eat anything at all. If you don't believe me, ask aunt Guan."

Originally, aunt Guan's cooking skills were just the same. Since Ji Rui didn't let Letong cook, their appetite and appetite have declined in a straight line. In addition to today's worry, Ji Rui has no appetite. He takes two mouthfuls of rice and puts them in the bowl.

Yue Tong looks at him again. She doesn't say she'll cook for him or not. She turns around and walks into the kitchen.

"Oh, little ancestor, you stay outside, I'll squeeze it out for you."

In the kitchen, aunt Guan, who was so busy with her baby, almost didn't pack her baby and throw it out.

"Baby, after playing with the dog for so long, take a bath first."

Letong pats the little devil's ass and says it very seriously. The little guy who made such a fuss before immediately changed his personality and went to take a bath obediently. Finally, the kitchen was quiet.

"Well, it seems that the baby only listens to you." Aunt Guan had no choice but to smile at Letong.

Letong opens the cupboard and comes out with a bag of noodles.

"He will bully the good and fear the evil." His son what virtue, Letong which will not know?

"In fact, he is more sensible than many children of rich families, but sometimes he is naughty."

Aunt Guan is also telling the truth. Now the baby is still in the recovery stage, and is strictly forbidden by Letong. Therefore, even if she is naughty, she is still within the scope of Letong's restrictions, and dare not make half a point of exceeding the distance.

In other people's mouths, he is a little demon king of Ji family who is not afraid of everything. But in fact, until now, he is still very afraid that Letong will leave him and sneak away. Therefore, Letong's words are usually more useful than anyone else's.

When the baby comes out from the bath, Letong just cooks the noodles. The three of them eat noodles around the dinner table. The baby is still talking about the samoyes in yuan'er's house.

After a while, she complains to Letong with a sad face, "Mommy, when can the baby take Dabai and Xiaobai home to raise them?"

Dabai Xiaobai has been fostered in the pet store since her baby got sick, because many germs can be transmitted through small domestic animals. So, until now, Letong still refuses to take Dabai Xiaobai home.

A lot of small things, she can be very casual.

But it's about the baby's health. She doesn't dare to be careless.

"Later." Letong as usual perfunctory, on the son full of disappointed eyes, Letong is very sad.

After eating noodles, Letong coaxes her baby to bed. When she comes out, Ji Rui is sitting on the sofa, flipping through a magazine.

"The work is done?" Letong feels strange. At this point, Ji Rui is busy in his study.

"It doesn't matter if I can't finish. Anyway, you don't want me to earn so much money."

Ji Rui's eyes stay in the magazine, and his tone is just like his wife's complaint to her husband who comes back at night.

Letong can't help but sit down beside him and say, "Ji Rui, you will also say that it's your hard-earned money. How can I get something for nothing? What will others think as soon as the transfer is signed? "

Ji Rui lazily raised his eyelids and glanced at her, "who dares to say you get something for nothing? I dare to say that no one is better than you to treat baby and me. You can't buy that heart with much money. I earn money. I can spend it for anyone I want. What others say is bullshit! What's more, do you really have the heart to refuse so thoroughly my kindness to you? Besides, as long as I live well, all the money will be mine. What are you worried about? "