Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 458

After ten o'clock, Ji Rui in the study hears the sound of opening the door. He gets up and goes out. He sees Letong and Baobao standing side by side at the entrance to change their shoes.

"Baby, are you back?"

Ji Rui greets him, first bows down to kiss his son, then straightens up and pecks on Letong's lips.

"Have a good time?"

The question is obviously to ask the baby, but the sight falls on Letong's face.

Letong holds the wall and doesn't say a word, because it's not her turn to speak at all. The baby has rubbed Ji Rui's waist against him.

"Daddy, the nest of dogs in yuaner's sister's house is so cute. Mommy has three little dogs. It's fun. Brother Gou is very skinny. He always catches puppets in the cupboard and is spanked by sister yuan er. Sister Gou is very timid... "

Ji Rui simply picked up the baby who had entered the mode of talking tuberculosis, and released another hand to hold Letong's shoulder and went to the living room.

Letong glances at him with the eyes full of exploration. Ji Rui feels tight in his heart. Fortunately, Letong doesn't say anything. He embraces him and enters the living room.

Baby said tired, ran into the kitchen with aunt Guan to squeeze fresh juice for him, Ji Rui very carefully observed a few eyes Letong's face, just asked.

"Why don't I know when the yuan'er family raised the dog?"

Ji Rui is quite familiar with the Luo family, but the elder of the fan Luo family will visit him on his birthday or festival.

"We didn't go to Luo's house, we went to Xu Tao's house..." Le Tong explained.

Ji Rui remembers that Baobao once said that yuaner's sister is about to get married.

"I'm not married yet? "Together?" But only to get married, but so far the Luo family has not released any news.

Yue Tongbai looks at him and thinks, she and he are not married, and they live together? However, she lives with him, yuan'er and Xu Tao. There is a qualitative difference between them.

Of course, Letong doesn't plan to tell Ji Rui about the similarities and differences. Otherwise, with a man's current cheekiness, he might climb up the bamboo pole and ask to develop the same cohabitation relationship with her as yuan'er and Xu Tao.

Ji Rui see Letong should not him, only when she is still angry for the two documents, had to say next.

"When is yuan er's wedding date? I haven't received the invitation yet."

Mention this, Le Tong also one face is at a loss, shake head should way.

"I'm not sure. It seems that the parents of both sides are sitting together to make a living. Then the people in her family and Xu Tao's family have different ideas and insist on their own opinions. So far, they haven't reached a consensus. Yuan Er says that she is too lazy to manage."

Ji Rui devoted all his time to Ji, and didn't have time to inquire about things in the circle, so he never heard of these gossip.

"Isn't yuan'er going to be a mother? Parents should be in a hurry. "

In principle, the woman should be more anxious. However, Ji Rui did not dare to say this.

"Well, yuan'er thinks it doesn't matter. Anyway, they've got the certificate. The wedding is just a form."

About yuan'er, Yue Tong answers every question. It seems that she is not angry.

"Yes, the wedding is just a form. According to me, as long as two people really love each other, including the certification, it is also just a secular form."

Le Tong seems to smell out the intention of his words, nests in the deep of the sofa, raises eyebrows and looks at him with a watchful face.

Ji Rui can't see that she is like a hedgehog in a moment? However, since he has said that, he has to go on, so that there is room for maneuver.

"In fact, the two documents drafted by lawyer fan, in my eyes, are just a form, a form of protecting you and your baby. Can you understand what I say?"

Ji Rui carefully leads the topic to the two documents. It's obvious that he's trying to plug money into people, but he still has to look at each other's face. This kind of thing is just like Arabian Nights.

However, he is very clear that Letong will be angry and leave. It's all his own fault.

Just because he had a criminal record in the past, he thought that he could buy everything with money. The most important thing is that he paid for it, and she paid for it.

Now, it's no exaggeration to say that he suffered from his own misfortune.

He talks about this, but Letong just stares at him and doesn't speak.

Black eyes black bottomless, which seems to hide a lot of things, but also as if nothing.

Such Letong makes Ji Rui unable to guess and touch.


Ji Rui carefully moved to her side. Seeing that she didn't mean to run away, he boldly sat down beside her and hugged her and let her lean on himself.

Le Tong struggled for a while, move his head away from his shoulder, but put his hand on her back.

"Ji Rui, I just want to communicate with you step by step, and I don't want to get involved in money with you." Yue Tong emphasized it very seriously.

In the matter of money, Letong is very sensitive. Ji Rui knows that he is wrong, but he still tries to persuade her.

"I don't have much cash to flow. Most of my assets are Ji's shares and real estate. Even if they are transferred to your name, you may not be able to cash them when I am alive. I have encountered too many accidents during this period of time. You see, the real culprit who stabbed me has not been found yet. In case... I mean in case, if something really happens to me, you and the baby will have no protection at all. Can you understand my worries and feelings? "

Letong looked at him thoughtfully, then lowered her eyes and thought for a long time before she said.

"If you are afraid that the old chairman and your two younger brothers will covet your property, you can make a will to say that if you have an accident, the baby will inherit all your estate." After all, she just doesn't want to have anything to do with his money.

For this reason, other people took great pains to break the thing that they wanted to rob, but she couldn't wait to throw it away as if it was a hot potato.

He was really blind before. How could he think that she was a material woman who loved money like a life?

If he could recognize her nature early, he and she would not have to take so many detours, and the baby would enjoy the whole family warmth earlier.

However, there is no if in the world. Since he offended her first, he deserves to spend a lot of time and effort persuading her now.

"But the baby is a minor. When the legacy comes to him, he still needs a guardian. You and I are only in a romantic relationship now. If there is no specific document agreement, the custody of the baby is more likely to fall into my father's hands. My father loves baby, but the premise is, without Ji Wenji Wu and his wife's advice. But so many things happened in this year, when was he absolutely on my side? Doesn't he know that I'm not good and the baby is absolutely not good? "