Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 457

Ji Rui is looking forward to lawyer fan's fixing Letong tomorrow, so he is in a good mood to deal with a lot of complicated affairs.

When he had finished all the important things at hand, he raised his head to find that it was getting dark. He raised his wrist to look at his watch and was startled.

It turned out that it was already six thirty in the evening.

Ji Rui tidies up the documents on his desk, locks several extremely important ones in the safe, pulls his coat on his hand, and walks out of the office with his bag.

Outside a dark, Letong position, empty.

Ji Rui realized that his kindness offended her again.

During this period of time, she would knock on his door on time to remind him that he was leaving work, and then they would go to the kindergarten to pick up the baby from school.

But today, she not only didn't mention him, but also left by herself.

Ji Rui sighed secretly. It seems that too much principle is not a good thing.

Under Letong's desk, Ji Rui pinches a note to have a look.

"I'll pick up the baby."

This note is so simple that it can't be any more simple. Even it doesn't have the basic title, but the handwriting on it is not familiar enough, which makes Ji Rui feel better inexplicably.

Imagining how angry she was when she wrote this note, Ji Rui couldn't help shaking his head and laughing in the empty office.

However, when Ji Rui returns home and sees the slippers of Letong and Baobao neatly placed in the entrance, his good mood disappears instantly.

"Mr. Ji." Aunt Guan heard the door and came out of the kitchen.

"What about Letong and Baobao? Haven't you come back yet? "

Ji Rui's face is not very good, and his tone is very cold. Aunt Guan has not faced Ji Rui with such a cold face for a long time.

"Miss Le called back at five o'clock and said that she would go to miss yuan'er's house with Baobao tonight, but she would not come back for dinner. Did she tell Mr. Ji?"

Ji Rui's face is even more ugly, and he doesn't want to answer the questions behind aunt Guan. He takes off his coat, pulls his tie and throws it on the sofa. Without saying a word, he goes into the bedroom and takes his clothes to take a bath.

This low pressure was maintained until after dinner. When he entered the study, aunt Guan was slightly relieved.

Looking at the closed door of the study, aunt Guan vaguely understood that Mr. Ji might have quarreled with Miss le.

"Miss Le, when will you and the young master come back? I'll cook the supper and wait for you to come back." Aunt Guan tries to call Letong.

"Aunt Guan, the baby has a good time here. I don't know when to go back. You don't have to prepare anything for us. If we don't go back at 10 o'clock, we should live here in yuaner."

The tone of Letong on the other side of the phone is very calm. It sounds that she should be in a good mood.

It seems that Mr. Ji has offended Miss le.

After aunt Guan came to this conclusion, she went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

Of course, it's not that she is lazy on purpose, but that her coffee making skills are very poor. Ji Rui once made it clear that she would rather drink her instant coffee than her coffee.

Aunt Guan knocked on the door of the study with instant coffee. "Mr. Ji, I made you a cup of coffee."

"The door is unlocked. Come in."

Aunt Guan walks in with her coffee. Ji Rui is sitting in front of the computer, staring at the screen with his fingers pounding back and forth on the keyboard.

Aunt Guan carefully put the coffee on his left side, but instead of withdrawing as quickly as usual, she stood beside him for a while.

"Anything else?" Ji Rui is still focused on his own business, but he opens his mouth and asks without expression.

"Mr. Ji..."

Aunt Guan is not a talkative person, and she seldom gossip about her master. But her intuition tells her that Miss le will not come back tonight, and Mr. Ji should still be in the dark.

"You go and heat up the meal. Letong and Baobao may be hungry when they come back."

See, she knows that Mr. Ji must think Miss Le is just going out for a walk.

"I just called Miss le..."

Without waiting for Aunt Guan to finish, Ji Rui raised his head and looked at her with some urgency and asked, "hmm? What did she say? "

Aunt Guan was a little impatient, so she had to modify Letong's words.

"Miss Le said that miss yuan'er's family is very warm. She's not sure if she can come back to sleep tonight."

In fact, the meaning is the same, but the passive crime is certainly lighter than the active one.

Ji Rui slightly frowned, "Oh...", turned his head, and "Pa Pa Pa" to the computer.

Aunt Guan still stood and hesitated, "Mr. Ji, would you like me to call Miss le to come back?"

Ji Rui paused for a moment, then waved, "no!"

Aunt Guan thinks Ji Rui is mad, and even refuses to let her call.

She wants to help her master, but she doesn't dare to disobey him. After all, Ji Rui is not a good person. She doesn't dare to offend him.

In particular, this matter also related to his most concerned about Le Tong, she even more dare not make a claim.

"Well... I'll go out first. If Mr. Ji has any orders, please call me. I'll wait outside."

Ji Rui responds and continues to concentrate on his own business.

When the door of the study closes, Ji Rui's hands dancing on the keyboard also stop.

The whole person was paralyzed on the chair, wring his eyebrows and pursing his lips. After thinking for a while, he reached for the phone and pressed the shortcut key "1".

The phone rang for a long time, until Ji Rui thought that the other party was determined not to answer his phone.

At the moment Ji Rui wanted to hang up, the phone was connected.

"Hello? Mr. Ji

Ji Rui hears this address, the heart is inexplicable fire.

If at ordinary times, Letong calls him like this, he doesn't mind at all. Sometimes, he even thinks that when she calls him like this, there will be more worship and respect in her eyes.

He does not deny that he is just an ordinary man and needs the worship and respect of the women he likes.

But at this time, I heard the familiar voice calling him Ji Zong, but somehow I felt alienated and indifferent.

"Have you had dinner? When are you going to be back? I'll pick you up! "

Ji Rui is angry, but he doesn't forget that Letong is also angry with him.

There is no sound in the microphone. Maybe, I didn't expect that the man on the phone would be so soft.

"Letong?" Ji Rui lowered his voice again and called softly.

"Well, I'll play with baby for another half an hour, and the driver on yuan'er's side will take us back. You're tired, so you don't have to come to pick us up."

Yue Tong's voice obviously softened.

Ji Rui in the heart that regiment Huhu up to take of fire, so by her soft glutinous voice placate go down.

"Well, be careful on your way. I'll let aunt Guan cook the supper and wait for you to come back."